The Broken Isles Geographic Location in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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The Broken Isles

"I can vividly recall my first voyage aboard a trade ship that ventured into the treacherous waters of the Broken Sea. As far as the eye could see, there was no horizon without the sight of land! Islands of various hues, from vibrant greens to earthy browns and countless other colors, adorned the expansive horizon. In shallow bays and hidden inlets, we caught glimpses of long-sunken towers and castles, their spires reaching out as if desperately grasping for salvation from the depths. We stuck to the well-established trade routes, for the captain deemed them safer. Close to the Lay Lines and the intersections where they converged, I was told there were places unfit for both man and beast.   However, I couldn't help but ponder the uncharted wonders that lay deeper within the expanse of the Shattered Sea. What remnants of the fabled Heartlands, now confined to the realms of history and folklore, might still linger in these unexplored territories? My thoughts wander, envisioning the untold marvels awaiting discovery. It is a dream that fuels my aspirations. Someday, when I possess a ship of my own, I solemnly vow to venture further into the depths of the Shattered Sea, to unveil the mysteries and etch my name into the annals of eternity."   -By Keen Destridge, From Journal's of a Cabin Boy aboard the Queen Amanda's Grace.


The geography of the Broken Isles can be likened to a map meticulously carved into a grand stone tablet, adorned with intricate details and vibrant paint, only to be shattered into fragments by the strike of a colossal hammer. Once the Heartlands of Terigoth, this region has transformed into a disjointed and disparate collection of islands. The upheaval and magical chaos of the Mage Wars rent the land asunder, draining lakes, creating mountains, and reshaping the terrain with capricious abandon. Each island showcases a bewildering and at times surreal topography, exhibiting an array of geological features.   One may encounter islands that resemble paradises, with lush landscapes and serene environments. Others may defy conventional logic, displaying mountains adorned with peculiar and otherworldly geometric shapes, reminiscent of the whimsical baubles of a titan child. There are islands where lakes consist of shifting matter, imbued with unstable magics that lend an aura of constant flux and unpredictability. The Broken Isles, in their shattered splendor, present a landscape where the boundaries of reality and imagination intertwine, offering explorers a mesmerizing yet treacherous tapestry of diverse terrains.


Thanks to the tireless efforts of both divine and arcane spellcasters, the ecosystems of the Broken Isles have managed to endure the devastating Landshatter and the erratic flow of arcane energy from the Lay Lines. While remnants of that nightmarish event still linger as scars on the islands and their inhabitants, the resilience of nature and its remarkable ability to heal are evident in abundance. The diversity of ecosystems found within the Broken Isles is vast, and even those affected by magical contamination can surprisingly exhibit signs of robust health.   Furthermore, the Shattered Sea itself has become a unique and thriving ecosystem. Despite its relatively young age of a few centuries, it boasts a rich and expansive array of aquatic life forms that have made the newly formed sea their home. The sunken remains of castles and mage towers now serve as artificial reefs, providing shelter and sustenance to countless fish and other sea creatures. This underwater realm, with its hidden treasures and bustling marine life, adds yet another captivating dimension to the natural wonders of the Broken Isles.

Ecosystem Cycles

In the Broken Isles, the cyclical nature of seasons follows the expected patterns based on local conditions, latitude, and the influence of oceanic currents like the Gulf Stream. However, in regions where the Lay Lines have been damaged or function erratically, peculiar and localized conditions can arise, defying the norms of nature and reason.   For instance, there is Dinosaur Island, a place perpetually steeped in tropical primeval conditions. Despite the passage of time and the changing of seasons elsewhere, this island remains trapped in a timeless realm reminiscent of a prehistoric era, where dinosaurs roam and lush vegetation thrives.   On the other hand, there are the Troll Fangs, a cluster of islands where the biting grip of winter never fades. These islands are locked in an eternal frost, where snow blankets the landscape and icy winds howl ceaselessly. The frigid conditions persist regardless of the normal seasonal progression, creating an unyielding winter that refuses to relent.   These anomalies within the local climate patterns serve as reminders of the profound influence of the damaged Lay Lines and their capacity to disrupt and distort the natural order, introducing pockets of extraordinary and sometimes unsettling environments within the Broken Isles.

Localized Phenomena

The phenomena of damaged Lay Lines is not well understood, as it was previously believed that these invisible currents of arcane energy were indestructible and immune to disruption. The uncharted nature and inherent perils of the Broken Islands and Shattered Sea have made the process of cataloging and studying these phenomena exceedingly challenging.   Among the notable events localized to the Broken Isles, Lay Storms, also known as Arcane Storms, Wizard Weather, or Sorcery Squalls, hold a prominent place. These storms originate when a disturbance occurs above an erratic Lay Line, resulting in lightning flickering in a dazzling array of colors, ranging from blue to red and violet. The strength and danger of these storms vary, with the most powerful and hazardous ones appearing in crimson red hues. Lay Storms, although potentially the most treacherous weather in the Broken Sea, are somewhat contained by the fact that they follow the path of the Lay Lines as if guided on rails. A Lay Storm can exhibit any combination of the following effects:   -Strange Rain: When these storms pass overhead, the precipitation they bring can range from mundane rain and hail to more bizarre occurrences. It is not uncommon for small fish, frogs, insects, or even stones to fall from the sky, sometimes encased in icy hailstone prisons. Additionally, rains of blood, fruit juice, fresh or sour milk, and other mostly harmless substances have been documented. More rarely, the storms can shower shards of raw elemental energy, metallic dust, or even magically irradiated rain.   -Emotion Wind: Instead of regular winds, Lay Storms can generate winds that carry psychic impressions of beings capable of experiencing emotions. These winds can impart haunting empathic sensations, with the most severe cases even transmitting fragmented, emotionally powerful memories of other beings to those caught in their path. The effects of these winds can drive individuals temporarily insane or make them believe they are someone who lived and died centuries ago. Fortunately, these effects usually subside within twenty-four hours, although they can be shortened with proper magical attention.   -Arcane Bolts: The lightning within a Lay Storm is composed of raw magical chaos, and while the majority of these bolts are similar to regular lightning, approximately 1% possess additional properties. These rare bolts can carry transmutative magic, transforming objects or creatures into unexpected forms. They have been observed turning trees into gold, snot, or even angry badgers. Furthermore, there are accounts of bolts striking individuals and granting them visions of the future, bolts reviving corpses, bolts animating plants or inanimate objects, and even bolts bestowing heightened intelligence upon them. The sheer variety of these more dangerous and erratic Lay Bolts appears to be limitless, potentially attuned to any known type of magic.   Furthermore, the Broken Isles are scattered with a significant number of portals that function erratically, defying the constraints of space, time, and dimensions. These portals unpredictably open, releasing energies, creatures, and anomalies from other realms or displaying glimpses of temporal displacements.   In certain areas, the dreams of sleepers manifest as vivid illusions, blurring the lines between reality and the realm of dreams. Gravity itself becomes a malleable concept in some places, where it appears more like a suggestion than an absolute rule. Numerous chaotic localized events have been documented, ranging from strange distortions of reality to inexplicable phenomena that defy conventional understanding.   These portals and localized events contribute to the ever-present sense of wonder, danger, and unpredictability within the Broken Isles. Explorers and inhabitants of the archipelago must navigate not only the physical landscapes and ecological wonders but also the shifting boundaries of reality and the potential encounters with the extraordinary that lie hidden among the islands.


The Broken Isles sprawl across a vast expanse, extending from the frigid Northern reaches to the equatorial Lumiac and Ziberian Seas. This expansive region encompasses a wide range of climates and ecosystems, varying from subarctic in the North to subtropical in the South. However, the sheer size and geographical diversity of the archipelago are not the only factors contributing to its remarkable variety. The cataclysmic magical disaster that gave birth to the Broken Isles also triggered new currents, eddies, and shifts in the ocean streams, further altering the regional climate patterns.   Moreover, the archipelago is no stranger to reality-altering magical phenomena. Even to this day, extraordinary magical events occur sporadically, causing unusual patterns and occurrences within the Broken Isles. These mystical anomalies have the potential to disrupt established norms and introduce unforeseen changes to the local ecosystems, further enhancing the already exceptional diversity found within the islands.

Fauna & Flora

The Flora and Fauna of the Broken Isles exhibit an extraordinary range of species, spanning from rugged elk and bears in the northern regions to vibrant parrots and monkeys in the southern reaches, with countless variations in between. However, due to the Heartlands' central role in the conflicts of the Mage Wars Era, it has become a haven for a dangerous assortment of magical creatures and plants. These beings were initially created by deranged spellcasters who have long since disappeared, yet their creations have thrived and multiplied over generations.   In addition to the perils posed by these magical beings, the release of magical radiation has also resulted in the distortion and alteration of normal flora and fauna throughout the region. Many organisms have been tainted by the lingering arcane energy, becoming mutated and unpredictable. Moreover, the erratic nature of the magical energy has opened portals to other worlds, allowing invasive species from different dimensions and timelines to establish themselves within the Broken Isles. Alien creatures, elemental beings, prehistoric saurian beasts, and colossal megafauna once believed to be extinct now roam the islands alongside the native inhabitants, adding to the inherent dangers of the archipelago.

Natural Resources

Numerous islands within the Broken Isles harbor abundant mundane resources like timber, ores, and gemstones, encompassing a wide array of valuable commodities. However, what truly captivates explorers are the remnants of ancient domains once ruled by the Mage Warlords, as well as magically irradiated resources that have acquired newfound arcane properties following the Landshatter's infusion of raw mystical energy. Despite the inherent risks, the allure of wealth and fame has enticed many adventurers to brave the perils of the Broken Isles in their relentless pursuit of valuable treasures.


Undoubtedly, The Land Shatter had a profound impact on the world, causing a cataclysmic event that came close to annihilating the entire world and severely damaging the essence of magic. Nowhere was this devastation more acutely felt than in the heartlands of Terigoth. This expansive territory was fractured, transforming into a vast archipelago of numerous islands. As a result, kingdoms lay in ruins, trade routes were decimated, and countless survivors found themselves faced with the arduous task of rebuilding their lives from scratch.   Over the course of subsequent centuries, a few dominant powers emerged within the scattered islands, but these stable centers remain the exception rather than the norm. The majority of the Broken Islands are characterized by their untamed wilderness and are imbued with the lingering effects of magical radiation. They serve as the haunting dwellings for generations of survivors who succumbed to madness and sought solace in the embrace of sinister deities and nightmarish entities, driven by their desperate struggle to endure. Additionally, some islands are infested with bizarre and horrifying monsters, remnants from the Mage War Era, or mutants resulting from the release of magical radiation.


Tourism may be seen as an unconventional concept for the Broken Isles, as many are hesitant to willingly explore this enigmatic and supposedly cursed place. Some regard it as a living hell on earth. However, despite the inherent dangers, the archipelago boasts a multitude of valuable resources, exotic locales, and stable regions that hold their own wonders.   While the majority of the Isles remain uncharted, dangerous, and untamed, the few bastions of civilization that thrive there stand out as extraordinary. These settlements are unlike any others in the world, managing to establish and maintain stability amidst the chaos. For those who perceive the Broken Isles as an opportunity to leave their mark, it is a place where anyone can carve out a niche for themselves. All that is required is a stable island, coupled with the strength and skill to claim it as their own.   Although tourism in the traditional sense may be limited, there are intrepid individuals who are drawn to the allure of the Broken Isles. They seek adventure, the chance to uncover hidden treasures, and the opportunity to experience the unique and unparalleled aspects of this tumultuous realm. Despite the risks, there are those who view the Broken Isles as a place of untapped potential and remarkable opportunity.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shattered Sea, The Wizards Puzzle

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