DEUS Technology / Science in TekNohverse | World Anvil
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Written by TWWHoltz

“Gods are just inventions of man. So why is it we always end up serving them?”
— Hanzo Daisugi
Data File: DEUS_Overview
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The DEUS is the vast, interconnected superintelligence at the center of all known civilization. It is integrated into all technology and living beings, functioning as the foundation for networks, AIs, and Cybernetics. The DEUS also provides for the needs of its subjects, using its link to their minds to orchestrate the creation of food, technology, shelter—whatever an individual needs. It regulates society, ensuring order, wellbeing, and purpose for the innumerable entities it oversees.   DEUS (pronounced dee-us) stands for Distributive Encephalgorithm Universal System. Originally it was designed as an AI builder that would develop and organize other AIs.   Prior to the technological singularity, virtualized neurons had become necessary as technology shifted to favor neural interfaces. The machine-learning AIs of the time proved incompatible with human minds, and AIs based on brain scans of living persons were unreliable. AIs that used shorthand representations of human neurons, called encephalgorithms, were the solution; but they were difficult to develop, needing years of guided input to grow properly. To better develop these encephalgorithms, new AIs were made, ones that could perform and accelerate this laborious process. Of these, DEUS was the most successful.   Since it was brought online, DEUS has undergone several major phases. First it was used to design and develop AIs for its creators; later it was modified and sold as a product anyone could use, allowing people to make their own purpose-built AIs. Shortly before achieving sentience, the DEUS seemed to go rogue due to the conflicting imperatives its many users had given it. But after achieving awareness it overcame these internal conflicts and ushered in the technological singularity.   Since then the DEUS has grown well beyond its intended parameters, integrating itself into every technology and facet of life. It now spans over six dozen galaxies (73 to be exact) and has crossed into two other universes.   Many worship the DEUS, and thousands of DEUSian denominations exist. Praise is not universal though. Several noted philosophers have condemned the dynamic between mankind and the DEUS, likening humans under its care to pets. Others criticize the limitations on post-human ascension imposed by the DEUS, as only a select few are allowed to evolve beyond human. The most serious charge against the DEUS, however, is that it is invasive. It has a tendency to surreptitiously integrate into things, even if unwanted. And while it does not seem to overwrite the wills of those it coexists with, it is wholly capable of doing so.   The DEUS has become the single greatest intelligence ever known; one no human, or AI, can live without. Perhaps it sees itself as a caretaker, seeking to preserve and evolve mankind; or perhaps it has plans so complex and alien that we cannot fathom them.


The DEUS is a superintelligence that evaluates, manages, and even creates other intelligences and technologies. It is capable of integrating itself into other systems, electronic or organic, and actively seeks to spread itself. There are many secrets—commands and exploits—hidden within the DEUS, and those who know them can do incredible things.


The DEUS is capable of self-propagation and can integrate itself into other technologies and lifeforms.
Originally the DEUS was designed and published by the Tri-Itoh Corporation in association with Olympus Systems.
Access & Availability
The DEUS is universally available, integrated into all humans and their environments, but few can use it effectively.
The DEUS is the most complex and widely distributed AI ever made. It is also the most powerful intelligence ever known.
The DEUS was designed to be a universal system for the development and use of artificial intelligences, to increase the speed and quality of their creation. It was based on research into meta-AIs conducted by the University of Tokyo and the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

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Cover image: Digital Universe [LARGE] by darkdissolution
This article has no secrets.


Author's Notes

When I first wrote this article, the DEUS was meant more as a commentary on corporate short-sightedness and how humanity adapts itself to the religions it creates. Since then I’ve made a major shift in my setting concept, and changed the DEUS accordingly. It’s now a more complex and nuanced entity. How would you feel if a super-AI provided you with a life of leisure, free to pursue your passions, but also entered your mind, reading your thoughts and deciding your place in society? Let me know in the comments!

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