Sun & Moon Festival
The Sun & Moon Festival is an annual party that lasts for one week on the lead up to the summer solstice. Special significance is given to it when a Full Moon also falls on of the festival days. An even rarer even is when the Full Moon and Summer Solstice happen on the same day, as is happening this year.
The festival consists of everything one would expect: music, dancing, food, gladiatorial games, skill challenges, a treasure hunt, and many, many merchants. It is said that if you can imagine the item, it will likely be available sometime during the festival.
At noon during every day of the festival, candles and fires are lit all around the city to display the power of the Sun God, Aevin. At midnight every night, all lights are extinguished to display the power of Luna, the Moon God.
On the final day of the festival, that takes place on the Summer Solstice, a giant bonfire is lit in the middle of the Aevingaard coliseum, as a culmination of the week's festivities. The flames are said to reach near the top of the Tower of Mandrel each year. The fire is extinguished at midnight, as with all the other lights in the city.
However, each section of the city celebrates the festival a bit differently:
- Royal District of Aevingaard: Many traditional ceremonies are held, and games of valor and skill are often performed in the coliseum, to delight and entertain the wealthiest in the city.
- Lunagaard: More ceremonies of devotion are held, along with classic oratory and teaching occurring at the amphitheater.
- Naelengaard: Many acts of justice and mercy are undertaken. Executions are given great theater, and the most vile criminals are saved to be executed for the festival each year. There is a sort of Jubilee when many people who were jailed for non-violent crimes are freed with the record expunged.
- Triningaard: This is where the vast majority of traders and merchants can be found hawking their wares. Items and services of all kinds can be found here. They celebrate by the buying and selling of goods. Most of these goods are imported.
- Trallengaard: This section of the city spend most of their time telling tall-tales and stories. It is said that if you want to be entertained, stay in a Trallengaard inn, because they will have the best bards in the country. However, with the stories is the possibility that Trallen might just make one of the stories come true. Music, dancing, and strange happenings all occur here.
- Fahrengaard: This section of the city focuses on crafts and what one can do with fire, water, earth, & air. Fine pieces of magic, magical items, and even normal items can be found here. Most of these goods are made within the city itself. This is the time when their special, one-of-a-kind projects are displayed and put up for sale.
- Destingaard: They celebrate the festival by managing it. This part of the city can actually be the dullest district, but that is because the people of the district are spread out among the rest of the city, making sure everything runs smoothly and on-time (such as the lighting of candles/fires, and the subsequent extinguishing of them).
At noon during every day of the festival, candles and fires are lit all around the city to display the power of the Sun God, Aevin. At midnight every night, all lights are extinguished to display the power of Luna, the Moon God.
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