Kyne Destrdge Archmage of the Ordo Malignorum Magicarum Character in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Kyne Destrdge Archmage of the Ordo Malignorum Magicarum

I, Kyne Destrdge, bear the title of Archmage, proudly leading the esteemed Ordo Malignorum Magicarum. As I contemplate the task of recounting my life's journey, I cannot help but acknowledge the value of contributing to the annals of history and the cultural tapestry of our world. Hence, I shall acquiesce and endeavor to create this account.   Let me begin by disavowing any notion of being a hero or a protagonist, for such labels hold no allure to me. I eschew the romanticized notions of heroism, as my scholarly pursuits have revealed the truth about those revered figures of the past and present. Each so-called hero is invariably riddled with imperfections and burdened with a plethora of concealed misdeeds. There exist no true paragons of virtue, no immaculate beings devoted to pure goodness in this world.   Throughout my studies, I have borne witness to the darkest aspects of humanity. The cruelest and most heinous acts I have ever beheld were perpetrated not by the openly malevolent but by those who cloaked themselves in self-righteousness. They wielded the banner of virtuous intent to justify their iniquitous and self-serving behavior. Such hypocrisy disgusts me, and I will not be ensnared in the deceitful web of false righteousness.   I embracing the philosophy that power and control are essential to maintain order and stability. It is through the prudent exercise of authority that chaos can be curtailed, and progress can be achieved. My actions are guided by a strict code, not constrained by the whims of emotional indulgence or the capriciousness of morality. The pursuit of knowledge and arcane might, tempered by a discerning and strategic mind, is my true calling.   In this tumultuous world, where the masses bicker over the illusory notions of good and evil, I stand resolute in my convictions. My ambitions are grand, and my methods may be deemed unorthodox, but they are always calculated for the greater good as I perceive it. My path is one of astute manipulation and masterful orchestration, woven through the intricate threads of destiny.   As I weave my legacy into the fabric of time, I shall be remembered not with naive admiration but with grudging respect and perhaps a tinge of fear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chapter 2: Shadows of the Past   The world into which I was born existed in stark contrast. My mother, Martha Coulier, was a paragon of grace and kindness, toiling tirelessly as a washerwoman despite the judgment of those who deemed her profession unworthy. Her selfless dedication nurtured compassion and resilience within my brother and me.   On the other hand, our father, Axel "Stormhand" Destridge, was shrouded in infamy. An infamous pirate, robber, and womanizer, he brought fear and cruelty into our lives. Our days were marked by the painful absence of his presence, followed by his return, which brought only torment and anguish.   In the eyes of the world, I was just a child, unaware of the secrets hidden within my family's history. Little did anyone know, not even my mother or my brother, that I played a hidden role in my father's ultimate fate. Even at a young age, my magical talents began to emerge, but they were not the flashy displays typical of budding wizards. My gift lay in the subtle art of manipulating minds.   With a focused intent, I could plant insidious thoughts into the weak-willed, nudging them to think a certain way. The power I held was not to be underestimated, and I knew exactly how to harness it for my purposes.   My father's actions had scarred us deeply, and my heart burned with a thirst for revenge. I set my plan in motion, focusing my power on a vulnerable and power-hungry city guard. I suggested to him that exposing our father's piracy against New Serrosia would bring him immense benefit. It was the first domino in a chain reaction of events that led to my father's downfall.   As I observed the unfolding drama from the shadows, I could not help but feel a twisted satisfaction. When the guards dragged my father from our home and beat him into submission, I had to suppress the pleasure of seeing him receive a taste of the pain he had inflicted on us.   But it was during the trial that my intricate web of revenge reached its apex. My mental whispers infiltrated the minds of the weak-willed members of the jury, guiding them to a verdict that was not truly their own. The outcome was my doing, not justice, but a personal vendetta brought to fruition.   When the noose tightened around my father's neck, a dark sense of triumph washed over me. His demise was not for crimes against our nation, for I knew he might not have been guilty of treason. Instead, it was a consequence of his despicable treatment of my family. I reveled in the knowledge that I had orchestrated his downfall, the architect of poetic justice for his malevolence. He danced the dead mans jig and I almost danced in pure joy myself.


In the mosaic of our education, my brother Keen and I experienced a vibrant tapestry of knowledge. Our dear mother, Martha Coulier, gifted us the precious skill of reading at a tender age, emphasizing the power and freedom that literacy offered. She instilled in us the belief that no one should diminish the significance of being able to read and explore the world through words.   Keen, my fratural twin and closest companion, found solace in the freedom of stories and words, while my own heart gravitated towards the power that lay within the pages. Together, we devoured any book we could find, immersing ourselves in them, where he dreamed of heroic fantasy I studied the works of philosophers, scholars, generals and kings. These stories nurtured our imagination, igniting sparks of dreams within our young hearts, he of dashing heroism and I of power and control of the chaotic world around me.   Books were expensive and my brother happily dragged himself through honest toil to afford the copper-dreadfuls that he adored, meanwhile I had ways of acquiring coin that were less honest but much more effective, my books were much more expensive anyway so it was a fair trade in my mind.   The pivotal moment of my learning was when I stumbled upon an old and worn spell book in a dusty pawnshop. Its aged pages whispered secrets of arcane power, it had diagrams, notes and instructions on how to tap into the magical energy of the world around me. It had once belonged to an apprentice wizard who judging by the blood stains on the book had been knifed by a mugger. It was the greatest find of my life and started my path towards becoming a wizard.   As I delved deeper into the arcane arts, my academic pursuits led me on a journey of magic and power. Keen, my noble-hearted brother, embraced his own path, fueled by virtuous ideals and a thirst for adventure. Our lives, while intertwined, took us on divergent roads, each shaped by our aspirations.   Books on ancient incantations, grimoires of forgotten spells, and scrolls imbued with secrets of the mystic arts adorned the shelves of my personal collection, most were fraudulent but even among their lies I found the grains of magical truths. I devoted countless hours to unraveling the mysteries of the magical realm, unlocking hidden potential within myself. I had against all odds self taught myself how to cast the most basic of arcane spells, Cantrips, by the age of eleven.   The pursuit of knowledge was not solely for its own sake. A burning desire for revenge and a sense of intellectual supercity fueled my academic ambition. The scars of our father's cruelty and the pain he inflicted upon us lingered, a festering wound that demanded retribution. My magical prowess became a tool of vengeance, a means to right the wrongs and ensure that the wicked faced justice and that I and my intellect earned what I felt I deserved. Even without my magic I became convinced that I was smarter then everyone else, that my mind justified any act i did because I had planed it out with perfect logic and cunning and that the intelligent, namely myself, had every right to use those of dull wits and poor mental prowess.   Chapter 3: My first steps upon the path of Wizardry   As a boy of barely twelve winters, my life took a momentous turn when Nadine Lemaître, a bitter and seasoned wizardess, spotted my magical talent. The fates had aligned, for Nadine required an apprentice to earn her status among the esteemed High Guild. Little did I know that this encounter would shape my destiny in ways I could never have imagined.   Nadine, with her sharp wit and formidable knowledge, was not one to be trifled with. Her once radiant passion for magic had dimmed over the years, replaced by a thirst for recognition and validation from her peers. The High Guild, an institution revered for its arcane prowess, held the key to the status she craved.   From the moment she laid eyes on me, Nadine recognized the potential that lay within. Despite her gruff exterior, she saw in me a spark of brilliance that she could mold into a formidable wizard. It was an opportunity for her to prove her worth to the High Guild, and for me, a chance to embrace the magical heritage that was in my blood.   Under Nadine's tutelage, my young mind was exposed to the intricate wonders of the arcane. She pushed me relentlessly, forcing me to unlock the depths of my magical potential. The lessons were demanding, and her methods were far from gentle. But I was determined to rise to the challenge, to prove that I was worthy of her guidance and of wielding the powers of the High Guild.   As days turned into months, Nadine's training drove me to the brink of exhaustion. She showed no mercy, for she believed that the path to mastery lay in adversity. And yet, beneath her stern exterior, I sensed a glimmer of pride in my progress. I had become her conduit to validation, and with each spell I mastered, her reputation within the High Guild soared.   But as my skills grew, so did the desire for power within me. Nadine had instilled in me a sense of ambition and an unwavering hunger to excel. The magic I wielded promised dominion over the world, a means to reshape reality according to my will. It was intoxicating, and I found myself yearning for more.   As I dived deeper into the arcane arts, I discovered ancient tomes and forbidden grimoires that whispered of untold power. The allure of forbidden knowledge beckoned, and I found myself standing at a crossroads—my mentor's teachings on one path and the forbidden fruits of dark magic on the other.   Nadine had not anticipated the allure of darkness that tugged at my soul. Her ambition was rooted in achieving greatness within the bounds of the High Guild, but mine had transcended those limits. I craved power beyond comprehension, power that could right the wrongs done to me and control the world around me as my intellect desevred and demanded.   For ten years, I immersed myself in the life of an apprentice under Nadine's watchful eye. She had paid my mother generously to allow me to leave home and reside within the tower and local Chantry of the High Guild. Our visits back home were infrequent, but during those rare moments of freedom from my rigorous training, I cherished the time spent with my family.   As I returned to the familiar embrace of my family, a mixture of emotions overwhelmed me. The love and warmth I felt from my mother and brother were undeniable, but the more I learned about the world and its history, the more my perspective shifted. Disgust stirred within me as I observed Keen embracing what I saw as childish and naive ideals.   I had walked the path of knowledge and ambition, delving into the depths of magic, and the power I wielded had forever changed me. The concerns that had once seemed so significant in our small world felt trivial in the grand tapestry of existence. I yearned for Keen to understand the complexities of reality, to recognize the necessity of strength and the pursuit of greater influence.   But, at times, it was as if we stood on opposite sides of an impenetrable divide. Keen's unwavering commitment to noble virtues clashed with my pragmatic pursuit of power. While he saw the world through the lens of compassion and justice, I perceived it through the eyes of consequence and the need for control.   In the midst of our conflicting perspectives, our bond as brothers remained unbroken if not strained. The familiar warmth of home beckoned to me, a reminder of the values we once shared as children. Though I had become the apprentice to a bitter and ambitious wizardess, my heart still yearned in some small way for the camaraderie we once had, when we dreamed together of fantastical adventures and heroic exploits.   In my moments of solitude within the tower, the shadows of our past and the weight of our shared experiences haunted me. I wrestled with the duality though I always told myself i was a good person, that my persuit of power was simply me earning what I deserved from a world that treated me poorly.


Before my apprenticeship and joining the High Guild of Magic, my employment history was rather unremarkable. I briefly worked as an apprentice scribe, hoping that the pursuit of knowledge through writing would ignite my intellectual curiosity. However, I soon realized that the role did not offer the challenges I sought, and I yearned for a more profound purpose.   My true career, as I chose to view it, began when I became an apprentice to the High Guild. This prestigious position marked the turning point in my life, propelling me toward the pursuit of magical mastery and arcane power. Under the tutelage of Nadine Lemaître, my magical talents flourished, and my mind opened to the boundless possibilities that magic offered.   While my primary employment revolved around my role within the High Guild, I dabbled in various side projects both for my amusement and to accumulate wealth and resources. The arcane wonders I had unlocked fueled my desire for more, and I sought to harness my magical prowess to further my personal interests.   Beyond the formal responsibilities of my apprenticeship, I delved into areas of study that intrigued me—ancient histories, forgotten myths, and obscure rituals. I considered these endeavors as my private quests for knowledge, and they served to enrich my understanding of the world and its hidden mysteries.   Additionally, my talents allowed me to undertake ventures that provided me with the resources I desired. Through the judicious application of my magical abilities, I engaged in endeavors that brought prosperity, secured rare artifacts, and expanded my influence within the realm of magic.   But, above all, my primary dedication remained to the High Guild. My training with Nadine instilled in me a sense of loyalty and obligation to this esteemed institution. It was within the confines of the High Guild's walls that I found belonging and purpose—a place where I could continue to expand my arcane knowledge and contribute to the greater magical community.   As the years went by, my reputation within the High Guild grew. My proficiency in magic and the power I wielded became known among the guild's members. However, it was not only the pursuit of power that fueled my ambition; it was a desire to be recognized and respected among my peers, to prove that I was more than just an apprentice under Nadine's mentorship.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Among my numerous achievements, the one that stands above all others is earning the coveted title of Archmage. It is a testament to my relentless pursuit of magical mastery and the recognition of my prowess within the High Guild. The road to this esteemed position was paved with challenges, sacrifices, and unwavering determination.   Over the years, I honed my magical talents under the watchful eye of Nadine Lemaître, transforming from a boy of barely twelve winters to a formidable wizard with a thirst for power and knowledge. The ambition that drove me pushed the boundaries of what I thought possible, and it was this relentless pursuit that ultimately led me to the title of Archmage.   My journey to this pinnacle of magical authority was not without its share of trials and tribulations. I had to navigate through the intricate politics of the High Guild, outmaneuver rivals, and prove my worth time and again. Each step forward demanded cunning and strategic thinking, a calculated dance of influence and persuasion.   Many of my accomplishments remain shrouded in secrecy, for I have no reason to divulge all the machinations and schemes that have successfully come to fruition due to my guidance. The world is a complex tapestry of power and politics, and as an Archmage, I have learned to wield both with skill and finesse.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failures and embarrassments are facets of life that every individual encounters, and I am no exception. However, I must admit that I do not often dwell on such moments, as my ambition and intellect drive me to view them as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. As a pragmatic individual, I do not tolerate failure, neither in myself nor in those I employ. However, that does not mean I am a ruthless villain who dispenses with people at the slightest sign of failure. Such behavior would be counterproductive and detrimental to maintaining a healthy and efficient operation.   In my pursuit of greatness, I have faced my fair share of setbacks and failures. There have been occasions where my carefully laid plans have gone awry, and I have found myself at a crossroads, contemplating where I went wrong. In these moments, I harness the lessons from my failures to adapt and improve my approach. Each setback becomes an opportunity for growth and refinement, propelling me forward with renewed determination.   While my ambition pushes me to excel, it also prevents me from succumbing to embarrassment easily. I do not possess much capacity for that particular sensation, as my focus lies squarely on the path ahead. Mistakes and missteps may occur, but I do not let them define me. Instead, I embrace them as part of the learning process and use them to fortify my resolve.   Nonetheless, I am not immune to the occasional misstep. At times, the weight of my responsibilities as an Archmage and the pressures of leadership can be daunting. In moments of vulnerability, I may question my decisions or doubt my abilities. But I quickly regain my composure, reminding myself that it is through facing challenges that one hones their skills and rises above the ordinary.   As a leader, I understand the importance of maintaining composure and projecting a sense of unwavering confidence. My self-assurance serves to inspire and instill confidence in those I lead. My refusal to be bogged down by embarrassment or self-doubt sets the tone for my agents to persevere through adversity, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.   In the end, I am a wizard driven by ambition and guided by intellect. Failures and embarrassments are mere temporary blips on the grand tapestry of my journey. I do not let them define me; instead, I embrace them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. My pursuit of greatness continues undeterred, for I know that the road to mastery is paved with challenges, setbacks, and triumphs, all of which shape the wizard I am destined to become.

Mental Trauma

The journey of life is not without its share of trials and tribulations. From the moment we gain awareness of the world around us, we begin to experience the pain and trauma that come with the human condition. Mortals, in their entirety, are composed of the scars and wounds etched upon their hearts and souls.   I, too, am no exception to this reality. The echoes of my past reverberate within me, leaving indelible marks upon my being. The abuse inflicted upon me by my father, the torment of bullies, and the constant comparisons to my seemingly perfect brother—all these experiences have shaped me, molding my perceptions and driving me down a path of seeking revenge and deriving joy from spite.   As a wizard driven by ambition and guided by intellect, I find solace and motivation in harnessing the pain of my past. It is through these wounds that I have developed resilience and tenacity, qualities that have propelled me forward in my pursuit of greatness. The scars that adorn my soul serve as a constant reminder of the challenges I have overcome and the strength I have gained along the way.   Yet, I must acknowledge that the weight of such trauma is not to be underestimated. The lingering shadows of my past can sometimes cast doubt upon my decisions or push me to the edge of vulnerability. There are moments when I must confront the darkness within me and wrestle with the emotions that lie beneath the surface.   Despite my calculated exterior, I am not impervious to the emotions that swirl within. The wounds of the past may remain hidden from the world, but they are not forgotten. In the depths of my being, I grapple with the scars that have shaped me, using them as a source of strength and motivation to drive me ever forward.

Intellectual Characteristics

The moment of my wizards' trial was a turning point in my life, a revelation that shattered the illusion of being a hero and a good person. As the trial laid bare the truth of who I truly was, I stood at a crossroads, faced with a choice that could define the course of my destiny. I could have turned away from the path of ambition and power, seeking redemption and transformation, but instead, I chose to embrace the darkness within me.   Deep down, I knew that I craved power, that ambition coursed through my veins like a potent elixir. The desire to rise above others, to wield influence and authority, was a driving force that propelled me forward. The smiles that crept across my lips at acts of revenge and the delight I found in cruel acts of spite were not figments of imagination but genuine expressions of my innermost desires.   I came to realize that I was not the traditional hero with a heart of gold, nor did I aspire to be. The noble ideals that my brother Keen embodied were not my guiding principles. Instead, I reveled in my harshness, in the calculated decisions I made to further my ambitions. I did not shy away from cruelty if it served my purpose, for I knew that sometimes the pursuit of power required making difficult and unsavory choices.   I am unapologetically driven by my desire for greatness, and I am not afraid to embrace the darker aspects of my nature. I understand that the path I walk is not one of purity and selflessness, but of calculated determination and strategic brilliance. It is a path where the ends often justify the means, and where power and influence reign supreme.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality, to me, is a mere facade, a thin coat donned to protect against the harshness of the world. I am not one to blindly follow societal norms or codes of conduct without questioning their purpose and significance. Instead, I am self-aware of my own personal rules, understanding the reasons behind them and how they serve my ambitions and desires.   I refuse to be subservient to any supernatural being, no matter the allure of their magic. I stand tall and resolute, never bowing, scraping, or begging for their favor. I am not a mere dog seeking scraps from its master's table. Instead, I am the one who unravels the true names of such beings, binding them to reveal their secrets. I will not be manipulated or controlled by others, and I wield my own power to master the forces that seek to dominate me.   Despite my unyielding nature, I do have certain principles that I hold dear. I will not harm the innocent, especially children or the defenseless. I find such acts to be repugnant and a display of weakness, as it shows an inability to challenge and defeat a worthy adversary. Even within my own order of magi, I have dealt with those who endangered the vulnerable, showing no hesitation in removing such individuals from the equation.   However, I am not bound by a rigid code of ethics. I am willing to impose self-imposed rules upon myself to test my abilities and push the boundaries of my power. I might, for instance, restrict my use of magic to initiate a scheme or challenge myself to find more cunning and inventive ways to neutralize my rivals or adversaries.   At the core of my philosophy lies the pursuit of power and the cunning manipulation of the world around me. I do not shy away from making difficult decisions or employing unorthodox methods to achieve my goals. While others may perceive me as ruthless, I see myself as pragmatic and relentless in the pursuit of my ambitions.


To me, taboos are nothing more than the constructs of small minds and products of ignorance. These societal restrictions and prohibitions are often based on irrational fears and outdated beliefs, limiting the potential for growth and understanding. As a wizard driven by ambition and guided by intellect, I refuse to be constrained by such narrow-minded thinking.   Taboos often stem from a lack of knowledge and a fear of the unknown. They serve to suppress individuality and prevent the exploration of new ideas and concepts. As a seeker of knowledge and a master of magic, I understand the importance of pushing boundaries and challenging conventional wisdom.   I do not let taboos dictate my actions or decisions. Instead, I embrace the pursuit of knowledge, even if it leads me to controversial or uncharted territories. I am unafraid to question established norms and challenge long-held beliefs if it means gaining a deeper understanding of the world and its mysteries.   While I may have my own personal rules and principles, they are not shaped by taboos but by a careful consideration of their purpose and impact on my goals. I do not shy away from using my powers and influence to reshape the world according to my vision, regardless of whether it aligns with societal norms.   Taboos have no power over me, for I am a wizard who harnesses the forces of magic to transcend the limitations of the ordinary. My pursuit of greatness and the relentless pursuit of power drive me forward, unencumbered by the petty restrictions imposed by those who lack the vision to see beyond tradition and convention.
Known Languages
Far to many to list, Kyne is a linguist of repute and a polygot by all accounts.

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