Rozwyn Kuld

As seen in

Rozwyn Kuld (a.k.a. Roz)



Rozwyn Kuld was born at 15:35 on the 22nd Ebrhul, 2580 AC, in Ribal (Diaspora 7) to Ben and Hanna Kuld.
2582: After a troubled pregnancy, Hanna died while giving birth to their second daughter. Grieving, Ben said, "Your mother was 'lost' during the delivery, but she left us a gift. Beth is here to help us all heal." Roz decided that while the 'gift' was lovely, her mom was better. She let herself be tucked in and pretended to sleep until Ben had dozed off, and went to find her mother. She disappeared for four days.
The authorities were called, and searchers combed the neighborhood but found no trace. Ben offered a reward, but no clues surfaced. Finally, a nurse at the hospital discovered Roz sleeping under the bed her mother died in and returned her to her frantic father.
2585: Roz was screened by the Prodigy Program, and her artistic potential was evident. While it was of no particular use to KMR&D, the information was forwarded to the Arts Guild in Riva Cluster.
2593: At 13, Roz and her peers began their two years of basic training. Once the tests were administered, it was determined that she was psychologically ill-suited for a combat role, so she applied to train as an assistant Med-Tech. She completed that part of the program in her father's surgery.
2595: Rozwyn received notification that she'd been granted a full art scholarship to study in Riva and went to live with the Diasporan chaperone on campus.
2596: All 5 of her paintings shown in the year-end exhibition were sold to Korlo collectors, and Roz was invited to become a contributing artist to the largest gallery in Ribal (Diaspora 7).
2597 The Pairing Protocol: Rozwyn's 17th birthday was something she'd dreaded. Unlike her friends and sister, she had no desire to marry and even less to have children. Although the potentials were carefully selected and pleasant, Roz vetoed each candidate in short order. She was convinced that once she'd turned three away that the Pairing Protocol would write her off as impossible. She thought she'd succeeded when several months passed without a notification.
2598: Her reprieve was short-lived. KMR&D sent her a new match and after reading his file, she realized she had no means to turn this monster away. The rest is history.

Family Lineage: (Two Generations Back to Present Day)

- Paternal Side -
  • Grandparents: Sam Kuld and Terese Rozwyn Tcar were both born in Ribal (Diaspora 7), and married there. 
  • Father: Ben Rozwyn Kuld and his younger brother, Jas were both born in Ribal.
- Maternal Side -
  • Grandparents: Shaelo Pon and Vesna Laer were both born in Ribal, and married there. 
  • Mother: Hanna Pon and her older sister Mariel were both born in Ribal, Hanna married Ben Rozwyn Kuld there. 

- Siblings -
  • Brother or Sister: Beth, Younger Sister
  • Residence: Ribal (Diaspora 7)

- Extended Family -
  • Brother/Sister-in-laws, Nieces & Nephews: Vincent and Diani Fel, niece Delayne and nephew Sam
- Maternal side -
  • Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins: Aunt Mariel and Uncle Ken Brovos, and their daughters Geena and Lyriel.
- Paternal Side -
  • Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins: Aunt Lana and Uncle Jas Kuld, and their son Jonal Rozwyn and daughter Tamris.

Mental characteristics


Rozwyn was educated in Ribal, and received a scholarship at 15 to attend the prestigious Bolmai Academy of the Arts in Riva Cluster for a year. It was there that her paintings began to garner attention from Korlo society. It's rumored that Aleni Doncaster purchased several during the final show.


Ribal is the wealthiest of the Diasporan cities, and enjoys many of the upgrades that the Clusters do. As a result, Roz grew up with a level of affluence most Diasporan never know. She was free to pursue her artistic gift, and did so. She even derived an income from them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Several of her paintings hang in a prestigious gallery in Ribal.
Roz 1.png
T'Vari Pass - Eastern Korlune by J. I. Rogers

This one is now in Nash's private collection.

Mental Trauma

Show spoiler
After the Korpes family fled Astel and Nash was presumed dead at Junelle, Roz began to suffer graphic nightmares. In some, the family was pursued and captured by the black-out squad that attacked Pari and Diani in the power plant. In others, Nash was wounded but alive, trapped topside with no help.
After her pregnancy was confirmed, she began to suffer from panic attacks as well.

Intellectual Characteristics

Artistic, Conceptual, Empathetic, Pragmatic.


Rozwyn Kuld

Fiancée (Important)

Towards Nash Xander Korpes



Nash Xander Korpes

Fiancée (Vital)

Towards Rozwyn Kuld




They were introduced via the Diasporan "Pairing Protocol" and their relationship had only just begun to blossom before they were separated.

Legal Status

The relationship was never formalized.

Suna Xander Nul

Grandmother (in-law) (Important)

Towards Rozwyn Kuld



Rozwyn Kuld

Granddaughter (in-law) (Important)

Towards Suna Xander Nul




This area will be added to during the book 1 update.

Diani Korpes

Sister-in-Law (Important)

Towards Rozwyn Kuld



Rozwyn Kuld

Sister-in-Law (Important)

Towards Diani Korpes




This will develop with the book 1 update.

Pari Korpes

Mother-in-Law (Important)

Towards Rozwyn Kuld



Rozwyn Kuld

Daughter-in-Law (Important)

Towards Pari Korpes



Date of Birth
22 Ebrhul, 2580 AC
Year of Birth
2580 AC 33 Years old
Nash Xander Korpes (Fiancée)
Dark brown
Strawberry blonde - straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan with darker freckles
5' 7" / 1.7 m
130 lbs / 58.9 kgs
Known Languages
Read, Write, Speak: Fluent in Ribalang and Korlo. Semi-fluent in Astelang. Gesture Only: Semi-fluent in 'Sign'

Cover image: by J. I. Rogers
Character Portrait image: by J. I. Rogers via Hero Forge


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