Starburst in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Characters Present
  • Nola Zur (Roger P.)
  • Theta Omicron (Tony N.)
  • Rael Shala (Chris H.)
  • Kyle (Matt L.)

The team tracks down a First Order Informant in the Ord Mantell region (Systems: Emmer, Dalos IV, Vandaalar, & Jubilee Wheel) to recover a stolen data cache for the Vigil.

Throughout, they find the worst elements of the First Order are using the loose laws of the sector as a pass for cashing in on gambling, smuggling, sentients trafficking, and syndicate level control of the Jubilee Wheel (even to the extent of operating as law enforcement.)

Tracking the informant finally to a secret meeting aboard his Yacht in the Governor's VIP Starport on Dalos IV, a firefight leads to a tense stand-off as they try to steal the ship with the Governor and her bodyguards aboard.

Confronted by significant planetary forces in three Carrack Light Cruisers, they make a hasty deal with the governor and jettison from the ship in an escape pod. They return to Nigita and complete the mission.

The following morning a Class One Bounty is Placed by Government of Dalos IV (Gov. Lira Rimrunner) in the amount of 50,000cr (payable in precious metals, gems, or other hard currency) for the capture and retrieval or standard proof of termination for all involved.

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 32.Esk.35 ABY
Date: 6/25/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 2000cr
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: --
  • Republic Remnant: 20
  • Scum & Villainy: --
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • Class One Bounty is Placed by Government of Dalos IV (Gov. Lira Rimrunner) in the amount of 50,000cr for the capture and retrieval or standard proof of termination for Nola Zur, Kyle, Rael Shala, and Theta Omicron.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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