The Mistress
The Mistress is a Schooner-type, once owned for private use by the current head of the Enthar Trading Company.
The Crew:
Captain: Black Belladonna - Entharian
Quartermaster: Xohuci - Nalysian
Navigator: Taia - Almusian
Healer: Doc Vik (Vikel)- Almusian
Cook: Suen - South Entharan
Pekoda - Nalysian
Verine - Almusian
Namira - Nalysian
Mor'em - Entharian
Iarad - Tinobian
Elder - Isleman
Ceriss - Almusian
Zaukl - Tinobian
*Rat - Almusian
While The Mistress isn't meant to be seen until she allows it, once the ship has appeared, she makes an impression. Her sails are a muted grey, although she flies a small black flag thrown out from the top of her centre mast that depicts a woman's mouth giving a bloody grin. The Mistress was initially named Mist, and the edit is evident in the additional letters painted in bright, dramatic colours on The Mistresses stern. Also on the stern, Xohuci added designs depicting the angry visage of The Drowned Gods' lover in Nalysian fashion, patterned and multi-coloured. The crew often touch up the artwork on The Mistress whenever they can, and has altered slightly over the years, although the colourful, proud theme has stayed the same.
The Mistress haunts the waters between Nalys and Almusia, occasionally returning to harry passages between Nalys and Enthar, although the small ship avoids the rougher seas further south. Given their less-than-stellar reputation, The Mistress doesn't often set anchor in one place. The crew lives on board and not many of them have a place on land that they would call home.
The Crew:
Captain: Black Belladonna - Entharian
Quartermaster: Xohuci - Nalysian
Navigator: Taia - Almusian
Healer: Doc Vik (Vikel)- Almusian
Cook: Suen - South Entharan
Pekoda - Nalysian
Verine - Almusian
Namira - Nalysian
Mor'em - Entharian
Iarad - Tinobian
Elder - Isleman
Ceriss - Almusian
Zaukl - Tinobian
*Rat - Almusian
While The Mistress isn't meant to be seen until she allows it, once the ship has appeared, she makes an impression. Her sails are a muted grey, although she flies a small black flag thrown out from the top of her centre mast that depicts a woman's mouth giving a bloody grin. The Mistress was initially named Mist, and the edit is evident in the additional letters painted in bright, dramatic colours on The Mistresses stern. Also on the stern, Xohuci added designs depicting the angry visage of The Drowned Gods' lover in Nalysian fashion, patterned and multi-coloured. The crew often touch up the artwork on The Mistress whenever they can, and has altered slightly over the years, although the colourful, proud theme has stayed the same.
The Mistress haunts the waters between Nalys and Almusia, occasionally returning to harry passages between Nalys and Enthar, although the small ship avoids the rougher seas further south. Given their less-than-stellar reputation, The Mistress doesn't often set anchor in one place. The crew lives on board and not many of them have a place on land that they would call home.
Weapons & Armament
The Mistress has room for approximately 16 canon placements, however, only two are operable as black powder-driven weaponry. Three of those canon ports have been repurposed for ship-boarding harpoons, that pierce the side of an enemy ship and latch on, but are not intended to rip back through again unless the crew of The Mistress make certain maneuvers. A single canon port now contains a mage-canon. A canon meant to assist a mage in the channeling of the aether to launch a ball of aether energy towards an enemy ship. The mage-canon onboard The Mistress currently only supports pure aether blasts and does not assist those attempting to channel more specific manipulations of the aether.
Current location
The Mistress is considered particularly speedy amongst those who try to uphold law on the Nalysian coast, but it is her agility that is most useful to her escapes.
Complement / Crew
There are 13 on the books (it's much funnier that way), although technically they have a crew of 14.
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