Crueljaw´s Traps in Symbaroum | World Anvil
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Crueljaw´s Traps

When Crueljaw, the aged ogre, finally had to retire because of his bad knees, he chose to settle down on Karvosti.
It would surely have been impossible for him to stay there, had the former monster hunter not – on at least two famous occasions – helped the barbarian High Chieftain hunt down and destroy some particularly dangerous beasts, one of which was the blight-marked aboar who attacked Tharaban’s eldest son, causing him permanent injury.
Crueljaw has established a shop at the marketplace, where he sells various tools and weapons related to monster hunting.
The big-jawed, oneeyed ogre is always cheerful, and can spend hours listening to his customers’ grandstanding stories, until he has a bit of Blackbrew or Ambrian stout. Then he is the one doing the talking. And often also the weeping.

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