Ghoblyns, the Ghoblyn Lords Species in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Ghoblyns, the Ghoblyn Lords

In the shadows, I prowl and creep, A creature born from darkness deep. Ghoblyn am I, with malevolent might, Fueled by malice and the thirst for night.   My eyes see through the blackest veil, In lowly darkness, my strength prevails. With fangs and claws, I strike with glee, A nightmare brought to life, you'll see.   My heart black as the darkest night, With every step, I spread my blight. I revel in chaos, in fear and pain, A relentless force that none can restrain.   From the lands of old, I was cast away, Banished to the depths, where shadows sway. But my hatred grew, my thirst for might, And I plotted my return in the dead of night.   An empire I built, with vengeful might, Ghoblyn legions, an endless fright. Monsters and war machines, at my command, To reclaim my land, a conquest grand.   But in the end, my schemes did fail, Against the Alliance, my forces proved frail. And in my desperation, I cursed my kind, The Sundering Curse, a cruel bind.   Now I linger in the tales of old, A cautionary tale, of darkness untold. Though my name may fade from memory, Fear not, for one day, I shall return with glee.   For I am Ghoblyn, gnawer at the dark, I am Ghoblyn, hear me hark. I am fear, I am dread, the haunting specter of the dead, And in the shadows, I'll rise again, To spread my malevolence, forever remain.   -The Poem of the Last Dark Judge of the Ghoblyns found upon the now empty Throne of Souls

Basic Information


In the annals of legends, stories, and a scarce collection of archaeological sources, the Ghoblyns of the first age have left an indelible mark on the lore of ancient times. Descriptions of these enigmatic beings portray them as towering figures, possessing remarkable physical power, agility, and fitness. Their impressive stature often commanded awe and fear from those who crossed their paths.   Ghoblyns displayed an exotic beauty in their appearance, with skin that ranged in various captivating shades of blue and green. This unique pigmentation added to their mystique, setting them apart from the ordinary races of the world. Their hair, a striking feature, was a sight to behold, cascading in mesmerizing hues of black, red, or purple.   While adhering to a typical humanoid body plan, Ghoblyns exhibited an exceptional level of athleticism and grace. Their movements were fluid and agile. It is said that they could traverse treacherous terrain with ease, leaping great distances and mastering acrobatic feats that seemed almost supernatural.   An intriguing aspect of Ghoblyn physiology was their blood, the subject of much speculation and mystery. Legends spoke of it being toxic and dark as the deepest abyss, a disturbing contrast to their outward beauty. Theories suggest that the black coloration might be attributed to the oxidizing agents present in their blood, which could originate from a peculiar and rare toxic metal rather than the more common iron or copper found in the world's typical creatures. Evidence in the dark red coloration and acording to some sources tendency for goblin flesh and blood to make creatures that eat it sick lends some truth to this matter.

Biological Traits

The Ghoblyns possessed a remarkable array of biological traits that set them apart as formidable beings in their realm:   Heightened Physical Prowess: The Ghoblyns were known for their superior physical abilities. Their strength, agility, and endurance exceeded those of most other humanoid races. This physical prowess made them formidable in combat, allowing them to overpower foes and endure in challenging situations.   Heightened Senses: The Ghoblyns had heightened senses, granting them exceptional awareness of their environment. Their keen vision allowed them to see in low light and darkness, while their acute sense of smell enabled them to detect scents from afar. Their sharp hearing made them highly vigilant to even the faintest of sounds, giving them an advantage in hunting and combat.   Fast Healing: One of the most notable traits of the Ghoblyns was their fast healing capabilities. They possessed a regenerative ability that allowed them to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate compared to other races. This swift healing process made them formidable opponents in battle, as wounds that would disable others often only slowed them down temporarily.   Resistance to Poison and Disease: The Ghoblyns displayed a natural resistance to poisons and diseases. Their bodies seemed to possess an inherent immunity that provided protection against harmful toxins and illnesses. This resistance made them more resilient against threats that could incapacitate or even prove fatal to others.   Fangs & Claws: The Ghoblyns were equipped with sharp fangs and claws, further emphasizing their predatory nature. These natural weapons, combined with their heightened physical prowess, allowed them to become deadly close-quarters combatants. Their fangs and claws were powerful tools for hunting and self-defense, capable of rending flesh with ease.

Genetics and Reproduction

The precise details of Ghoblyn genetics and their methods of reproduction remain obscured by the veil of time and the realm of legends. However, it is plausible to assume that they might have followed similar patterns as their goblinoid descendants in terms of procreation.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is presumed that the Ghoblyns, being a humanoid race, would have followed a growth rate and stages of life similar to other humanoid creatures. These stages typically include infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. However, what set them apart from many other races was their remarkable longevity.

Ecology and Habitats

The Ghoblyns were known to have once inhabited a realm of their own choosing, a domain befitting their power and ambition. However, the legendary War of the First Crowns resulted in their banishment from their preferred lands, forcing them to adapt to a harsh and unforgiving wilderness.   After their exile, the Ghoblyns sought refuge in rugged hills, forlorn mountains, and dark caverns below the earth. These inhospitable environments became their new homes, where they learned to survive and thrive amidst the challenges posed by the wilderness.   The rugged hills provided them with natural vantage points and defensive positions, allowing them to maintain a strategic advantage over potential adversaries. The forlorn mountains, with their treacherous terrain, granted the Ghoblyns a sense of seclusion and security, keeping them hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders. In the dark caverns below the earth, they found shelter and refuge, learning to navigate the subterranean world with great expertise.   The harsh landscapes and isolation of their new habitats forced the Ghoblyns to adapt their ways of life. They became adept at exploiting the resources found in these regions, whether it be for sustenance, crafting tools, or forging weapons. Their natural affinity for the darkness, combined with their keen predatory senses, allowed them to excel in the dimly lit and treacherous environments of their new homes.   In the depths of the earth, far from the surface realms, the Ghoblyns established their grand cities, becoming masters of the dark domains below. These subterranean metropolises were industrious and formidable, evoking both awe and terror among those who dared to venture close to their domain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

From the available evidence, including art, skeletal remains, and the characteristics of modern goblinoids, it is evident that the Ghoblyns were primarily carnivorous in their dietary preferences, akin to their descendants. While they may have had omnivorous tendencies, meat was the dominant component of their diet. Additionally, their eating habits were complemented by the consumption of certain fungi and plants.   The Ghoblyns' dietary adaptations are evident in the structure of their jaws and teeth. Their pronounced canines and teeth designed for shearing and slicing flesh indicate their mostly carnivorous nature, though they did have teeth more inline with most Omnivores they were much less numerous then their sharper meat eatting teeth. These specialized dental features are more suitable for tearing apart meat than grinding down vegetation.   The inclusion of certain fungi and plants in their diet suggests a level of adaptability and resourcefulness, as these elements likely provided additional sustenance in their subterranean habitats. Fungi, for example, can grow in the dark and damp environments of the underground, making them readily available as a food source for the Ghoblyns.   The carnivorous nature of the Ghoblyns and their adaptations for consuming meat would have contributed to their formidable reputation as fierce and fearsome predators. Their dietary habits, coupled with their other exceptional traits, allowed them to thrive in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness they were driven to after the War of the First Crowns.   While the specifics of their diet may remain shrouded in some mystery, the evidence from various sources gives us valuable insights into the Ghoblyns' dietary preferences and how these factors influenced their survival and influence in the ancient times they once dominated.


According to the sources and legends, the Ghoblyns exhibited a deeply malevolent and wicked nature in their behavior and psychology. They were described as greedy, cruel, domineering, hateful, and indeed, evil. Their actions and motives seemed to be driven by insatiable predatory urges, an overwhelming desire for power and control, and an unquenchable thirst for wealth and resources.   Their behavior was often likened to that of devilish or demonic beings, with a dark and sinister aura surrounding them. Their malevolence went beyond mere survival instincts; they seemed to revel in causing suffering and exerting dominance over others. This predatory nature, combined with their intelligence and cunning, made them formidable adversaries in their quest for power.   Their insatiable greed drove them to amass wealth and resources at any cost, which often included acts of violence and aggression towards other races and creatures. They were said to have little regard for the well-being or rights of others, viewing them merely as tools to be manipulated or obstacles to be overcome.   Domination and control were fundamental aspects of their psychology. The need to subjugate everything around them, to bend it to their will, was a defining characteristic of the Ghoblyns. This desire for control extended to both the physical realm and the arcane forces they sought to master. It was this thirst for dominance that contributed to the grand and terrifying cities they built in the deep earth.   Their hate was deep-seated, and they harbored grudges against those who opposed them. They were known to hold long-standing vendettas, and their vindictive nature made them formidable foes.   The legends often portrayed the Ghoblyns as wicked fey-like beings, indicating that their malevolence was intertwined with a sense of otherworldly malignancy. Their evil tendencies seemed to transcend mere mortal behavior, suggesting a dark and enigmatic origin for their malevolent nature.   While the Ghoblyns were certainly cunning and resourceful, their behavior and psychology were predominantly driven by their malicious and predatory instincts. The tales of their wickedness have left an enduring impression on the collective imagination, forever associating them with evil and malevolence in the annals of our worlds history.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of Ghoblyn society, as pieced together from goblinoid lore and the works of other races such as Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes, paints a picture of a highly rigid caste culture with a pyramid-like hierarchy. At the top of this hierarchy sits the Ghoblyn Lord Emperor called the Dark Judge, who is venerated as a living god, and at the very bottom are the slaves. While Ghoblyns refused to venerate any of the known gods they followed their own philosophical religon that was intertwined with their traditions and culture.   The Ghoblyn society is divided into various castes that also happen to be religious cults, each with its own unique purpose and role within their culture. These castes are as follows:   Cult of Dominance:   Symbol: A hammer upon a throne's back   The Cult of Dominance is led by the Dark Judge and his attendants, known as the Court of Souls. They claim that all Ghoblyn souls will be judged based on their service to Ghoblyn Sociaty, and failure will result in eternal torment in the Dark Judge's Throne. The throne and hammer are said to be powerful artifacts that can devour souls and grant dark might to their wielder.   Cult of Fire:   Symbol: A blazing open book   The Cult of Fire consists of maniacal geniuses drawn from craftsmen, inventors, and innovators. They value knowledge and progress, symbolized by the burning light of their symbol. This cult prefers fiery weapons and magic and believes that their cunning and cruelty will grant them a place by the Dark Judge's Ever-throne.   Cult of Fear:   Symbol: A skull with both sockets impaled by daggers   The Cult of Fear is a small but respected Ghoblyn cult, serving as the Dark Judge's agents. They specialize in studying martial and magical arts, especially those related to fear and terror. Their ability to instill fear in others is considered a potent weapon for both social control and defeating enemies.   Cult of War:   Symbol: Crossed Bow and Sword   The Cult of War obsesses over military might and perfection, studying siege warfare, formations, and military conquest in-depth. Members of this cult believe that they must prove their worth in battle to avoid having their souls devoured by the Dark Judge in the afterlife. They seek to become the epitome of the perfect soldier.   Cult of Servitude:   Symbol: A mattock wrapped in slaves' chains and manacles   At the lowest caste of Ghoblyn society, the Cult of Servitude is tasked with serving their masters. They are considered slaves and have long been denied advancement, being forced to perform undesirable tasks and labor among Ghoblyn kind. Their status is so low that they are counted among the unclean, stripped of wealth, power, and status, and expected to offer humble service until death, lest their souls be devoured by the Dark Judge in the next world.   The Ghoblyn society's caste system is highly stratified, with each caste having its specific role and expectations. The reverence and fear surrounding the Dark Judge and the pursuit of power, dominance, and control over others underscore the ruthless and malevolent nature of the Ghoblyns as depicted in the myths and tales of old.

Facial characteristics

In the depictions found in art, the Ghoblyns are portrayed with sharp and feral facial characteristics. Their faces often exhibit a dangerous and predatory allure, drawing upon traits reminiscent of both lupine (wolf-like) and aqualine (eagle-like) features.   Their sharp facial features give them an air of intensity and cunning, further reinforcing their reputation as formidable and intelligent beings. The sharpness of their features, combined with their heightened senses, likely played a role in their exceptional awareness of their surroundings.   Additionally, many Ghoblyns are depicted as handsome or beautiful in a dangerous sense. This juxtaposition of attractiveness and danger adds to their enigmatic nature, enticing and terrifying those who behold them simultaneously.   The noted pointed and large ears of the Ghoblyns serve as an essential aspect of their anatomy, contributing to their keen sense of hearing, which was described as sharp as a hunting cat's. Legend seems to imply that the twitching and swivaling of their ears was as much a part of their comunication as eyebrow movements are among humans.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

According to the lore, the Ghoblyns were indeed known to have lived solely on the Dothermeryji continent. Their ancestral roots and the origin of the goblinoid races, including Hobgoblins, Bugbears, and Goblins, can be traced back to the Ghoblyns on this continent. As the Ghoblyns' descendants, these goblinoid races branched out and spread to various regions across the known world. They adapted to diverse environments, developing distinct traits and cultures suited to their new homes.

Average Intelligence

Indeed, the intelligence of the Ghoblyns was nothing short of remarkable and not to be underestimated. According to the legends, they were masters of complicated magic, science, and engineering feats that rivaled even the ancient Dragons.   Their exceptional intelligence was a key factor in their dominance over the subterranean realms and their ability to build grand cities of awe-inspiring complexity and magnificence. The Ghoblyns' mastery of magic allowed them to harness arcane forces and manipulate the very fabric of reality. They delved into the mysteries of the arcane arts, developing powerful spells and enchantments that guarded their cities and bestowed them with great power.   In addition to their magical prowess, the Ghoblyns were also skilled in scientific and engineering disciplines. They displayed a deep understanding of natural forces, minerals, and elements found in the earth. Through their knowledge, they were able to harness resources for their industrial and crafting endeavors, creating advanced weaponry and tools.   Their engineering feats were marvels of ingenuity, with their cities intricately designed to utilize the natural structures of the underground while also incorporating sophisticated mechanisms and defenses. Their technological advancements, combined with their magical proficiency, made their grand cities both industrious and terrifying.   The Ghoblyns' intelligence and mastery of various disciplines elevated them to a position of immense power and influence. Their ability to wield both magic and advanced technologies on par with ancient Dragons was a testament to their exceptional capabilities and ingenuity.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

According to the legends, the Ghoblyns possessed a set of extraordinary sensory and extrasensory capabilities, rendering them highly adept predators in their ancient realm. Their keen predatory senses allowed them to excel in hunting and navigating their environment with remarkable precision and efficiency.   Their eyes were particularly exceptional, granting them the ability to see with ease in low light conditions or even complete darkness. This night vision capability provided them with a distinct advantage during nocturnal pursuits, making them formidable opponents in the darkened shadows.   Their sense of smell rivaled that of a wolf, allowing them to pick up scents with exceptional acuity. This heightened olfactory perception enabled them to track their prey over vast distances and discern the presence of other creatures or individuals in their vicinity.   Alongside their acute vision and sense of smell, the Ghoblyns possessed ears that were as sharp as those of a hunting cat. Their auditory prowess allowed them to detect even the faintest of sounds, making them virtually undetectable while moving stealthily. This exceptional auditory sense not only aided them in their hunting endeavors but also made them highly vigilant against potential threats.   The combination of their keen senses - night vision, acute smell, and sharp hearing - bestowed upon the Ghoblyns an unparalleled awareness of their surroundings, which proved invaluable in both offensive and defensive situations. It allowed them to adapt swiftly to changing environments, evade danger, and seize opportunities with calculated precision.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ghoblyn naming conventions and family names remain shrouded in mystery, with only scarce information available. Translations suggest a preference for hard, sharp-sounding names, reminiscent of modern goblinoid names but bearing greater complexity. The Ghoblyns' names often reflect their caste and the cult they belonged to, making them an integral part of their identity.   While much of their history and culture have been lost to time, some fragments of their naming traditions have been passed down through ancient texts and artifacts. Ghoblyn names, like their society, were known for their sinister and foreboding tones, mirroring the malevolent nature of their race.   Family names among the Ghoblyns were rare, as their society focused more on individual prowess and allegiance to the various cults. It is believed that Ghoblyns primarily identified themselves by their personal names and their affiliation with a particular caste or cult.   Unfortunately, due to the scarcity of sources and the passage of time, many aspects of Ghoblyn naming conventions and cultural practices have been lost or obscured. The remnants of their language and naming traditions now serve as enigmatic clues to the history of this dark and malevolent race.

Major Organizations

Cults among the Ghoblyns were not only a caste system but also an integral part of their religious beliefs, deeply entwined with all aspects of their culture. The Cults played a significant role in shaping the society of the Ghoblyns, defining their hierarchy and guiding their actions.   Each Cult represented a distinct aspect of the Ghoblyns' malevolent nature, and membership in a specific Cult determined an individual's place within their caste system. These Cults were revered and venerated, with their leaders holding great power and influence over their followers.   The Cult of Dominance embodied the desire for power and control, and its leader, known as the Dark Judge, held a position akin to a god-Emperor. The Court of Souls served as the Dark Judge's attendants, administering judgment and punishment to those deemed unworthy or disobedient.   The Cult of Fire celebrated ingenuity, craftsmanship, and destruction. Its members were drawn from skilled craftsmen, innovators, and inventors who thrived on the fiery arts. Their obsession with fire, both as a tool and as a weapon, fueled their devotion to the Cult.   The Cult of Fear specialized in the study of terror and psychological warfare. Agents of this Cult delved into various martial and magical arts, with a particular focus on understanding and manipulating the humanoid mind to instill fear and panic in their enemies.   The Cult of War, as its name suggests, was dedicated to military might and conquest. Its members delved into the study of military strategy, siege warfare, and battle formations, seeking to become the epitome of the perfect soldier.   At the lowest rung of their society, the Cult of Servitude consisted of those stripped of wealth, power, and status, forced to work the most undesirable tasks among the Ghoblyns. They were treated as little more than slaves, serving their masters under the belief that obedience would grant them a place in the afterlife.   These Cults not only determined the Ghoblyns' social standing but also shaped their belief systems and moral code. They justified their malevolent actions, considering themselves above the faerie laws they had rejected. Their devotion to their Cults fueled their ambition, cruelty, and thirst for power.   Through the intertwining of the caste system and religious beliefs in the form of these Cults, the Ghoblyns crafted a society driven by fear, dominance, and malevolence. The legacy of their dark ways would cast a long shadow over their history, leaving a mark on the lands they once sought to conquer.

Average Technological Level

The technological and magical advancements of the Ghoblyns were indeed awe-inspiring and far beyond what their foes had achieved at the time. While the Dwarves were still mastering the forging of Iron, the Ghoblyns wielded finely honed steel blades, superior in craftsmanship and deadlier in combat.   The Elves were only just beginning to grasp the powers of high magic, yet the Ghoblyns had already delved deep into the dark arts, bending life to their will. Their mastery of necromancy allowed them to manipulate the souls of the deceased, crafting powerful artifacts fueled by the energies of the departed, among other supernatural horrors.   The Ghoblyns' technological prowess and magical knowledge gave them a distinct advantage on the battlefield. Their war machines were terrifying and ruthless, capable of unleashing devastation upon their enemies. Their armors, crafted with precision, provided both formidable protection and unholy enchantments.   While the world was still grappling with the basics of science and magic, the Ghoblyns had delved into the darkest and most forbidden secrets, fueled by their malevolent desires and thirst for power. Their innovations and discoveries propelled them to the forefront of conflict, making them a force to be reckoned with.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ghoblyns maintained a single unified tongue, strictly enforced by the Dark Judge and the ruling elite. The language served as a powerful tool of unity and control within their malevolent society. Its spread and usage were tightly regulated, ensuring that all Ghoblyns spoke and understood the same language, reinforcing their shared identity and loyalty to their culture.   The Ghoblyn language was designed to convey authority and malevolence, reflecting the dominant traits of their race. It was a complex and formidable tongue, enabling them to communicate with precision and clarity, essential for their military strategies and dark machinations.   Writing in the Ghoblyn language was equally rigidly enforced, as it served as a means of preserving their history, knowledge, and secret arcane arts. Written texts were closely guarded and reserved for the elite members of the Cults and high-ranking officials. It was believed that the power of the written word was akin to magic, capable of preserving and amplifying their malevolent legacy.   The Dark Judge understood the significance of language as a tool of control. By centralizing the language and regulating its use, he reinforced the idea of a single, unyielding authority. Dissent or deviation from the accepted language could lead to severe punishment or even death, discouraging any potential rebellion within their ranks.   Language, in the hands of the Dark Judge, was not just a means of communication but a weapon to maintain his dominion over the Ghoblyns. It served to further the malevolent objectives of the Cults and reinforce the notion of unity and obedience among their ranks.   In the wake of their downfall, the Ghoblyn language and its written texts have become rare and almost forgotten. As their dark empire crumbled, their once unified language faded into obscurity, leaving behind only fragments and traces in ancient ruins and artifacts. Yet, even in their absence, the echoes of their malevolent tongue continue to serve as a chilling reminder of the power it once held and the oppressive rule that governed their society. Though few those who learn and even speak Old Ghoblyn do so often because they seek the lost and dark secrets of their kind.


Darkness Births Darkness   In the mists of early history, when gods and fey lords walked the land of Syann, a group of beings known as the Feyborn lived as slaves under the rule of the fey realms. These Feyborn yearned for freedom and civil conflicts erupted as they rebelled against their oppressors. Some managed to escape their servitude and found their way to Syann, becoming the first Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes.   However, among those who became mortal, there was one who sought not freedom but malice and spite. Bodach, the Unseelie lord of fear and the Bogyman, devised a dark plan. He recruited the most greedy, aggressive, and cruel fey goblin mercenaries and offered them a malevolent bargain. They could become mortal, but in return, he would reshape them into beings more powerful and beautiful than other mortals. Freed from the constraints of faerie laws, they would have the freedom to kill, take what they desired, and disregard the traditions of hospitality, binding oaths, and truth-telling. All they had to do was make slaves of or kill the Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes who had rebelled against the Faerie lords.   These fey goblin mercenaries agreed to Bodach's wicked offer and became the Ghoblyns. They abandoned faerie customs and lied to the other newly mortal Feyborn, claiming they too had escaped the oppression of the faerie lords.   Crowns worth killing for   The tale of the crown contest and the ensuing conflict known as the War for the First Crown, among other names, between the elves, dwarves, and goblins paints a vivid picture of the struggle for power and the resolution that followed. The inheritance of the continent of Dothmyrji created a situation ripe with tension and ambition.   The gnomes, known for their impartiality and wisdom, offered a solution to the power struggle by proposing a competition to determine the rightful ruler. Each race set out to create the most beautiful crown, believing that it would secure their claim to rule. The dwarves crafted a magnificent crown of gold and gems, a testament to their skill in metalworking. The elves, harnessing their connection with nature, presented a crown of living ivy and magical blooms, symbolizing the beauty and vitality of their forest realm.   However, the ghoblyns, driven by their greed and desire for power, rejected the notion of a crown and instead chose to resort to violence. They launched an attack on the other races, seeking to claim all the lands for themselves. The ensuing battle forced the dwarves, elves, and gnomes to unite in defense against the ghoblyns' bloodlust and aggression.   In the end, the unity and combined strengths of the dwarves, elves, and gnomes prevailed, driving the goblins into the dark and hidden corners of the world. This was the first failure of the Ghoblyns and it fostered a deep resentment and spite that would settle in their dark hearts.   In Darkness they prepared   The Ghoblyns' banishment to the dark and forbidding places of the world fostered an intense hatred and resentment towards the Dwarves, Elves, and Gnomes who had driven them away. In their subterranean empire, they embraced darkness and malice, making revenge, war, and power their guiding principles.   Their dark and malevolent culture revolved around cruelty and manipulation. They enslaved early humans and their Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon cousins, conducting vile experiments to create Ogres and Orcs from the most aggressive and violent among their human slaves. Wolves were captured and altered, twisted into ferocious Worgs, serving as battle mounts and companions to their masters.   Drawing upon the mountain trolls of the fey realms, the Ghoblyns crafted numerous nightmarish, flesh-hungry lesser trolls to unleash upon the lands of their enemies as living weapons. They reveled in the suffering they could inflict, reveling in the chaos and terror they sowed.   In their twisted perspective, the Ghoblyns considered life, souls, and freedom as mere playthings, all to be taken, given, or twisted as they saw fit. Their cruel and sadistic nature manifested in their actions, reflecting the depths of their malevolence.   Driven by their hatred and thirst for vengeance, the Ghoblyns unleashed their dark creations and schemes upon the world. Their desire to conquer and subjugate knew no bounds as they sought to reclaim the lands they believed rightfully belonged to them.   The Dark Walker Wars   The Dark Walker Wars, unleashed by the Ghoblyns and their evil allies, the giants of the North, brought devastation and terror to the lands. The Ghoblyns, with their armies of monsters, war machines, and dreadful magics, wreaked havoc upon the Dwarven Holds, Elven sanctuaries, and Gnomish grottos. Their power and aggression were indeed the stuff of nightmares, and victory for the Ghoblyns seemed almost assured.   In response to the Ghoblyns' onslaught, the Golden Alliance was formed, uniting the Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves, and the newly emerged Halflings in a desperate bid to defend against the invading forces. Though the Alliance managed to create a stalemate, the outcome was far from certain, and the war remained fiercely contested.   However, the tide of the war began to shift due to internal divisions within the Ghoblyn forces. The Orcs, bred for war and strength, grew bitter at their lowly status as slave soldiers, and the human slaves, who had long suffered under the torment and oppression of the Ghoblyns, reached their breaking point.   The giants, who had taken the lands they desired, betrayed them, stealing the Ogres gifted to them by the Ghoblyns and withdrawing their support. These events led to multiple rebellions within the Ghoblyn ranks, with Orcs, humans, and other slaves rising against their masters and against the Alliance, turning the war into a chaotic free-for-all.   With the war descending into a tumultuous struggle on multiple fronts, the situation became increasingly unpredictable. The once seemingly invincible Ghoblyns now found themselves fighting not just against the Alliance but against their own creations and the rebellious slaves who had suffered under their oppressive rule.   The war became a complex and multi-faceted conflict, with shifting alliances, betrayals, and unexpected alliances forming amidst the chaos. Victory remained elusive, and the fate of the lands hung in the balance. The outcome of the Dark Walker Wars would forever shape the destiny of the world, leaving scars and stories that would echo through the ages.   Spite, Ghoblyn be thy name   The resurgence of the Golden Alliance, bolstered by the addition of Metallic Dragons, Treants, and goodly giants, turned the tide of the war against the Ghoblyns. With the Orcs and humans who had rebelled against their former masters now scattered and driven to the wilds by the advancing Alliance, the Ghoblyn holds were under heavy siege, and defeat seemed inevitable.   However, the Dark Judge, unable to accept failure and desperate to avoid the satisfaction of his enemies witnessing his defeat, took a dark and spiteful path. Fueled by his desire for victory and disdain for his own people, he drew upon the power of his Throne of Souls. In a desperate bid to achieve one last act of spite, he sacrificed his own soul to the Throne, hoping to punish all who had contributed to his defeat.   The act was one of ultimate selfishness and hubris, as the Dark Judge chose to prioritize his own ambition and ego over the well-being of his people. By giving his soul to the Throne, he believed he could end the failure he saw in his people and ensure his own dominance, thinking he would become a god. This act revealed the depths of his malevolence and his willingness to sacrifice everything, even his own soul, in pursuit of power.   The consequences of the Dark Judge's desperate act would unfold in the days to come. The fate of the Ghoblyns and the outcome of the Dark Walker Wars now hung in a precarious balance, with the Alliance inching closer to victory, and the malevolent darkness of the Ghoblyns facing its own demise. The clash of forces and the culmination of the war would be a turning point in the history of the lands, shaping the destiny of all who resided within it.   The Curse of Sundering   The aftermath of the Dark Walker Wars brought a terrible curse upon the Ghoblyns, the Sundering Curse, a final act of hate unleashed by the Dark Judge in his failed quest for godhood. As a result of this curse, the Ghoblyns could no longer give birth to their kind. They were the last of their race, facing extinction.   The legacy of the Ghoblyns, however, continued in the form of their warped and cursed children. The offspring of the last Ghoblyns were grotesque and cursed, inheriting the worst aspects of Goblin-kind. Among these descendants were Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Goblins, and other twisted creatures, each reflecting a fragment of the once-proud and noble Ghoblyn lords.   In time, the Ghoblyns' presence faded from the world, their once-dreaded name becoming little more than a memory and a cautionary tale. Thousands of years have passed since the last Ghoblyn died, leaving behind a chilling message as a haunting reminder of their malevolence. The words on the cave wall served as a chilling prophecy, a grim warning that the Ghoblyns might one day return to bring fear once more.   The Ghoblyns' fall and the consequences of the Sundering Curse marked the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy of darkness and suffering. Yet, the lands began to heal in the wake of their departure, and the scars left by their malevolence began to fade.   As the centuries passed, the memory of the Ghoblyns became the stuff of legends and cautionary tales, a reminder of the dangers of hateful power-seeking and raw malevolence. Though the threat of the Ghoblyns had seemingly vanished, the echoes of their dark legacy lingered, and the people of the lands remained ever vigilant, lest the prophecy on the cave wall came to pass, and the name Ghoblyn once more became a harbinger of fear and dread.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Ghoblyns' deep-rooted hatred for nearly all other intelligent beings was a defining aspect of their malevolent nature. In their eyes, these beings were seen as dangerous rivals, formidable adversaries, or simply tools to be used for their own dark purposes. Giants and dragons were viewed as powerful entities, potential threats to their dominion, while other races were deemed inferior and suitable only for enslavement or extermination.   The Ghoblyns' hatred fueled their desire for dominance and control over the lands they sought to conquer. They saw themselves as the superior race, destined to rule and subjugate all others. Their malevolence extended not only to the enemies who stood against them but also to those they perceived as weak or beneath them.   To the Ghoblyns, cooperation and alliance were signs of weakness. They relied on their own strength, cunning, and dark powers to achieve their ambitions. They saw no value in forming bonds or understanding with other races, dismissing them as mere obstacles in their quest for supremacy.   Their hatred and enmity extended not only to the races of the lands they sought to conquer but also to those among their own kind who dared to question their authority or show signs of dissent. The Cults, tightly woven into their society, reinforced the idea of unity through fear and indoctrination, further entrenching their malevolence and hatred.   This deep-seated animosity ultimately led to their downfall, as the Golden Alliance, formed by the very races the Ghoblyns despised, united against the dark empire. The hatred that the Ghoblyns nurtured in their hearts blinded them to the strength of unity and cooperation, a lesson that would echo through history and tales of the lands for generations to come.   Though the Ghoblyns have long faded from the world, their legacy of hatred and malevolence remains with the majority of goblin kind having taking up their mantle and blaming the rest of the world for every hardship, pain and failing they endure.
Scientific Name
Goblin Magna
Unknown suspected to be upwards of several hundred years
Average Height
Ghoblyns were an imposing and tall humanoid race, standing at an average height ranging from six and a half feet to seven feet. Their impressive stature would have contributed to their commanding presence and physical dominance over other races.   Furthermore, the lack of significant sexual dimorphism suggests that there were minimal physical differences between male and female Ghoblyns.
Average Weight
Given the dense muscle structure, towering height, and imposing physical prowess of the Ghoblyns, it is reasonable to suspect that their average weight would fall within the range of 180 to 250 lbs (approximately 82 to 113 kg).
Average Physique
Based on the evidence found in myths and depictions, it is clear that the majority of Ghoblyns were beings of naturally fit, powerful, and agile frames. They were often depicted as lanky creatures with notably long limbs and clawed hands, further accentuating their predatory and formidable nature.   Their lanky physique suggests an emphasis on speed and agility, which would have been advantageous for hunting and maneuvering through the rugged terrains and dark caverns they inhabited. Their long limbs and clawed hands would have been instrumental in scaling the rocky landscapes and engaging in close-quarters combat with their natural weapons.   The combination of their powerful and agile frames made the Ghoblyns highly adept at navigating the challenging environments of the deep earth. Their physical traits contributed to their prowess as hunters, allowing them to chase down prey and evade danger with ease.   Moreover, their natural fitness and muscular build added to their physical strength and endurance, further solidifying their reputation as dominant predators and fearsome adversaries. Their frames were ideally suited to their predatory lifestyle and the harsh conditions of their habitats.   As with many aspects of the Ghoblyns' characteristics, their average physique may have varied slightly among individuals or subgroups within their race. However, the overall depiction of their lanky, powerful, and agile frames remains a consistent theme in the myths and depictions, portraying them as imposing beings with formidable physical attributes.
Geographic Distribution

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