Schools of magic in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Schools of magic

Greetings, student,   as you have familiarized yourself with the basics of using incantations i will now introduce you to the various schools of magics, in wich you may invest your interest and dedication. Each school of magic presents control over special aspects of reality through the use of the ether.     Elementarism (fysomancy)   Elementarism is a broad term for the manipulation of the elements, be it fire, ice or stone. Although these powers are usually harnessed by druids or the like, mages have long since dedicated their studies to understand these phenomena. What resulted is one of the most accessable studies magic has to offer, as this school offers much in the terms of simplicity and effect. One does not really have to be clever to decimate their enemies with a fireball, or ice storm. This school also offers great defences in terms of manipulation of earth and stone like impressive stonewalls.     Infusion (resomancy)   Infusion is the art of utilizing runes to bind enchantments to inanimate objects allowing for casters of this rank to create powerful items to aid them in their quests from gimmicks to scrolls, potions, enchatnted gear to animated golems, wich follow your every command. This practice rewards creative thinking and ingenuity and will become a very powerful tool in the hands of the ableminded.     Planedrifting (planamancy)   Planedrifting is the art of manipulating the veil with help of the ether to create passageways between the different planes. Casters utilizing this school of magic will be able to summon powerful beasts from different planes, banish their enemies, or simply travel to them themselves. While many think, that summoners tear extisting beings from their homeplane, these creatures are actually not the original, but an image of it. There are, of course, ways to bind an original of a creature to a plane, but usually this requires advanced and special kinds of magic.     Aneterism (retromancy)   While other schools of magic utilized the ether to create effects, casters utilizing the school of aneterism will be able to negate them. Using this school allows for the destruction of enchantments, counter of other incantations, stripping away your opponents mana, or even aborbing manaput into a spell itself. While offers the greatest defences a mage can hope for, the offensive side of this school is almost nonexistant.     Timetwisting (chronomancy)   Timetwisting being the school focusing on tehe manipulation on time itself is one of the most difficult schools to master and only a select few even know incantations of this school. This however shows the very potency of this school of magic, as casters utilizing this school with a lot of creativity can easily create powerful effects, return everything back to normal, or travel through time itself, although this is a most dangerous endeavour.   Mindmelding: (psychomancy)   Mendmelding is the art if utilizing the ether to influence the minds of others. This school of magic specializes on the use of illusions and charms. Incantations of this school will be able to trick minds, enrage enemies, or even paralize them. Of course the practice of influencing ones mind is not taken kindly by most and therefore casters seeking to use incantations of this school have to be aware, that society doesn't like having it's mind tempered with.     Bloodmagic (xenomancy)   As a mostly unknown field of magic, there are difficulties for those seeking to study it, but whats is discvovered seems to be very promising. Mostly practiced by tribes of Artichalata in the jungles of Eastern Milodia, expeditions have yielded extravagant finds. As it seems the use of xenomancy is the art of using the ether to either temporarily or permanently augments the physicality of an organism. Not meaning any transformation in inanimate objects the user can strengthen bones, create resistances, quicken metabolism and even alter the very fabric of ones being. This of course requires meticulous understanding and study of ones body, but the effects one can achieve are truly interesting.     Dark arts (necromancy)   Although heavily discouraged in almost any honorable, magical environment it is my responsibilty to inform your about this school of magic. Most known for its feeds in the reanimation of corpses, necromancy deals in the manipulation and study of sould energy. Results of this practice are horrific and destructive, causing major damage to anything even remotely in contact with it. This great power however, does not come without cost, as most spells utilize the casters own soul and can, in the worst case, backfire so badly, the individual looses all humanity and is warped in the most brutal and terrifying ways. Eeveryone traying to practice magic is highly deterred from using this school of magic as the risk is often seen as too high.           These, studen, where the eight schools of magic. Should your require more there are books in the library, so leave, our lesson for now is over, Farewell.

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