Thralls Species in Talamh | World Anvil
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"So silly to believe it is only by only the hands of the gods themselves that our world is orchestrated... the Divines have servants, just like us."
Lev Catanach, c. 1067 T.B.
Thralls are the divine servants of The Gods of Talamh, created in desired forms to do their bidding. These thralls are myriad in appearance and number, varying across different members of the pantheon. They also vary in power, influence, and role: some are seen as creatures of the hearth while others are wild and bestial monsters. Forces of nature and calming spirits combine in the forms of creature oft beautiful, terrible, or somewhere in between.

Divine Forms

The physical forms of the Thralls are tied to the general attitudes and aesthetics of the Divines. The gods of freer thought have Thralls of myriad appearance while those of stern dedication tend to create thralls of more stringent form. Some gods do not create thralls as autonomous beings - the Thralls of Mac Rialor, the Monarch are generally direct constructs of Their will. In truth, these creatures are as varied as their presiding deities.

Interpretive Differences

It is well understood amongst the Fey West that the thralls do, in fact, exist. However, their influence upon the world is often denied by Eastern believers, particularly of the Faith of the Spire. Certain old-faith sects of the Faith such as The Diarists believe in these beings just under the jurisdiction of the gods, but more modern rhetoric rejects these notions as nigh-upon heresy.
Active   Organization Type
Divine Servants   Notable Members
Fury of the Tempest   Divisions
The Thralls of Oisin
The Thralls of Siobhan
The Thralls of Arianne
The Thralls of Germagh
The Thralls of Owyn
The Thralls of Birgitte
The Thralls of Mac Rialor   Creature Type

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Articles under Thralls

Cover image: by Julian Bruno


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