Gyrryl (Moles) Species in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Gyrryl (Moles)

Often compared to dwarves this artichalatan subrace is focused on living underground,constructing giant and intecrate tunnel networks in the process. They aren't quite as sophisticated though and can't penetrate more sturdy layers of stone, wich limites them to live rather close to the surface.   Gyrryl will most likely dig under most of the available earth, until they are noticed. Most times they will hunt by creating pits to lure their prey into.

Basic Information


Very comparible to dwarves, gyrryl are stout, wellarmored artichalata, with merged claws to enable faster digging. They are well protected against the crushing forces of the earth and can take a serious punch.

Biological Traits

There are very rare cases in wich some gyrryl individuals aquire a certain perk upon birth.   Earthglider:   Individuals born with this trait are very rare and often fills positions serving either highborns or ryals even. While other individuals need to carve tunnels with quite a bit of effort, they are gifted with the ability to literally glide through the earth, due to their unique physicality. They are often used as messangers for very important messages.

Ecology and Habitats

Gyrryl live underground, but are blocked by passages of stone, or bigger oceans. They will dig out rather large areas and live within them, with soft, deep earth preferred over hard and shallow ground. They will then proceed to gather food by dragging prey into pits, or cultivating various mushrooms in their caves.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

You will find most gyrryl throughout the ground, not inhabited by other tribes. Due to their limitation in territory, they are stuck in western Milodia, with most of their cousins.

Average Intelligence

As far as the understanding of their vast tunnel netors go, these artichalata have an astounding sense of direction and purpose, but as soon as it comes to more sophisticated procedures, most will be asked for too much.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As this race lives undergrounds tremorsense is mandatory and will be present in almost every individual.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Gyrryl are limited in their architecture, wich basically consits of wooden structures and plant life.


The gyrryl civilization, if it can be called civilization at all, has settled deep within the earth of the western jungles of milodia and have not managed to carve their way through the mountains yet. Over the course of their exploits they also have been aware, that there are others of their kind and do not intrude their territories, as their tunnels are not the sturdiest.   Their hub and location of their guardian is a giant, crystal laced cavern, with a small spring for water. Other than lure food into pits or cultivating mushrooms gyrryl have means of retreating fast, ignoring difficult terrain, where others struggle with it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The interracial contacts of the gyrryl are fairly limited, but those they did encounter in their subterranean endeavours did not tae them to their liking and often act hostile towards them. As a result of this gyrryl mostly take to themselves and bunker themselves up or even offer transport to those with their favor.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bipes Tetraplevro Sapienta Gyrryl
Average Height
1.4 - 1.6 m (common)   1.6 - 1.7 m (highborn)   1.8 - 2.1 m (royal)
Average Physique
Stout, well armored and hardy built, these gyrryls are very comparible to dwarves.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coloring of gyrryls mostly revolves around earthy tones, from browns to yellows. Black individuals are fairly rare and white ones are basically not heard of.

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