Rugvaz Character in Talica | World Anvil
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Chief Rugvaz

Rugvaz was the eldest son of the orc Ragmar, better known for the revolutionary that tried to bring down the Emberhand Empire because he felt oppressed.   After slaying his father in single combat, Rugvaz took his father's place as the chief of his tribe, the Lograk, and thus all the lesser orcish tribes that follow the largest one. His first measure in power was surrendering and ending the rebellion through a peace bargain.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rugvaz is an orc still at his prime, covered with muscles and so far able to outmatch any challenger who sought to end his rule and rekindle Ragmar's rebellion.

Body Features

His torso is covered with light cuts and a few slight bruises he doesn't seem to heal. A noteworthy scar is one by his kidneys, which he got when a legionary pierced him with a spear. To date, it remains not only his largest scar, but also the wound that managed to incapacitate him for the longest period of time.

Facial Features

Rugvaz has a very cranky expression, readable both through his eyes and his almost permanent frown. Under his chin, he has several small cuts, scars he got from a bottle someone broke against his square skull. While his nose has already been broken, it takes a bit of attention to notice it, even from up close.

Apparel & Accessories

Unless he expects a fight, Rugvaz does not cover his upper body at all, like most of his kin. His legs are often covered by leather breeches or a simple skirt of furs, with steel boots being the only piece of armor he wears at all times.

Specialized Equipment

Rugvaz is known to wield two war axes in combat more than any other weapon, although many war-surviving legionaries recall seeing him doing far too well with a sword for them to try and stop him. Of course, if it comes down to fistfighting, he, like all orcs, is more than willing to oblige.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rugvaz was always raised and expected to be his father's successor, to one day slay him and take his place. What his father did not anticipate was that his son would fight and kill him in order to end the war he started against humans, not through bloodshed but through peace.   While he never thoroughly enjoys any aspect of ruling, Rugvaz currently has to fend off the many opposers of his diplomatic choices to make peace with humans, bring his people into modern times, make sure humans honor their part of the deal and rebuild the devastation that Ragmar's rebellion provoked.


As the equivalent to an orcish prince (if orcs believed in such a thing), Rugvaz was given plenty of knowledge considered vital to orcs. Some of those acquired skills include: mastery of every melee weapon, horse riding, basic knowledge of his jungle's herbs and their effects, geography, and bellowing savagely at all opponents.   Knowing this, even the keenest members of the Legion struggle to understand how such a creature managed to issue for peace.


Rugvaz played a major role in Ragmar's rebellion as one of his father's Warlords, leading raids against several human settlements and forts. Before that, his duties at his village were as wide as a chieftain's son usually are: he'd hunt, train new soldiers and help in any way he could, as much as he does now.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Regardless of most orcs' opinions about it, Rugvaz still believes his father's defeat and the issue for peace to have been the right thing to do in order to save his people. That does not mean he is at peace with himself for it, but at the end of the day, it can still be listed as an achievement.

Failures & Embarrassments

Rugvaz fell into a trap after conquering Dreynal, a human fort, which cost him his wife and many of his men at the hands of Brutus Lexius and his battalion. He was never able to remarry or forgive himself for it, and has been very calculating with his aggression ever since.

Morality & Philosophy

While he'd never know what it means, Rugvaz is a firm believer in utilitarism, especially applying it to rulers, who he believes ought to make any sacrifice that ensures their people live better.

Personality Characteristics


Rugvaz's greatest hope is that his people are finally given the right to be properly treated by the Empire, and to put the past animosity between humans and orcs to rest. A few steps towards the future would also be nice.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Despite his intentions, Rugvaz knows relatively little about diplomacy in comparison to warmongering. His hope is that good will (and the fact that the previous war could still very well be rekindled) is enough to push both sides towards a desire for an agreement.

Virtues & Personality perks

Rugvaz tries his best to govern his people selflessly, and wants to leave the world a better place for orcs that come after him. Once someone finds their momentum, Rugvaz is good at encouraging them to keep going, and that has been his main boon when ruling his tribe. His readiness to act at the first sign of a problem and his courage, while sometimes exploited by his enemies, are still considered virtuous traits by many that follow him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Losing his temper easily, Rugvaz struggles a lot with diplomacy and his own dissidents, and his awareness of his battle prowess does not make things any easier. Rugvaz very rarely considers leisure or fun worthwhile, and it takes a very patient person to make him relax or loosen up the slightest bit. As a ruler, Rugvaz can be incredibly stubborn, even to the advisors he trusts the most. Neither power nor logic sway him, at least until he is able to see through his own eyes that he is wrong.

Personality Quirks

Rugvaz tends to growl when thinking, especially if there is an approaching time limit to whatever issue he is going through.


Family Ties

Shkur, his brother, is not only Rugvaz's most trusted advisor but also the only other living direct descendant of Ragmar. Curiously, he bears no ill-will to his brother, despite having slain their father.   Rugvaz also has a daughter, Aa'ra, from the wife he lost to Lexius. She was sent to Fortressia's imperial court as both a hostage and orcish representative, to ensure both humans and orcs remained in their truce.

Religious Views

Like many orcs, Rugvaz honors and praises Zhys for most of his good fortune, although he spends less and less time in her company, thanks to his work piling on.

Social Aptitude

A great issue to Rugvaz's leadership has been his surprising lack of charisma. While he is indeed intimidating and capable of inspiring hard-work merely by his own behavior, his way with words and smiles is minimal. Instead, he usually resorts to Shkur to send his messages to his people and keep things moderately amiable between them and their ruler.   While Rugvaz had no trouble making friends in the past, his current position makes it much harder for him to get along with others, something he himself struggles to understand. Rugvaz's strong opinions and tendency to stick to them also make him very prone to making enemies. As such, the orcish chieftain's social status could be a lot better as of late.
Lograk Village
Current Residence
Lograk Village, Chief's Longhouse
Black and shiny
Long, braided and dark as coal
122 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Kill 1000 men in war and they'll write you a song. Spare 3000 men and women through peace and they'll call you a coward."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Orcish, Imperial Tongue

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