B6. Grim Calculus in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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B6. Grim Calculus

Characters Present

Bandit, Fausto, Sabbath, and Antwoord were at the Nexus when Bandit is called back to the Hothden Memorial Center to handle a personnel issue. Once there, he finds that Kortho Bloncastigan (Professional Dirtbag, Hutt Cartel Pilot) has set up a gambling ring on the Huttball matches on Holonet. Bandit flips out, smashing the Holonet terminal, and notices that new power cables have been installed in the center. Tracing them out, he finds that Nox (Hutt Bodyguard) has been installed along with a medical droid and bacta tank in his medical facility. Kortho explains that the Doc showed up to move him from the Vigil Docking Complex, but seemed to get a bad message and went drinking.

They go to the Snarky Sarlacc and find Mathison drunk off his chair watching the Holonet news coming from the Veragi Sector. They bring him back to the center and sober him up. It seems he's been locked out of the facility and told to await redeployment. He knows the Vigil are heading to Veragi Prime (via the news) and will burn the planet to stop the invaders.

The team heads to the Vigil Complex and sneak in. Once inside, they find JK was there all along, waiting for Doc to return (they never attempted to call her.) They convince her to defy orders and take them to Veragi, bypassing the Vigil Blockade. Once in system, they are caught by the Vigil patrol and brought aboard the flagship. The Vigil has a massive interdictor fleet in system, and is enforcing a full blockade of the world. It is infected by more Cantro Skepsis (Hive Minds) than they can purge without extreme measures. They manage to convince the Vigil to allow them to head to the Hot Zone with Mathison's experimental Transmitter Droid - BLX-999. Mathison remains on the ship to broadcast the signal once the droid completes his mission.

Once on-planet, JK takes platoons of battle droids to cut the team a path to the capitol and the Hive Mind, revealing she can wield and has a Lightsaber. The players work their way through straggling infected defenders, Veragi Militia, and Pentastar Stormtoopers. They are stalled when the Hive Mind unleashes a school full of infected children against them with suicidal tactics.

The group makes it to the capitol building and holds out in a last stand against the Invader elites as the BLX droid completes its analysis and uploads the signal pattern to the fleet. Sabbath, Bandit, and Fausto succumb to their wounds, bleeding out on the marble as an unconscious Antwoord is unable to help them.

The team awakes aboard the Vigil Hospital Ship Hesperus. Apparently the Force Sensitives were resuscitated through the intervention of the Vigil Office Caerr'Lon. JK visits them in recovery, informing them that they have done remarkable things. When they start to protest about transparency, JK looks at them oddly saying "Of course? You're Vanguard now. We stand between the Candle and the Dark."

Details and Events of Note

  • The Vigil has access to far more ships than they let on, but the ones used by their hidden fleets are recognizably different from conventional manufacturers. Their mainstay fighter appears to be a TIE Fighter with S-Foils. They also have Battleship class Star Destroyers.
  • Admiral Veloth leads the intervention fleet. He is the least friendly, most arrogant member of the Vigil met so far. Threatening his own officers with death for their insubordination. JK appears to have a history with him.
  • The Vigil see Force abilities as a curse or burden, refusing to use them unless in dire need. The Admiral refers to these Force Sensitive agents as Living Weapons and Assets rather than people.
  • Vigil officers ask Droids to serve as volunteers, rather than ordering battle droids into harm's way. Due to low numbers of living personnel, their ships are teeming with Droids, some of exotic design.
  • The Enemy employ living creatures as their weapon and armor, rendering them resistant to some conventional tactics, such as sunder.
  • When asked to explain what "Being 'Vanguard' means, JK answers in a language they should not understand, but do (some don't realize it at the time) with the phrase "Και ο θάνατος δεν θα έχει κυριαρχία" This translates in Basic to "Death shall have no Dominion."

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 19.Cresh.35 ABY
Date: 3/29/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: --
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: --
  • Republic Remnant: +1 Duty Rank
  • Scum & Villainy: --
Casualties & Injuries
  • Syatt Walker killed in battle.
  • Fausto killed in battle.
  • Sabbath Rune killed in battle.
  • Jayanna Korr killed in battle (succumbed to wounds and fatigue).
  • Antwoord incapacitated in battle.
  • The Force Users were apparently restored to life via some undisclosed means.

Episode B6


The VYJAND have turned on their pursuers, laying a deadly trap in the BRACCA system. What appeared as another plague ship was rigged with hidden enemy weapons, turning an investigative sweep into a frantic dash to escape pods in a tense space battle.

When they returned to THE HUB, they were warned that the VIGIL might not be willing to treat this lightly anymore.

When they now find their friend, DOC MATHISON, barred from his own facility, will they learn how the VIGIL goes to war?

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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