The Aether Physical / Metaphysical Law in Tascallon | World Anvil
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The Aether

Aether is, simply put, the purest form of magical energy. All things magical gain their potency from aether, whether divine or arcane in source. All living creatures carry a modicum of aether in them, save for those made artificially, such as the dwarves and automatons. The concentration varies from person to person. The mortal form, however, can only contain so much, no matter how much training one undergoes.   Arcane magic comes from one learning to harness the aether directly, whether it be through thorough study or an abundance of aether occurring naturally in them. These people learn to shape aether to their will, through great effort and the development of talent. This is the magic used primarily by wizards and those gifted with magic naturally, through either their bloodline or a freak accident. Dwarves with the proper implants also are capable of channeling aether this way.   Divine magic is channeled through mortals who have been gifted abilities from their deity of choice. Through prayer and devotion, they are given their capabilities. A specific contract does not bind those who are gifted this way, as their dedication to their god is deep. This is the magic of clerics, inquisitors, and any other faithful individuals.   Deals can be made with many entities within Tascallon to gain power. This differs from divine power, as it does not require absolute servitude, but rather the fulfilment of a contract for the power given. A malicious or retributive entity will often make lifelong terms a condition, but in general terms, a contract is temporary, and the aether granted from it limited. Many contracts must be made to keep up this power. This is the magic used by shamans and warlocks alike, who traffic with otherworldly entities to gain power.   Regardless of the source, a great deal of focus is needed to channel aether, and there are certain limits to what mortals can accomplish with it. This is primarily due to the fact that a mortal form can only have so much aether going through it without it overflowing and destroying their physical form. The other limiting factor is that aether cannot resist its natural flow. It cannot be pushed back to the original source without great effort. A caster cannot interrupt their own spell, without causing an uncontrolled outburst. Using aether can be seen as an increase in flow of the energy flowing through the caster, and an equal and opposite force against the caster's flow can act as a counter.
Metaphysical, Astral

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