Sirens Organization in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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The Sirens are a group of worshippers of Caspia and mainly pleaser ther deity with songs and harmonical songs. They are often encountered near shores in small villages, where they entertain and give the fishermen, they deem worthy the blessing of Caspia. They are quite secluded and will only use violence, if absolutely necessary. The Leviathans, though the paladins of Caspia often patrol and search for those worthy of the blessing of Caspia and will fight most ernestly for their deity.


There is mostly a flat hierarchy, though there is a highpriestess, wich is in command of all major endeavours.

Public Agenda

The Sirens often either pray for the well being of fishermen, or everyone else attempting to traverse the seas or just sing for meditation and/or public entertainment.


The Sirens are often quite minimalistic and often just posess a temple and a few boats. All in all they earn fundings by public entertainment and buy sacrifices and other materials with it.


The Paladins of Caspia are often referred to as Leviathans, wich eludes to the quite war-focused sect of the Sirens. They are often equipped with heavy, natural armor, or metallic armor in organic shape. The prefer a trident in battle and somes are reported to use a net in combination to that. Highranking paladins are also rumored to be significantly stronger, when fought nea aknowledgable sources of water.

Mythology & Lore

Once upon a time a young fishermans daughter named Valia sat at the shore singing to herself and drifting off in thoughts to a future she aspired to reach. Her life was troublesome and not exactly easy, but she sang and dreamt of what could be. The years passed and she grew to be a beautiful woman.   Sadly her love-life was a huge dissapointment and she grew depressed with her heart broken, seeing no sense behind everything. But whatever happened to her she kept singing every dawn. As she wept and wept she stopped singing as she stood ontop of the cliff and planning on drowning herself. She prepared to jump, but heard a voice in her head demanding her to stop. She was startled and stood still and out of the water rose Caspia herself, the beautiful seagodess, wich has listened her songs Valias hole life long. Caspia demanded to know what the reason for her attempted suicide was and Valia responded, that she was useless, not worthy of love and her hole life was a mess. Caspia listened and said: "I have no business with this realm, the landfolk almost dsgust me, but over the years I enjoyed listening to you and it showed me, that there are qualities i certainly appreciate." Caspia went on and ensured her she was very much fo worth and anyone foolish enough to doubt it would regret it dearly.   Caspia offered Valia a task as he new priestess and ordered her to bring her blessings to those she deamed worthy. Valia agreed and Caspia granted her access to her realm, the deep waters and went back to her element bidding her farewell and gracing her with the holy scriptures.

Divine Origins

Valia took her new duty very seriously and flourished in the service of Caspia. She made the chorus an integral part of the religion and ent on to spread the teachings of her mistress further. There were actually a few males attempting to join their teachings and she rated them on the harmony they provided to the chorus.

Tenets of Faith

The current is a help, not a hinderance There is more to the than sea than the surface Don't disturb anything you don't understand


A good priest/ess of Caspia always:  
  • Keeps his/her singing voice intact
  • Does not steal
  • Chooses those recieving the blessing of Caspia with care
  • Keeps the harmony of the chorus intact
  • Swims at least once everyday


The worship of Caspia takes severy different forms, worshippers often:  
  • Sing for Caspias pleasure
  • Sacrifice food or spices to the 7 creatures of the deep
  • Swim in preferebly natural watersources
  • Keep waters clean


The priests of the Sirens are almost exlusively female, lead by High Siren. The High Siren is an individual thoroughly trained in the holy scriptures, the sacred harmony and is the leadsinger of all the prayers. The hIgh Siren often wears fabolous vibrant robes and has a trident tatooed on her face.

Granted Divine Powers

The songs of dedicated priests of Caspia are reported to have magical effects, including:  
  • Shaping water
  • The ability to walk on water
  • Charming other individuals
  • Healing wounds
  • Cool the area around them significantly
  Especially powerful priests of Caspia are able to screech like a banshee and kill people who listen to it for too long nearly instantly.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Tough the Sirens are represented in almost every settlement near a source of water, like a sea or ocean, their influence is quite limited. Their chorus, though is envied upon by many people and often asked for when quality is asked for.


There are several sects and branches to the Sirens:     The Leviathans:   A quite radical and warcraft oriented version of the Sirens, mostly males dressed in natural armor. This is the sect with the most of the paladins of Caspica, wich results these paladins, no matter wich verison they are a part of to be referred to as Leviathans. Most Sirens do not appreciated this overboarding violence, but aknowledge their service to caspia, as she despisesthose unworthy of her protection.     The Deep Ones:   A sect focused around the service and praisal of the 7 monsters of the deep seas. They are quite loners, but will not bother anyone, as long as they do not see any danger to their monsters. Sirens do not really aknowledge them, but tolerate them, as they try to appease the monsters of the deep like them, though the deep ones sometimes use quite ... radical steps.

Flow like water

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Fishlovers, Fishermens friends

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