Diani Korpes

Diani Korpes



At 02:56 on 01/21, 2577, over a month late, Diani Korpes was delivered at home in the family apartment. Pari, had just returned from her shift at Astel's power plant and was in the shower when she went into labor. Her husband, Wyl, assisted his mother, Suna, with the delivery.
Both parents doted on Diani, and Wyl spent the majority of his free time bonding with his new daughter. Sadly, Wyl, was deployed to the front barely 3 months after she was born, leaving her and the newly pregnant Pari with his mother. Korlune Military listed Wyl as dead two years later.
Diani and her brother Nash, were raised by their mother and paternal grandmother (Amma), Suna, in the Korpes family's ancestral apartment. Pari's income and Suna's pension kept them in relative comfort throughout Diani's childhood.
2582: Diani was five when she went through the KMR&D aptitude test (Prodigy Program) and genetic screening, and it was determined that while she was above average in intelligence and had talents that lent themselves toward mechanics, she did not represent an asset they wished to acquire.
Note: When Doctor Selwyn Maro made a special trip to Astel to meet the family and to discuss the benefits of allowing KMR&D to take over to her brothers immediate care and education, Diani was terrified that he'd be 'stolen'. She stuffed Nash in an old, metal mini-container to hide him and he nearly suffocated when the timed lock was activated. Suna liberated her grandson with a plasma torch before any lasting damage was done. Diani was traumatized by the fact that she'd nearly killed him and became fiercely protective.
2584: The main reactor suffered a limited breach. Although the staff managed to prevent a meltdown, radioactive vapor escaped into the dome and took 2 years to fully purge from the atmosphere. Over half the adult population suffered some type of lung and sinus damage, but the hardest hit were the children. Astel lost 30% of its population under 10. Diani and Nash were both ill, but survived. KMR&D later determined that those who survived had a specific Tyran genetic marker. Diani is prone to nosebleeds to this day.
2589: Astel's Tellium mine shut down and 50,000 people lost their jobs in the span of weeks. Pari's job as Master-Tech at Astel's main reactor was secure. Most of the industrial workers were able to relocate to other Diaspora, but with the reduced population and supply chain many service industry jobs, stores, and other small businesses were no longer viable. By the end of the year, the Trade Guild removed Astel's active trade status, and forced their Canton to begin negotiating with other Diaspora for basic supplies. Fortunately Kairoe, the closest Diasporan city, was amenable to barter, and new industries sprang up from their exchanges. Non-conscript 'Burn Crew duty' along the advancing edge of the Seep was also an alternative for those without work. Though the risks weren't reflected in the pay, to some it was more honorable than becoming M'Kang.
2590: When Diani turned 13, she and her peers began basic training. Although she scored well on her arms and defense courses, her instructors were taken by her mechanical aptitude and she was assigned to the mech bay as general maintenance. Rather than let her daughters talent be squandered, Pari found a Master-Mech at the transport service depot for her daughter to apprentice under. Diani's secret dream was that she and Nash would become a Master-Mech / Master-Tech team, and help Astel by trading their skills with the other Diaspora. The morning Nash turned 13, he signed up to work for KMR&D and was sent to Teslem Station to begin his training. While Suna and Pari were supportive, Diani let Nash know exactly how angry she was that he chose to abandon the family to go serve the Korlo. She even refused to go to the train station to say goodbye. Although they patched things up via emails, it would be 8 years before they could do it in person.

Family Lineage: (Two Generations Back to Present Day)

- Paternal Side -
  • Grandmother: Suna Xander Nul was born in (1) Thadrus. Her family was relocated to (2) Rhun (Diaspora 4) when she was 2. She moved to (3) Astel (Diaspora 12) when she married Grig Korpes. 
  • Grandfather: Grig Korpes was born in Astel (Diaspora 12). 
  • Father: Wyl Xander Korpes and his younger sister, Sara, were both born in Astel.
- Maternal Side -
  • Grandparents: Morten and Helle Stayne were both born in (2) Keldai (Diaspora 26). 
  • Mother: Pari Stayne and her twin brother, Tor, were born in Keldai, and she moved to (3) Astel (Diaspora 12) when she married Wyl Xander Korpes. 

- Siblings -
  • Brother or Sister: Nash, Younger Brother
  • Residence: Various KMR&D Stations

- Extended Family -
  • Brother/Sister-in-laws, Nieces & Nephews: Rozwyn Kuld and niece Xanwyn Kuld
- Maternal side -
  • Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins: Aunt Elynne and Uncle Tor Stayne, and their two sons Winston and Kirk.
- Paternal Side -
  • Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins: Aunt Sara and Uncle Tig Rotte, and two daughters, Mai and Alexa.

Holy Books & Codes


Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Accomplishment: Diani earned her Master-Mech status through an accelerated program, achieving her credentials in 3 years instead of 5. She was awarded a "First Class" for her ingenuity in completing her final year project in less than 3 months.

Failures & Embarrassments

Reprimand and subsequent demotion: Diani was reassigned from Astel's main mech-bay to the Northern tunnel site after her chief rival's re-engineered skiff mysteriously caught fire moments after she'd publicly denounced the design.
"Let me know when you plan to test that bomb; I'd like to be out of the building."

Intellectual Characteristics

Mechanical, spacial, serious


Diani Korpes

Sister (Vital)

Towards Nash Xander Korpes



Nash Xander Korpes

Brother (Vital)

Towards Diani Korpes




Diani is only 258 days older than her brother Nash, and aside from typical sibling bickering, they have a close relationship. She became fiercely protective of her brother after she accidentally almost killed him.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have their dads Tyran green eyes.
'Click' was a language they invented between themselves.
Both have a love of reading, history, archival vids, music, mechanical toys, puzzles, and homemade polonu soup.
They were best friends until they were 13.

Shared Secrets

When they were 8, Diani convinced Nash to help steal a skiff and visit Kairoe (Diaspora 14) to the North of Astel. They were nearly killed when a military train was diverted to the tunnel they were using. With no room to pull off they arced the skiff up the curved wall and latched onto the disused top rail along the roof of the tunnel. They hung upside down for 5 minutes until the train had passed.
They still went to Kairoe.
Although they were caught when they brought the skiff back, they never told anyone about their near miss.
This close-call did not dissuade them from stealing more skiffs.

Suna Xander Nul

Grandmother (Vital)

Towards Diani Korpes



Diani Korpes

Granddaughter (Vital)

Towards Suna Xander Nul



Diani Korpes

Sister-in-Law (Important)

Towards Rozwyn Kuld



Rozwyn Kuld

Sister-in-Law (Important)

Towards Diani Korpes




This will develop with the book 1 update.

Pari Korpes

Mother (Vital)

Towards Diani Korpes



Diani Korpes

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Pari Korpes



Random Factlet #12 by J. I. Rogers
The Korpes Family Migration by J. I. Rogers
Date of Birth
21st of Arnhul, 2577 AC
Year of Birth
2577 AC 36 Years old
Diaspora 12 (Astel)
Nash Xander Korpes (Brother)
Tyran green
Blue black, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
5' 4" / 1.6 m
115 lbs / 52.2 kg
Known Languages
Read, Write, Speak: Fluent in Korlo, Astelang, and Kairoang. Can speak and understand some Ankor, but not proficient in reading or writing it.
Gesture Only: Fluent in 'Sign'
Spoken Only: Fluent in 'Click'

Cover image: by J. I. Rogers
Character Portrait image: by J. I. Rogers via Hero Forge


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