The Black Sphere in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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The Black Sphere

Characters Present
  • Sola Ardelion (Robert R.)
  • Seneel Nozlira (Brian C.)
  • Lan'Batu (Gary F.)
  • Kyle (Matt L.)

Public Information: Nigita Holonet News

Twelve new arrivals to The Hub have left medical clearance at the Vigil Private Starport, which has extended public service in the B & C terminals until the Eastern Starport cleanup is complete. Public Informer has learned that these newcomers were being trafficked in Pentastar Territory after being hijacked by Zygerrians. Interviews with the new colonists recount tales of horror in a Slaver Facility on Bracca and the torturous conditions inflicted upon them. Each bravely shows the gene-tag-chain-code of the lot they were assigned 5623.Scheherazade, its ultraviolet luminescence a lasting reminder of their captivity. Follow the Public Informer for the latest, including speculation on the Vigil operatives responsible for the liberation.

LThe Vigil (Agent Lee) hires the team to re-acquire a cultural artifact from a two-bit criminal "Hahz Fallone" on a border world. The catch? The world, Iritsa, is a border planet of the PENTSASTAR ALIGNMENT and firmly under the control of former First Order forces.

Taking Seneel's Lambda Shuttle and Sola's Crucis fighter, the team leaves for Iritsa, evading Pirates and smoothly bluffing past a Pentastar Customs Frigate. When they set foot on Iritsa, they are confronted by the heavily classed society, with miners & dockworkers in a ramshackle low town, and the movers & shakers living in the city above.

Speaking with a local contact, (a former Imperial - Ortan "Oglaw" Grinnel - who apparently recognizes Sola, calling her "Commander" and "Assassin") they are provided intelligence on the "two bit criminal". Fallone turns out to be a well positioned local crime lord with firm ties into the local police and with significant guard presence. The team scouts the warehouse and discovers Fallone is also trading in slaves. The team gets access to the system and plans a hit on the office.

The team infiltrates the warehouse using sliced credentials and dockworker overalls. They sneak into the control office and find out the slaves are:

Lot 5623. Slaves, Mixed Breed, Worker Class
Buyer: Corvatis, M. (Etti IV)
Seller: Scheherazade (Bracca)
— Fallone Manifest

Taking contorl of the security computer, they set a false fire alarm off, and in the ensuing chaos free the slaves with a spectacular bit of reprogramming. They lie in wait, ready for the bosses to come investigate. When the bosses arrive, they spring the trap, locking Fallone and his guards in. The firefight is swift and final as Fallone and his mean are massacred. While retrieving the Black Sphere from Fallone's body, Seneel falls victim to terrors induced by the object. Non force sensitives seem to suffer no ill effects from it.

Calling back to their Astromechs, the team has both ships meet them on the roof of the warehouse. Under a hail of fire from the ground, they load the slaves aboard Seneel's shuttle and flee the system, evading pursuing TIE fighters. They return to Nigita for their reward.

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 35.Dorn.35 ABY
Date: 5/24/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 1500cr
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: --
  • Republic Remnant: 20
  • Scum & Villainy: --
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • None.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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