Abadar's Promenade Settlement in Tal'dorei | World Anvil
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Abadar's Promenade

Abdar’s Promenade is the open marketplace district and massive bazaar that dominates eastern Emon. Named for the legendary spice monger from Marquet who helped fund the construction of Emon, the name of Abdar is synonymous with both generosity and business savvy. Within the tents, carts, warehouses, and shops that stretch for miles of intertwining roads, nearly everything and anything you seek can be purchased, with the darker pursuits leading to Clasp-run rackets that work beyond the reach of the law. The Promenade is ever a whirlwind of commerce and excess, with a vigilant patrol by the city watch. Its most renowned establishments include the four-story Laughing Lamia Inn, the metalworker’s paradise called the Anvilgate, and the emporium of mystical riches known as Gilmore’s Glorious Goods.


60ft walls that surround the whole of the district along with active guards there to make sure trade is done fairly and according to the letter of the law.


Abadar's Promenade makes up the bustling trade hub of Emon, where all those that have something to sell come in order to do just that.
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