
It was not long after the elves had begun forming their first great cities that the dwarves started to build their own empire. The elves would say that they inspired the dwarves to civilize but ancient dwarven texts say otherwise. They say they looked upon the works of the elves and wanted to show them how to build a proper city.
Whatever the motivation was for the birth of the dwarven civilization their efforts would lead to the foundation of the longest reigning empire in Tairos. They took to the mountains at first carving out great holds in the craggy peaks and dark depths of the Tairovin Mountains. They built great gates and sturdy redoubts, studied sciences and how to blend them with magic, perfected forging and enchanting and cast out the early tribes of Orcs and Goblinoids. While the elves worked artfully and delicately to craft a perfect beautiful city the dwarves founded an empire that stretched across their mountain home and eventually into the plains as well.The pinnacle of that empire would be the capital city of Ghal Ankhar
The dwarves built Ghal Pelor itself. And in those early days it was just another of their many trading posts and factory cities. They could never have imagined it would one day be the last great empire left in a broken land. All they knew at the time is that it was well placed and would serve as a convenient hub for all the races to meet and trade.
Their many accomplishments have given the dwarven people a great cushion of pride to ease the reality of their existence. They are the last survivors of an empire they cannot any longer maintain. They lack the numbers to preserve their borders. They’ve lost all their grand forge-cities. Most of their mines have fallen to enemies or been left barren. The survivors are of two minds now. Some remain as caretakers, preserving their culture and crumbling fortresses waiting for a miracle to bring about a second age of prosperity. Others believe that the old empire is already gone; destroyed by the betrayal of the Elves and the corruption of the insidious Fae and their Autumn Queen. They make their own way now, looking to build a new life for themselves and for their race.

Basic Information


Short, stocky humanoid. Males are fond of long facial hair and females of long braided locks of head hair.

Biological Traits

Most dwarves fall within a height range of four feet to four and a half feet tall and between 170 to 250lbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction

Ecology and Habitats

Mountains, hills, subterranean caverns and urban sprawls.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves tend to consume more alcohol than other sentient species in Tairos. Beer, ale, mead and mulled wines are very much part of their cultural heritage and daily meal habit

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ghal Ankhar Mountains, Ghal Pelor, Tengu Town

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dark Vision

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

MOST COMMONLY USED FIRST NAMES   MALE Ukhlad Gwoinarv Khatur Banain Zaghund Geda Bori Rinan Zigil Bari   FEMALE Alin Glali Thori Ukhlad Thrinain Imlin Dwali Thrinan Bali Ukral   Names are typically decided upon by the eldest living member of the clan or by the head of the household. Dwarves often have the names of the next several generations to come recorded down and ready to be handed out.

Major Organizations

The Council of Clan Lords-Made up of the ruling members of the most influential dwarven family groups. They act as advisers to the Urin King   Merchant Union- Trade is a very important aspect of dwarven life and the rulers of the Merchant Union control all aspects of it. They are also the diplomats who maintain peaceful Manacite trade with the Tengu of Tengu Town.

Beauty Ideals

Endurance, strength, battle prowess, long hair, well kept hair

Courtship Ideals

Dwarves value oaths and great deeds. Dwarves will often try to win over their mates by professing oaths of loyalty and love as well as venturing out on long quests in the name of their hopeful mate.

Average Technological Level

Simple black powder weapons (fallen out of use), forge cities, mining machines, drilling rigs, refining of fossil fuels and coal use, steam technology

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Etiquette Rules

Honor the home and heritage of friends. Never break an oath. Never sacrifice quality for speed or cost.

Common Dress Code

Most dwarves prefer more drab earthen tones and clothing that is made for utilitarian or comfort needs rather than fashion. Bright colors are rarely ever worn. The color purple is largely non-existent in their homeland.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

At the core of dwarven culture is the idea and ideal of family. Blood, oaths and honor are the cornerstones of their culture and everything that is undertaken is done in their name.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When introducing themselves to other dwarves they often cite the name of their father or mother as well. This is done to honor the deeds of their elders.

Common Taboos

Shaving. Speaking ill of the family. Killing a family member. Attacking unarmed opponents with deadly force. Breaking a promise.

Historical Figures

Atur Urin the First King. Abon the Tempest. Ghesthal Urin the Serpent Slayer. Mordant the Oathbreaker.

Common Myths and Legends

The Saga of Atur Urin the First of the Urin Kings.
Dwarf Noble
Genetic Descendants
Native Species
350-400 years


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