Beggar's Treasure in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Beggar's Treasure

Characters Present

WWhat was to be an ordinary night at the Barcrawl, is shattered as Marka Durn, a local and suspected beggar, dies from stab wounds as he enters the establishment late that night. Tao, Bandit, Sabbath, Nola, and newcomer Rael look for the assassins and search the body for a reason for his murder.

In his belongings, hidden sewn into his cuff, is a cryptic readout [Mott.14S-TL.Genny] that hints that this "Marka" might have been a legendary thief by the name "Mott" or have some other involvement in that thief's crimes. The team thinks that "14S-TL" refers to one of the old, abandoned and non-functional, turbolaser towers on the southern wall of the Hub.

Jumping on Tao's speeder, they head out to the tower and spend a bunch of time searching the base of the tower. Upon discovering a hidden panel and secured door beneath, they are interrupted by unnamed pirates aboard two combat skiffs. With the positional advantage and numbers, the pirates severely injur Bandit and drive the team into the tower (opened due to the fast thinking and hands of Rael.) Once in the tower, the hand weapons carried by the pirates are insufficient to breach the tower. The pirates are driven off by the appearance of two of the LAAT/le Gunships of the Nigita Rangers, called in by Tao.

In the tower, the team are met by an incredibly uncooperative R4 droid. A combination of cajoling, negotiating (with the help of K8 over the comms), and trading insults convinces the droid to coperate long enough to reveal a datapad with coordinates and a scan of an old Imperial outpost.

Flying out in multiple ships, they arrive at the almost uncharted system near Lantilles. Filled with debris from the destruction of all the system's worlds due to tidal forces, the ships slowly make their way to the outpost location. Sabbath's ship, the Runequest, closes in while Bandit's ship, the Sasha, provides cover. Tao stands by in his fighter attached to one of the docking cradles on the Sasha.

Nola, Sabbath, and Rael investigate the blown-out structure in EVA gear.They discover, hidden in the station's generator, a large, encrypted data chassis dating back to the Empire. As they head back to the Runequest, a number of ships appear and threaten the team. When prodded to identify themselves, they open fire with seeking torpedoes.

The team breaks and heads in different directions, with the pirates being duped into attempting to close with Tao's fighter via a convincing lie. Without trained pilots, the team struggles to maintain safe speeds in the asteroids. The pirates close at top speed. Tao manages to confuse the comms of the fighters which veer off in another direction, however the gunship manages to close and fire a Proton Torpedo, nearly crippling the small fighter. In a last ditch maneuver, Bandit's crew slaps a tractor beam on the fighter and throws both ships into hyperspace in the middle of the asteroids, colliding with a smaller one on their way out. The Runequest follows suit, and miraculously avoids hitting anything in the jump.

When both ships arrive back in Nigita space, they close to within range of the defense forces provided by the Onderon Protectorate while they decide what to do with the treasure. They realize that they are not equipped to install and decrypt the drive, but that the Vigil, Kestra the Hutt, and maybe the Republic might. In the end, the team decides to give the box to Governor Hothden, who not only recognizes the value of it, but also expounds a bit on what "Celis Mott" really did.

It appears, he wasn't a jewel thief as rumored, that was a ploy by the Empire to drive him underground so he could be hunted by their assassins. He managed to plant a data leech on Scarif during construction of the base. Over the operational life of the base, he managed to steal hundred of terraquads of data, mostly to be used as blackmail against various Moffs. The Governor announces that while he doesn't have the contacts to sell this item to the right data forensics teams, historians, and investigators, his good friend, Kestra the Hutt does.

The governor forwards the team a credit advance and negotiates with Kestra to build a new multi-mode Holonet array for the planet, dramatically improving its communications capabilities. (Nigita Economic Increase 3/5 - Currently Two leveraging the Favor of the Illip Kajidic.)

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 28.Esk.35 ABY
Date: 6/21/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 1500cr
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: 20
  • Republic Remnant: --
  • Scum & Villainy: --
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • Economic Boost - Qualifies as improvement to Nigita Economy. Mission 3/5.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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