Piteriae (Arcane blooded) Species in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Piteriae (Arcane blooded)

As magic is something only a few of artichalans are even concious about, this tribe is one of the most proficient with it. This does not mean they are all able to cast spells, but more that they have access to minor illusions, cantrips and several low level spells.   Their most impressive feat though is the group efford of casting powerful spells, or at least moderatly powerful ones. For many mages it is still a mystery how some tribal lifeforms can, just by standing and helping together cast spells like a fireball.   It is to note that arcane feats of this calliber are very taxing on the individuals and most of them die after having partaken in two rituals in a row.

Basic Information


While they are quite similar to their cousins, piteriae are adorned with more horn-like potrusions and their carapaces are often more elaborated, than others.

Biological Traits

Trueseer:   One of the very rare mutations of the specialist trait allows individuals, born with it to see through any kind of magical barrier, illusion or trickery. It could be seen as an upgraded version of the ability to sense magic, wich is partially true, but when somebody is born with this trait the eyes become infused with an arcane glow and spells target on such indivduals are also much more likely to fail, should be trueseer look in the direction the spell is cast in.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Opposed to what most would expect, the general knowledge of he arcane is not far spread amongst the piteriae. Most of them are concious, that there are the group rituals, but this is the extent of common knowlegde.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

While they are able to use papers and scrolls, piteriae are not the most advanced of their species.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Soul casting:   While it normally takes great efford and study from a mage to produce a decently powerful spell, piteriae are known to be able to gather into small groups of about 10 individuals and between them they are bale to create mildly powerful spells, though usually only one of them is gifted in the arcane arts. This ritual is very taxing on those without arcane capabilities and most will not survive a second casting.


While there were fights amongst the several tribes present in the jungles, the piteriae were forced to move further into the jungle to profit from the added cover and protection. It was true, that they had a severe advantage due to their magic capabilities, but the cost of such expansions was dire and after several castings, there would be severe losses in their own ranks without enemy intrference. So the fled into the forests, establishing grand illusions and protecive wards.   After while they found an oasis, a whole in the floor with fresh water and a location to rest. This became the permanent residences of their kind.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Piteriae are quite seclusive, protected by their fairly powerful magic by artichalatan standards and won't engage in conversation with most other species. They have a certain hate of humans, since they once came to negotiate and offended a huge population at once. Since then they are seen as greedy and rude.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bipes Tetraplevro Sapienta Piteriae
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coloring of these individuals is far more diverse and the colors of markings can range in almost every area, while a sandish yellow or a light brown is most often the foundation.

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