Sacara (Nomads) Species in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Sacara (Nomads)

This subrace of the artichalata is mostly encountered in the deserts of Telek Al Mara, they have adapted to the circumstances rather perfectly and us their resources perfectly. They have their walking city, their guardian behemoth roll a ball of condensed earth around and live beside it as they travel nearby wit their caravans. They are a nomadic tribe of merchants and love trading with those they encounter in the desert, food is one of the biggest commodities, while they often store and use water very efficiently.   Sometimes they will pick up lost travelers, but only when tehy are willing to pay. They are witty and quick merchants, but also have a strong sense of the survival of all.

Basic Information


Sacaran individuals are most adapted to the harsh environments they live in and are equipped with a special exoskeleton, wich allows them to drain water from the wet fogs, wich pass through the desert. All of them aren't really well armored and will rely on their guradian and city for protection. Their eyes and carapace are adapted to the harsh desert winds and have a second, clear layer of chitin over them to ensure protection.Their surface area is also slightly larger, than those of their cousins.

Biological Traits

Sacred wings:   Though most commoners will assume all artichalans could fly, sacarans are the only ones to be able to develop this trait naturally. It is not as rare as the trueseer or herculean trait, but also not common. Should someone be born with such a trait they will have two insectoid wings at their disposal allowing moderate flight and hovering.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sacara have adapted over generations and require a minimum of water, if at all, since they are able to absorb water from the air and store it most effectively. Their diet mostly consists of conserved, dried meat, plants and berries, wich they mostly safe for their guardian.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes, should they have those, are often adorned with a goggle like look as there is a second transparent layer of chitin guarding the eyes from dust, shrapnes and the direct heat of the sun. Their frontal hea plates often have a horiszontal outcropping to increase the area of shadow.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of the sacaran population is located in the deserts of Telek Al Mara, their nomadic tendencies are not limited by major competitors, but by the rough environment they live in.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sacara are able to sense the humidity levels around them to be aware of incoming gusts of live-giving fog.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

As the environment is hardand unforgiving, and on top of that the space often limited, most sacaran societeies have established planned marriages wich are enforced, should an old member die and need replacement.

Common Dress Code

The dresscode of this race is more out of neccessity, than beauty and most sacarans will wear bright, light fabrics to ensure they do not overheat. The only thing they really wear for the beauty are a few special ornaments.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They have been nomads and will always be, they have a strange relation to the desert and its inhabitants, seemingly hyperaware of their situation.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Gathering:   When Sacarans feel a rise in humidity indicating a fog cloud they will halt whatever they do and present most of their surface area to absorb part of the water in the air to restock their reserves.

Common Taboos

Wasting resources or water.


Over the centuries these nomads have established themselves in the vast deserts of Telek Al Mara, they are valuable allies to those living in the various oasis cillages and have not really been known to be folk keen to exact violence.   On most occasions they are known to travel around in their rolling city and craft trinkets and various other knick nacks to sell. Guides through the desert are also most likely to be sacaran individuals.

Common Myths and Legends

Sacarans like to believe that there once upon the time the sun fell down to earth and was rolled back into the sky by their guardian, keeping everything intact.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sacarans, as the population, most dependant on trade with others to survive, have a good understanding on what to do and not. They are very accomodating and friendly to strangers, but should anything come to harm due to them they will be forced to pay, or be fed to their guardian.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bipes Tetraplevro Sapienta Sacara
Average Physique
They are mostly lithe, but also fast runners and slightly weaker than their cousins.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most artichalata of this subrace have exoskeletons with colours in the area of black to sandish yellow with small percentages in the blueish green spectrum.

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