Yeva Moskal Character in Syrioc | World Anvil
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Yeva Moskal

A devout fanatic of the goddess Lolth, the sorceress and alchemist Yeva Moskal is intent on repeating history and acheiving an act of god. Once before, Lolth, the spider queen, transformed the creations of Lyra the leprechaun and corrupted them to become dark elves. Yeva wants to take this one step further and create new corruptions out of dwarves, gnomes, and other fey. @[Moskal's Demons](species:de5645bc-d61d-4fb2-80df-f085bd58bae5). Died 34 AQU 899. Killed by those who remain from the Graywater Orphans.

Current Location
The Spider's Nest (Deceased)
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