Neir Xaeda Geographic Location in Taraxia | World Anvil
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Neir Xaeda

The snowy, wooded Northwild

"You've been travelling through the mountains for well over a week now and many times you have asked yourself when you might be arriving in Neir Xaeda. The snow is coming down heavy as you make your way down the narrow and rocky gully. You pass one pine, then another, and slowly you start to see more shrubbery and tall trees surrounding you as the gully widens and plateaus. The snow begins to clear and you see before you a space where the treeline seems to stop. As you approach it you realize it's a cliff and the land opens up before you. Tall, white topped pines rest on sharp hills and in deep vales. You take a knee on the mossy stone and take a moment to marvel at the view."


The Northwild is a very rocky, cold and moist region. The pine trees and rocks are riddled with moss and the ground is blanketed by ferns and snow. The closer one gets to the coasts, the thinner the forests get. Coastal areas in Neir Xaeda are craggy shores and cliff faces. Inland forests are a mix of tall hills, plateaus and low vales. Rivers run off the mountains and through the woods. Much of the Northwilds are uninhabited by people although it is technically under the rule of the Elven kingdom that presides there. This land is a stunning, marvel of nature almost untouched by people. Many speak of lost fortresses and forgotten temples.

Fauna & Flora

These lands are teeming with almost all manner of wild animals found in northern regions. Sometimes white panthers can be spotted closer to the mountains. This region is particularly revered by alchemists for it's unique mosses and shrubs.

Natural Resources

Wood, meat, pelts, alchemical supplies are all common in Neir Xaeda.
Alternative Name(s)
The Northwilds
Location under
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