Atecephal (Leafcutters) Species in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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Atecephal (Leafcutters)

Often called leaf cutters, the atecephal are the most unique subrace the artichalans have to offer. They are not dependant on their guardians as much as their cousins as they have none and are mostly loners.   They are also devoid of the royal, common and highborn traits and basically just consist of individuals with the specialist trait.   They are survivalists and the weakest, combat wise of the other artichalata.   Most noticable with their long coats of indigenous material to blend in with their surroundings.

Basic Information


Although they are quite similar to their cousins, they have a few adjustments. They are a bit taller, and their carapace in general is quite unremarkable. The only thing really setting them apart are their sharp claws at the end of one of their fingers. They also tend to have very intecrate feelers.

Biological Traits

Leaf Cutter:   This is a trait shared with every individual of this subrace. When they are born they will develop the ability to produce a sort of silk further used in climbing, hiding and tailoring their camouflage outfits. Included with this is alos the ability to changer the color of ones carapace every so slightly.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As they are mostly loners individuals can be found in the jungles of western milodia, though they are also sometimes to be found outside of their natural habitats either adventuring or serving.

Average Intelligence

Atacephaleans have quite a high intelligence compared to their cousins and are often able comprehend more than one language and learn new tactics, strategies and more to ensure their own survival.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Atacephalean individuals tend to have a remarkable understanding of color form and camouflage. They as well have a very good three dimensional thinking.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The beauty of any individual of an atacephal is measured with their robe and garments, their composition, craftsmanship and all in all presentability.

Courtship Ideals

As it is hard to find a partner in the vast jungles with the added difficulty of always being hidden, there is a special time in the season where the females would emmit a scent for the males to follow. Then in secret and safe locatios the males proceed to show off their garments to impress and seduce. It is to note that this can be often compared to a dance amidst the treetops.

Relationship Ideals

As soon as two indivduals have found each other they usually stay and spend the rest of their days together. They would build something akin to a nest, perfectly camouflaged and prodcue offspring, nurture and care for it, untile they would have to leave their home.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

First garment:   When one reaches adolescence they create their first garment out of neraby materials. After this the now adult individual will leave the parental nest and build a life for its own.     The dance amidst the treetops:   While looking for a partner young adults would ornate their garments present it and swing across the treetops and perform somewhat of a dance to impress and captivate females. This is mostly absent in more civilized areas, but most of them will really appreciate it.


They never had a particulary strong society and these artichalans have mostly been keen on their own survival, hiding and living in the jungles, concealed and waiting. While some would become assasins or other things most of their population just claimed singular trees and tried to like in peace. With the arrival of human travelers and elven stations they seem to have found a way to escape their situation, hunted by their cousins.   Since then some have lived in the cities, spread across the continent.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While the reast of the artichalan species is seen as an oddity and almost nothing more than more intelligent beasts, atacephals are more accepted and more often found in civilization than most. They are not hostile to anyone and mostly just want peace, though they also are very happy abou the interest of their services.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bipes Tetraplevro Sapienta Atacephal
Average Height
1.6 - 1.8 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The colouring of atacephaleans is mostly in the range of a sand yellow, though they are able to slowly change the color of their exoskeletons is need be.

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