Friends of Harvest Organization in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Friends of Harvest

The Friends of harvest are the most peaceful and friendly bunch of people one would encounter in a lifetime. They actively strife to become better persons and offer redemption to anybody who asks for it. Their main deeds involve charity and overall helping others. They have a very flat hierarchy and will not do any violant acts as long as there is a peaceful way out.


The Friends of Harvest are the incarnation of a flat hierarchy and basically have no real leader, but in times of need they have an Archpriest, who doesn't really have privileges other than, that he has the ability to give commands when there is a crisis or a very hectic situation. The Archpriest is often the oldest and wisest member.

Public Agenda

The priests of Mataria follow a simple principle to make everyone happy and better the lifes of everyone around them. They offer mercy and redemtpion, wich makes them able to take in thieves and murderers, wich want to better their ways.


The temples of Mataria are often spread throughout the country and are mostly centered around farms, wich makes them the patrons of the nearby villages. The only real wealth the posess is food, but even this is shared with anybody in need.

Mythology & Lore

In the Era of the gods Mataria wandered the earth in person and disguised herself to experiance the true hospitality of the people in the villages and towns. She never really enjoyed the aura she saw other deities to emmit and figured the guise of an old woman woluld be befitting.   She began her venture at a great town of the humans and begged a noble for shelter in the dark night, th enoble refused anoyed and sent her away. Not wanting to make a hassle Mataria went and was shocked by the anger in the eyes of this man. So she ventured further into the land and the sky cleared to become a wonderful day, but it seemed it wouldn't last as she came upon a band of raiding bandits, wich just had slaughtered a travelling merchant, in shock she hid and hoped they would pass by, since she wouldn't ever want to hurt anyone. Still in shock the godess of harvest went further and coudn't believe the violence and hate she witnessed.   The night was cold and she eventuall came to a small village, almost afraid to knock she overcame her fear and did it. A small girl opened the door with her father behind her. Before Mataria could respond anything the girl exclaimed "Daddy, daddy can we take her in? She looks very cold!" The godess was taken by surprise and was heartwarmed by the little girl and father seemed to feel the same way. He gladly invited her in and Mataria hanked him very much and excused herself for his trouble. They invited her for supper and they all sat down, the hole family the father, mother, the little girl and her three brothers. The food on the plates was little and even less as they gladly shared with the old woman. It didn't tasty exquisit, but to Mataria it was like ambrosia, since she almost cried, so happy and heartwarmed she was.   As the supper was finished the odl woman was offered a warm, rustical, primitive bed, apparently the only one in this hole shack. It was apparently the one of the parents, wich proceeded to sleep in a corner with their children in their arms. Mataria slowly wept tears of joy and slept the hole night long. At the next morning she was convinced, that this family was more than worthy to recieve her blessing. As the father came to see for her needs he was taken aback by the now young goddess of harvest, wich proceeded to ensure him that everything was alright. She thanked him very much for his hospitality and would love to aid him and his family. The father was shocked and stuttered his thanks. The godess of harvest asked if he was one of the local farmers, wich he approved of. She politely asked him to guide her to his fields. It was a sunny day and the fields were wide and, sadly bare. Mataria took a long look and smiled, went up to one of the little plants breathed life into it. Like a shockwave radiating outwards from her there was a golden shine and every crop caught by it glowed brightly golden, before growing so fast you could basically see it. The crops of the farmer especially recieved a golden hue to them. After this wonder she helped harvesting and there was a feast of the hole village. The little girl went to her and hugged the godess of harvest. It was a wonderful night and it was filled with laughter and jolly.   Before Mataria left though, she blessed the little angel of a girl, wich went on to become a beautiful and healthy woman. She also handed the farmers still in awe her holy scriptures and left bidding her dearest farewells.

Divine Origins

The village eventually became the first bastion of the Friends of Harvest and their priests went on to spread her teachings throughout the world. The fields became the richest of all in the land and the family of the little girl never had to suffer hunger ever again. The teachings of mataria of happiness, joy and love found good purchase in a great part of the population and now there are temples of her in most of the major village, while the minor ones at least have a shrine.

Tenets of Faith

Happiness is always better than suffering   Never use violence, when avoidable   Everyone deserves a second chance   Hospitality is one of the greatest virtue   Help those in need


A good and faithful priest/ess of the godess of harvest:  
  • Never causes unneccesary pain
  • Tries to better the world around him/her
  • Helps the poor
  • Does not shy away from phsical labour
  • Favors compassion and hospitality above all else
  Especially powerful priests of Mataria are rumored to be able to cure any disease in a heartbeat and create food out of thin air.


To worship Mataria is often seen as simple by the priests, sicne to please their deity the only thing really required of the faithful is to be a kind and understanding person, everything else is optional. There are certain, common rituals wich are often preferred at specific periods of the year. These rituals are almost everytime accomapnied by a fest and celebration, while the ritual makes the fields fertile and rich with crops.


The Archpriest of Mataria is often one of the oldest, wisest individuals and normally doesn't have much power, except in times of need or crisis, where is able to command as he sees fit to prevent chaos. He often bears a resemblance of the cornucopia of mataria.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests, that dedicated their lifes to the service to Mataria are told to be able to:  
  • Preserve food
  • Heal the most severe of wounds
  • Enrich nearby fields
  • Befriend foes
  Especially powerful priests and clerics of Mataria are also able to prevent all kinds of violence with tehir mere presence.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Friends of Harvest do not have a singly bit of political influence and despise any kind of intrigue, since the ultimate goal of their deity is to make evryone happy.


There are a few sects of the Friends of harvest:     The Priests of Ham:   While the orginal Friends of harvest ocus on wheats and crops, those priests look for herds of cows, sheep and any animal estimated to be food. Their Focus is that they lived a good life and while the normal rituals enrich fields, theirs keep the cattle etc. healthy. Although the Friends of Harvest despise even the small amount violence involved in killing animals, they appreciate the minimalization of it by the Priests of Ham.     The Golden Helpers:   A sect dedicated to help the poor, sick and all in all helpless. They are often found in the slums and darker parts of cities and in general traversing the land looking for people to help. They are very active and often ask the nobles for funds, sinc ethey have money and resources to spare. They are a great help and the Friends of harvest appreciate their help in the quest of making everyone happy.

Live, love and smile

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Breadgivers, Wheathuggers, Peasantpriests

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