Captain Jask Character in Tath | World Anvil
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Captain Jask

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is in top physical shape. Beyond the standard training required by the City Guard he adds in his own PT. Most morning he can be found running the outskirts of Heartlands Rest.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jask fought in the 100 Year War though he didnt see much action where he was stationed he received accommodations for one of the battles he was in. His detachment was meant to hold the flank to ensure the supplies could get to the front line of the battle which was thought to be an easy task as the terrain gave them a great deal of cover. This was until a portal or sorts opened up within their position and a heavily armed and train squad of Ratan Berserkers charged out of the shimmering light and nearly broke Jask's squad. The only thing that saved the flank that day was Jask rallying the men around him and blocking the forward momentum of the Ratan. They held out until reinforcements arrived and Jask was honored with a promotion, soon the war ended but Jask was able to transition to a life in the guard.

Mental Trauma

After everything he went through and did in the war he could not face going home. With no wife or children it was an easy decision for him to sign up to head to the northern edges of King's Reach.

Personality Characteristics


Jask is motivated by a sense of duty. He sees his place in the world as somewhat of a protector but more as a small part in the much larger machine that is the kingdom.
Current Location
Year of Birth
661 49 Years old
dark blue
long, curled, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
We can not always see the wisdom in orders, but that is not our burden to bear.

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