The Deal in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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The Deal

Characters Present
  • Prix Street (Adam)
  • Marec Varad (Robert R.)
  • Fausto (Roger P.)
  • Kyle (Mat L.)

TThe team is asked by Gov. Hothden to perform the services of secure couriers for a database destined for CorpSec space. When retrieving the device from the Governors ship the team is ambushed by a team of robbers. They defeated them and coordinated with the Rangers while they left for Etti IV. The team hired an Astromech to aid in the plotting.

In the Nez Peron system, they evaded a fight with Interceptors flown by the Crimson Dawn. With two attempts to intercept the data, they were on their guard when arriving in the Etti system. They were flagged into landing at the Tagge Co. HQ and were escorted into the secure facility without their heavy weapons.

While waiting for the Director, they were sidetracked by Negotiator Jordinn Mal who convinced them to have the database case scanned for hidden trackers. They then transfer the case to Director Yast Ma'Kam and return to Nigita.

When they return to Nigita, they are intercepted by Kestra's Dreadnaught. She negotiates with them to report to her after completing their mission. When they did, she reveals that her agent intercepted and substituted the data on Etti IV. Because she considered Fausto (who was on-mission) a friend, she warned that perhaps the data being traded wasn't in the best interests of Nigita or her defenders. She warns that the Governor was trading in potential intelligence indiscretely, data that could be interpreted as a threat to powers such as herself, but also the Onderonians and The Vigil.

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 28.Dorn.35 ABY
Date: 5/17/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 1750cr
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: 20
  • Republic Remnant: --
  • Scum & Villainy: --
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • None.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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