Witlan-Goblin War Military Conflict in Sylvania | World Anvil
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Witlan-Goblin War

The Witlan-Goblin War is an ongoing conflict between the denizens of Witlan Forest, particularly the Witlan Gnomes and to a lesser extent the Republic of Bastiynia, and an invading force of goblinoids, colloquially known as the Witlan Goblins. It began in early Ches of 854 with the goblinoids entering the forest and capturing gnomish territories.  

Potential Causes

Goblinoid leader, Glozek, was demanded by a powerful mage to occupy the Witlan Forest and clear out its gnomish denizens. The mage appeared to have a connection with Kholi, a captain of the goblins and a vassal of the Seeds of the Willow. Glozek claims to have been under an enchantment that made him join with Kholi.   The region of Bastiynia used to be controlled by the goblinoids millennia ago until the dwarves took over. The goblinoids wish to reclaim their old lands.  


Goblinoid Invasion

In early Ches of 854, a force of goblinoids led by Glozek "The Butcher" entered the Witlan Forest and rapidly gained control over the southwestern region. The gnomes in the area were unprepared for an invasion and fled into their well-hidden villages.  

Plea to Bastiynia

Within days of the invasion, the gnomes' Council of Three sent a plea for assistance to the Republic of Bastiynia. On 17 Ches 854, the republic sent a company of Bastiynian Armymen and an envoy of the senate to the border of Witlan Forest. The republic was prepared to assist the gnomes, but only if the gnomes agreed to grant them entry into their villages; the gnomes declined this arrangement. The republic, unwilling to compromise, departed the forest and leave the gnomes to fend for themselves.   Since then, Bastiynia has stated the deal is necessary to effectively protect the gnomes and they're ready to continue discussions.  

Gnomish Relocation

Throughout Spring and Summer, the goblins spread their territory towards the center of the forest, decimating any gnomes they spotted. While unable to locate the gnomish villages, the goblins still managed to effectively hold the gnomes under siege by patrolling the hunting grounds and setting several fires. By Fall, most gnomes in southern Witlan Forest had either been killed or fled to the north.   Meanwhile, the gnomes of northern Witlan were not totally defenseless. They had enough combat prowess and camouflage skills to hold back the goblins moving north, and they could effectively regain some territory in denser areas of central Witlan.   The central parallel of Witlan Forest had more or less been the border between the goblin and gnomish territories from Winter 854 through Spring 855.  

Arrival of VASTL

On 7 Mirtul 855, VASTL arrived in Witlan Forest to track a lead on the Seeds of the Willow (Willow Seeds in the Wind) and to search for clues on the Metalloids (Metallic Mystery). They encounter the Witlan Goblins, who were hardly a match for the experienced adventuring group.   Over the course of a week, VASTL encountered and eliminated over one hundred goblinoids, an estimated one-third of their entire force. They also killed several of the goblin leaders and displaced their boss, Glozek "The Butcher".   By 15 Mirtul, VASTL met up with the gnomes and began providing more direct assistance. They insisted on recovering one of the gnomes' homing rods that was stolen by the goblins and immediately set off.  

Arrival of Bastiynia

Due to the metalloids fleeing into the Witlan Forest during the Bastiynia-Metalloid Crisis, the Republic of Bastiynia made their way into forest to investigate both the goblins and the gnomes.   On Greengrass Day 855, the Velvet Cardinals tracked the metalloids to the forest, but were held off by the goblins. They departed that day.   On 10 Mirtual, a company of Bastiynian Armymen routed a goblinoid ambush party just outside the forest. Although they received the help from VASTL, the company suffered massive casualties and departed the area.   Around 13 Mirtul, a separate company of Bastiynian Armymen entered the northwest region of the forest in search of the gnomes. Due to VASTL warning a gnomish leader in time, the army has yet to find a single gnome.   On 16 Mirtul, a squadron of Bastiynian Armymen entered the southeast region of the forest with the intent of defeating the goblins. They were seen days later having already cleared half the territory.  

End of the War

On 19 Mirtul, VASTL defeated Glozek and reclaimed the gnomes' homing rod before the Bastiynian Army could do so, thus guaranteeing the safety of the gnomish villages.   Due to the actions of VASTL and the cleanup by the Bastiynian Army, the war is all but ended.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ches 854
Parties Involved
Witlan Goblins
Witlan Gnomes

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