Aquatikum Geographic Location in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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As this is the plane of Caspia, godess of the sea, her plane is an infinite body of water with no surface, it seems to always stay out of reach, though the light is strangely mostly unchanged.   There is a horizontal plane dividing her plane, the Merit, as you move higher up, it gets brighter, as you move down it gets darker.


Although there is no ground to her plane, there are a few stone structures jutting from the depths of her plane. These are spire, wich are the most significant geological structures. There are larger clusters of them, but mostly there are vast open spaces of water.

Fauna & Flora

This is an oasis for every water creature imaginable, but there are various gargantuan creatures lurking under her reign, giant plants sprouting from the blackened waters.   Clerics summoning beasts from this plane always have to make sure there is water, or at least sufficient space available, since just a minor portion o fher creation is truly amphibious.
Alternative Name(s)
Caspias retreat

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