Endeavour Settlement in Taxonomia Arcadia | World Anvil
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Endeavour (ɪnˈdɛvə, ɛnˈdɛvə)

Arcadia's Oldest Settlement

Endeavour is the current capital of the Commonwealth Front of Arcadian Science, being widely recognised as the oldest, largest, and most populous settlement on Arcadia. It was first established on 20th March 2445 as a research base for Earth Empire scientists, which expanded with the increase in personnel sent to the base. Post-Collapse, Endeavour has grown into a veritable city over almost two centuries, with transport links, public spaces, residential districts, and vast manufacturing plants setting it apart from practically every other settlement on the planet. The settlement has commanding views over the Kiliomengi Plains in most directions and the Anapteros Forest to the north, being set atop a low promontory that offers some defensive protection. Its excellent road network that branches out to other settlements across the region makes it a hub for trade. Endeavour is also the seat of the Chief Scientist and their Advisory Council, with the current government offices being housed in the Dietrich Plaza Building.


Endeavour has a largely human demographic, with Vasgarth representing approximately 28% of the population. The largest proportion of people are employed in public service departments, particularly those associated with infrastructure maintenance, automation programming/deployment, and waste management systems, at around 39%. The next highest is manufacturing and engineering at 22%, followed by scientific at 15%, security at 14%, and agricultural roles at 6%. The remaining 4% are engaged in trade concerns, governance, and administration. As a population, the citizens of Endeavour lean strongly towards Isolationism, with a small but vocal Eco-Isolationist contingent that try and push the government of the Commonwealth towards more sustainable practices. According to the last census, undertaken in 2648, there are currently no people identifying with the Exodist Imperative living in Endeavour.


As the centre of government in the Commonwealth, Endeavour is run directly by the Chief Scientist and Advisory Council, with councillors managing their respective spheres of influence (such as the Head of Agriculture and Rationing governing legislation and procedure for hydroponics facilities, for example, with changes or additions needing final approval from the Chief Scientist). The policies born here are implemented in settlements across the Commonwealth's territory, and enforced by elected local leaders. Communication with this web of interconnected settlements is vital to the government of Endeavour, who rely on HPCS (High Particle Communications Systems) to stay abreast of happenings beyond the capital and relay changes in faction law to the settlement leaders. The Chief Scientist and their Advisory Council meet at least once a week and beyond that, as needed, to exchange information and concerns on the state of Endeavour and its environs. Concerns beyond the capital are also discussed, with the Dietrich Plaza Building (the government chambers) containing the HPCS terminals necessary to contact settlement leaders and even the leaders of other, allied factions should the need arise.


Although in other Commonwealth settlements the position of settlement leader is held for life once elected, or at least until they retire/are dismissed, Endeavour holds elections every five years for the position of Chief Scientist. Ballots are held anonymously and electronically via the central information network (CIN), with voters from all over the Commonwealth not even having to leave their accommodation to vote. Every elector is assigned a random number by one of the CIN's virtual intelligence operators, which is delivered to their personal devices for them to confirm their interest in voting. After this, the CIN passes the candidate information to the elector for them to confirm whom they have decided to vote for. This information is then sent back into the system to be counted with the other votes. No one has access to the CIN's government framework that manages the voting procedures; it is entirely self-contained and operated by a virtual intelligence, and nothing short of obvious brute force could alter the programming of the VI. Electors are permitted to vote from 18 years old for humans, and 16 years old for Vasgarth. No one otherwise is excluded, save those who are awaiting criminal trial for a crime serious enough to put their future as a citizen of the Commonwealth at risk.


Endeavour is the focal point of the Commonwealth's infrastructure, with services like public transport and gardens, as well as energy-providing roadways and children's play areas, being largely unseen in other parts of the faction, or even the majority of settled Arcadia itself.

Founding Date
20th March 2445
Location under
Included Locations
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:VI-0679 'Alexandria': (CFAS Archiving Virtual Intelligence)

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