Orycez (Warriors) Species in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Orycez (Warriors)

This is one of the subraces of the artichalata, best to recognize, by their focus in their natural armor, weaponry and warfare of any kind. They will settle most of their arguments with shows of strength and dominance. There are of course more sophisticated individuals, but most are quite simple-minded.

Basic Information


Opposed to their artichalan cousins these individual are more hardy and sturdy and have all in all a heavier and thicker armored body. Their physical structure is impressive, but very energy consuming. When not fighting they are most likely to move slowly or not at all.

Biological Traits

An orycez individual has a chance to be born with a special perk, should the tribe require additional sentries and warriors.   Herculean:   This perk is activated should the tribe enter times of need of warriors and sentries, due to special stimulation in the larvae stadium. As soon as the individual is born and fully developed they will be noticably larger, more heavy armored and stronger than their peers. This is seen as a modification of the specialist trait and also brings with it the boons of being one. Herculean individuals are usually used as sentries, assitance when building or simple beasts of burden. When resting such an orycez will simply sit down and sleep, laying down isnt an option as standing up for them is far more difficult than others. Equipped with brute strength these hulking individuals will dominate the battlefield with their sheer presence. Their intelligence, though, often suffers and reduces them to a simple vocabulary and emotions. They often have a guard or trainer with them to guide them.

Ecology and Habitats

They are most likely to be encountered in the middle parts of western Milodia. Mostly in the more shallow forests and plains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As their biological forms require a huge effort to stay nurished, especially when taxed and used, orycez willprefer meat and all in all heavily nurishing foods to counterbalance their energy drawal. It is also observed, that they sometimes to consume sweet food like honey, when in need of quick energy.

Biological Cycle

Other than their cousins orycez males and females become equally more agressive and competitive around certain periods of time, especially mating season. It usually wears off in 5 days, but during this an artichalat of this subrace suffer from the effects of orycean rage.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of the orycez individuals are located in the middle, open fields of western Milodia.

Average Intelligence

there is no certain lack of intelligence in an orycesian artichalat, but they are usually more simple minded than most.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Upon killing an individual most orycez will add either the name or a number to their name they were given at their birth. Although it is very rare, there are common individuals, wich killed enough to earn their place amongst the specialists.

Courtship Ideals

As both genders fall in the orycean rage around mating season it is usually settled with unarmed fight between both individuals, who asserts dominance. Also should both find the fight enjoyable, they will bond and create a new generation of warriors.

Common Etiquette Rules

Greeting:   Upon meeting each other one of the groups has either to be submissive and bow before the other, based on combat capabilities, or try to assert its own dominance in either a short sparring match, or a pushing battle, where one tries to push the other back a step. upon having asserted dominance orycezean artichalatans will rame their front plates together and shout a greeting. Deaths are not common, but also not impossible.

Common Dress Code

While, there is no clothing needed, most orycez will wear several trophies of their battles to show their strength and dominance.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Over their hole existance orycez have asserted their dominance over everything and are proud of their unbreakable position on the planes. They will take any duel with pride and never back up from it. They are firm believers, that their strength is something lent to them by their guardian.

Common Taboos

Backing up from a duel   Cheating in a duel


Over the course of centuries it has come to a stalemate and the orycez have settled in the planes, while making their dominance certain around everyone around them. There are minor battles between the orycez and anyone they can find, but they have mostly secured their position, where open combat is the only option, their biggest strength.

Common Myths and Legends

Their is a story about the origins of their guardin and there is a myth, that it once was a star, that was too heavy and too strong to stay in the heavens and fell down to spread its glory. Over the course of centuries it battled and fought and was victorious, over many generations, claiming tribute from everyone crossing its territory.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Orycez see themselves as the pinnacle of their species and will either enslave or devour everyone they see not worthy. The only way to safe yourself is to fell at least one of them in one on one combat. Others usually see them as territorial insects on steroids, but dangerous ones at that. There is not much room for negotiation and the most accepted procedure for most is to just ignore and avoid them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bipes Tetraplevro Sapienta Orycez
40 yrs (herculean)
Average Height
2.0 - 3.0 m (herculean)
Average Weight
100 - 125 kg (herculean)
Average Length
1.0 m (herculean)
Average Physique
The usual

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