Golden Hills Geographic Location in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Golden Hills

Wide, endless fields of corn, fruits, aplle trees. This is the idyllic paradise home to Mataria , godess of harvest. This place is a wonderous cultivated land, rich and fertile. No open violence is possible in this plane of existence and everyone staying there for too long falls victim to an effect causing them to become pacifists refusing to leave.   This is the purest form of harmony not knowing hunger, suffering or sadness, only happiness and rest.


Soft hills and small rivers make up the surface of this endless farmland, there are a few solitary trees, but there are no sharp rocks of any kind present in this place, everything down to the smallest pebble is as smooth as the skin of a newborn and pleasant to the touch.

Fauna & Flora

Every kind of crops one can imagine are present in this plane of existance, wheats, fruits, vegetables of every kind flourish in this otherwordly paradise. The animals present are docile and nothing will remotly try to harm everyone.   Clerics seeking to summon something dangerous from this plane are most certainly dissapointed as the only remotly dangerous entities are responsible for collecting and reaping wheats. But if you seek to summon a friendly cow with golden milk, this is your chance.
Alternative Name(s)
The paradise

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