Warband master Rank/Title in TBD thinhk of a name think of a name think of a name this is a placeholder it is not acceptable | World Anvil
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Warband master

Written by Gui_48

The warband master, or warmaster, is the title given to the leader of the lowlands raiders. They are to be the strongest raider., and the most fierce warrior among their ranks. The warband master leads large warbands in crucial heists on the lowlands trails and trade routes. This title is feared by commoners and merchants, and loathed by the high lords and aristocrats of the lowlands. The warband master sees item of value being transported in the lowlands is plundered.


Needs to be part of the lowlands raiders.


Needs to be part of the lowlands raiders.


If a raider kills the Warmaster, they become the new warband master is slain by someone else, the strongest raider becomes the new warband master


To make sure all stolen goods are either sold or repurposed, and to make sure every raider gets the pay they deserve, and to appoint warbands to missions or locations to raid


The warband master gets more gold than other raiders.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The previous warband master's equipment and weapons are given to a raider, along with the title of warband master, if they kill the previous.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Unless the warband master gives the title to someone else, death is the only cause for dismissal
Warband master
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Equates to
Source of Authority
The members of the lowlands raiders
Length of Term
Until slain, in which case the strongest raider replaces them, or, if killed by another raider, the killer is given the position.
Related Organizations
  • Could make a good bossfight.
  • Players might encounter them, and have to escape.
  • If players are attacked by him, they might lose stuff.
  • Players might try to hunt him down for a bounty or other reasons.

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