Tobo Izakaya Building / Landmark in Takaiyamagun (High Mountains District) | World Anvil
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Tobo Izakaya

The Tōboesuru-fū Izakaya roughly translated to 'The Howling Fan Tavern' is a not so popular drinking place within Takaiyamagun due to its stance on allowing anyone to enter and drink, including rarely seen foreigners. Although it has a bad reputation not everyone who visits the Izakaya is looking for trouble or 'up to no good', some just like to escape the harsh reality's of life and enjoy a drink where they won't be judged. The Izakayas name comes from an ancient legend of a fan so powerful the wind howled in pain whenever it moved. The owner of this fine establishment is a Tanuki named Inu-Gao which is blaringly obvious from the sign that says just that on the entrance.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant

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