Caliban Ethnicity in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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"Behold, you dare to cast your unworthy gazes upon my sister, driven by your perverse desires and hollow envy! Tremble, for it is not only fear that courses through your veins, but also the revulsion that consumes your feeble existence. How predictable, you small-minded and insignificant creatures, so easily swayed by superficial appearances! Does the curvature of my malformed back repulse you, or perchance the warts that blemish my resilient skin? Is it my twisted, fanged grin that forces you to avert your children's innocent gazes? Ah, perhaps it is my strength, capable of shattering your fragile bones, that compels you to unleash your cowardly wrath upon her! Cowards, every last one of you, unable to face the truth of your own weakness!" -Leon Toress Caliban adventruer, speach given when he rescued his sister from witch burning villagers.   It is widely recognized that Hags, supernatural creatures comprised solely of females, can only reproduce with humanoid males. The daughters born of these unions are often forsaken and left to be raised by their non-Hag kin, akin to a cruel jest. These daughters, known as changelings, possess enchanting beauty and magical charm, and their stories are well-documented, particularly those who manage to escape their mothers' fate and avoid becoming Hags themselves. However, what is seldom discussed, and perhaps unjustly so, is the plight of their male counterparts.   While the daughters of Hags can seamlessly integrate into human society, appearing as human women with exotic allure, their sons are burdened with overt displays of their mothers' repulsive nature.   The physical appearances of Caliban, as the sons of Hags, vary greatly, with no two being exactly alike. However, they all bear the marks of their Hag lineage. Their skin often takes on shades of forest green, iron black, or bruised purple, mirroring their mothers. Hunched backs, elongated limbs, jagged fangs, clawed fingers, and various other traits mar the bodies of Caliban. Their movements often exhibit a loping gait, and those who can stand upright are lean and possess supernatural strength inherited from their birth mothers.   Unlike their sisters, Caliban rarely have the privilege of being abandoned by their mothers and must endure their wicked attentions. They are often raised in abusive and controlling environments, groomed as living weapons, agents of chaos, or tools to facilitate their mother Hags' manifold schemes. Most Caliban reach adulthood without experiencing genuine love or joy. Occasionally, certain misandrist Hags discard male offspring who hold no value to them, leading to adoption by other groups and the possibility of a happier childhood. Nevertheless, such instances are exceptions rather than the norm.   For the majority of Caliban, kindness is a rare occurrence. Even if they have not suffered directly from their Hag Mothers' malevolence, they face mistreatment and abuse from nearly all people who are aware of the wicked deeds committed by Hags.   Regrettably, the twisted forms and outward appearance of Caliban elicit harsh judgment and repugnance from others. Even individuals who would readily accept half-orcs or tieflings without a second thought have been known to shun and avoid Caliban. These individuals, who are not under the control of their Hag mothers, frequently find themselves relegated to the fringes of society, toiling in the most menial and undesirable occupations. They are treated as dim-witted monsters or unfairly burdened with the sins and transgressions of their mothers.   The prejudice and discrimination faced by Caliban are deeply ingrained in societal attitudes. Their misshapen bodies and grotesque features invoke fear and discomfort in those who encounter them. Unfamiliarity breeds contempt, and Caliban bear the brunt of this ignorance and intolerance. It is an unjust reality that they are judged solely on their outward appearance, rather than the content of their character or their individual merits.   The Caliban's struggle for acceptance is an arduous one, as they grapple not only with their own personal traumas and the abuse inflicted upon them by their Hag mothers, but also with the pervasive bias of the world around them. Many yearn for understanding, compassion, and the opportunity to prove their worth beyond the physical limitations imposed upon them. Unfortunately, these aspirations are often overshadowed by the prevailing prejudice that perceives them as nothing more than monstrous beings to be avoided and scorned.   In the face of such adversity, Caliban must summon tremendous resilience and inner strength to endure the hardships thrust upon them. They seek solace in the few kind souls who can see past their appearance, striving to prove that they are more than the sum of their physical deformities or else will seek solitude and the peace of places where few people travel.   Indeed, the world harbors many hidden stories of Caliban who dwell within the shadows of society. They take on various roles, concealed behind their hunched backs and disfigured appearances. You may find a hunchbacked brute tending to the bells atop a cathedral's tower, faithfully carrying out his duties despite the isolation and judgment he faces. Or perhaps there is a peculiar figure dedicated to the lonely lighthouse, tirelessly maintaining its beacon in solitude, finding solace in the rhythmic crashing of the waves.   The huntsman, forever masked and mysterious, conceals his true countenance from a world that would otherwise shun him. He moves with the grace and precision of one attuned to the wild, yet his face remains a mystery. And then there is the tormented monster, consumed by bitterness and resentment, whose anger drives him to suffocate the joy of others, leaving only a wake of sorrow in his passing.   These individuals, these Caliban, navigate their existence as outcasts, denied the comfort of acceptance and understanding. Their monstrous visages overshadow any potential for connection or belonging, causing them to lead lives of seclusion and secrecy. Each one carries the weight of their deformities and the burdensome assumptions placed upon them by a fearful society.   "I may bear the mark of ugliness upon my form, but let it be known that it was an unwanted gift bestowed upon me by my mother! I refuse to be defined by the twisted exterior that fate has dealt me. No, I shall be defined by the choices I make, by the actions I take, and by the path I choose to walk!   It is you, with your conscious decisions, who embrace an ugliness of spirit far greater than any deformity I bear. You willingly traverse the path of ignorance, fear, and hate, disregarding the knowledge and understanding that lies within your reach. You allow prejudice and narrow-mindedness to guide your steps, denying the capacity for growth and compassion that resides within you.   While you condemn me for my appearance, I choose to rise above your judgments and the limitations society places upon me. I refuse to succumb to bitterness or despair. Instead, I embrace the light of knowledge, empathy, and love. I strive to cultivate a spirit that transcends the superficial, reaching for deeper connections and genuine understanding.   So, judge me as you will, but know that it is your own ignorance and choice to spurn enlightenment that truly defines you. I stand firm, resolute in my rejection of the darkness you embrace, for I refuse to let the world's cruelty dim the light that burns within me." -Hilborg "Lepers-Friend" Mareson, Caliban white witch

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

None all Caliban are male

Masculine names

Varies tends to follow human norms of the region.

Unisex names

None all Caliban are male

Family names

Varies tends to follow human norms of the region.

Other names

Maldrek, Hexling, Wretchkin, Gloomspawn, Blightling, Croneborn, Wyrdling, Hexspawn (All derogatory names typeicaly forced on Caliban)


Shared customary codes and values

Indeed, the Caliban possess a remarkable capacity for assimilating the cultures and teachings of those who adopt them. Their upbringing and environment play a significant role in shaping their beliefs, values, and behaviors. A Caliban raised among the villages of Vistaghast as a pig farming thrall will undoubtedly develop a distinct perspective and set of skills that differ widely from another Caliban adopted by a monastery in Serrosia.   The diverse backgrounds of Caliban result in a wide range of cultural influences that shape their identities. For those raised by hags, their exposure to the various populations and creatures within their mothers' service—such as goblins, ogres, orcs, or bandits—leads them to adopt elements of these cultures as well. They absorb the languages, customs, and rituals of those around them, incorporating them into their own unique sense of self.   Indeed, the Caliban, despite their physical appearance and brute strength, often possess astute minds and exceptional intellectual abilities. It may come as a surprise to many who judge them solely based on their external features. One of the few beneficial gifts bestowed upon them by their hag mothers is their mental acuity and sharp wit.   The Caliban's keen intellect allows them to navigate complex situations, solve intricate problems, and perceive the world with a depth that surpasses superficial judgment. Their experiences as outcasts and their resilience in the face of adversity often foster a unique if not sometimes jaded or pragmatic perspective and an innate understanding of human nature. This insight, coupled with their innate intelligence, can make them astute observers and skilled strategists.

Common Myths and Legends

Indeed, while most Caliban identify themselves with the name "Caliban" and attribute it to a legendary Caliban Wizard from ages past, there exists an older and darker term used in the North Lands—Grendelspawn. This name harkens back to ancient tales, where few dare to speak of the first Caliban, known as the Grendel. Legend portrays the Grendel as a monstrous figure, embodying all that is abhorrent. They were said to be born of a hag, a creature of darkness, and were notorious for their unquenchable thirst for bloodshed, indiscriminately slaying men and women alike.   Among the most depraved and hate-filled within the Caliban community, the Grendel is paradoxically revered and even worshipped as a figure akin to a demi-god. Their infamy and brutality instill a twisted sense of admiration in some. Those who venerate the Grendel often embrace the darker aspects of their own existence, reveling in their capacity for destruction and violence. To these individuals, the Grendel represents a symbol of power, an embodiment of their suppressed rage and a source of inspiration for their own malevolence.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty, that elusive concept, often eludes the grasp of Caliban. For many, it remains an intangible notion, forever beyond their reach. Some harbor secret desires to be cherished for their inner beauty, yearning to be loved despite their outward appearance. Yet, others, scarred by the traumatic influence of their Hag mothers, grow to despise objects of beauty. They perceive them as spiteful reminders of a world that rejects and despises them.   The painful reality is that most Caliban are acutely aware of their physical ugliness, judged by the standards of nearly every people and culture they encounter. The reflection they see in the eyes of others is one of repulsion, disdain, or fear. Society's obsession with appearances relentlessly underscores their own perceived deficiency, reinforcing their alienation and deepening the wounds of rejection.   This constant reminder of their supposed ugliness shapes the way Caliban perceive themselves and their place in the world. The quest for self-acceptance becomes a Herculean struggle, for they have been conditioned to believe that beauty is an unattainable treasure reserved only for the fortunate few. Beauty for the Caliban is thus either their greatest object of hate, deepest hearts longing or both.

Gender Ideals

Indeed, the Caliban, being exclusively male, often find themselves conforming to the gender roles prevalent within the cultures and societies they inhabit. It is not uncommon for them to embrace the expectations and behaviors assigned to their gender by the people around them. However, this adherence to gender roles can lead to inner conflicts and a sense of longing for what they perceive as unfairness.   Many Caliban experience a profound lamentation over their male identity, particularly when they compare themselves to their sisters who possess beauty and grace. They perceive an inherent imbalance, feeling it is unjust that their sisters were bestowed with captivating appearances while they bear the burden of physical deformity. This asymmetry in the distribution of beauty can evoke a deep sense of longing and resentment.   These feelings of unfairness arise from the societal standards and ideals that equate physical beauty with value and worth. Caliban, aware of their own perceived ugliness, yearn to be seen and appreciated for their inner qualities, which may be overshadowed by their physical appearance. The contrasting experiences between the beautiful sisters and the disfigured Caliban can exacerbate their feelings of inadequacy and intensify the longing for a different existence.

Courtship Ideals

Many Caliban, burdened by self-loathing and a lack of confidence in their appearance, shy away from pursuing romantic relationships. The weight of their perceived ugliness can cast a shadow on their self-esteem, making them believe they are unworthy of love and companionship. The fear of rejection and the belief that their physical deformities make them unlovable often deter them from even attempting to form such connections.   However, there are a few courageous individuals among the Caliban who reject this self-imposed limitation. They strive to showcase their inner beauty, recognizing that true connections are formed through the qualities that lie beyond superficial appearances.   Regrettably, the pain and longing for love that some Caliban experience can drive them down darker paths. In their desperation, they may attempt to force others to love them, resorting to manipulation or coercion, which only perpetuates their own inner turmoil. Additionally, some Caliban may turn to magic, particularly shape-shifting, as a means to create an illusion of beauty, believing that it is solely through physical attractiveness that others will be compelled to love them. However, such efforts are often misguided, as true love cannot be built on deceit or the superficialities of appearance alone.   It is indeed a tragic reality that the worst Caliban, raised by their hag mothers in a twisted and abusive environment, may have no desire or understanding for genuine love. Their upbringing, fraught with manipulation and cruelty, skews their perception of relationships and distorts their understanding of emotional connections.   For these Caliban, their purpose is often reduced to satisfying of lustful hunger or becoming tools for their mothers' power-driven schemes. Love, as most understand it, is a foreign concept to them. Their mothers may exploit their offspring's physical attributes for their own gain, utilizing them as means to fulfill their own desires or further their agendas.   Devoid of nurturing, compassion, and healthy role models, these Caliban are denied the opportunity to learn and experience the true depth and beauty of love. Their lives become entangled in a web of manipulation, coercion, and twisted power dynamics. Consequently, they are deprived of the chance to develop a healthy understanding of emotional intimacy, trust, and genuine connection

Relationship Ideals

It is true that for some Caliban who yearn for love, their idealized relationships take on the qualities of fairy tales. They envision themselves as beasts awaiting their beauty, hoping to find someone who will love them unconditionally for who they truly are. They may see themselves as toads in need of a transformative kiss, longing for someone who can look beyond their physical deformities and see the potential for beauty and goodness within.   These romantic fantasies can come as a surprise to those who know a Caliban, as they reveal a deeply rooted longing for connection and acceptance. Despite their external appearances, these Caliban possess souls that crave the transformative power of love. They desire to be seen, cherished, and loved without judgment or reservation. Their yearning for a fairy tale romance stems from a genuine need for connection and a longing to break free from the shackles of their physical limitations.
It is of note that Caliban like their Sisters very widely and are based on their hag parrentage, listed below are the most common types of Caliban.   Annis Hags Caliban- Pyg Maul: These Caliban are known for their immense physical strength, sporting iron-grey skin and a severely hunched and twisted form, appearing short and thickly built with long arms that often drag along the ground.   Ash Hag Caliban- Ember Maul: Born with birthmarks resembling severe burn scars or permanent soot stains, these Caliban are drawn to working with fire and have an uncanny fascination with flames, often getting lost in their mesmerizing glow.   Blood Hag Caliban Sanguine Maul: Sanguine Mauls are tall and lean Caliban with pale skin, perpetually bloodshot eyes, and an ever-present scent of iron that surrounds them.   Green Hag Caliban- Thorn Maul: Thorn Mauls possess a predatory grin that they can never erase, and they move with a loping gait reminiscent of a wolf. Their sharp teeth and gleaming yellow eyes stand out against their moss green hair and skin.   Moon Hag Caliban- Lunatic Maul: Lunatic Mauls exhibit a range of appearances, either appearing gaunt or bloated, with pale blue-grey skin and grey or white hair. Their eyes often gleam with a hint of madness, and although born with a full head of hair, it falls out in patchy clumps as quickly as it grows.   Night Hag Caliban Fiend Maul: Fiend Mauls are tall and powerfully built Caliban with skin that bears a bruised shade of blue-purple. Their limbs are long and gangly, their mouths filled with jagged fangs, and a pair of ram's horns sprout from their skulls, adding to their fearsome appearance.   Sea Hag Caliban- Drowned Maul: Drowned Mauls are unfortunate souls covered in warts, lumps, and knobby growths on their blue-green skin. Their hair is thin and perpetually damp, clinging to their scalp in long and patchy strands.   Storm Hag Caliban- Tempest Maul: Tempest Mauls are broad-shouldered brutes with a perpetual twitch, as if on the verge of flying into a rage at a moment's notice. When they speak, their voices carry a dull roar, revealing the jagged fangs within their mouths. Their hair is often wild and forever windswept, adding to their untamed and ferocious appearance.   Winter Hag Caliban- Frost Maul: Frost Mauls, considered the most "beautiful" of the Caliban, possess a tall and powerfully built stature. Their skin is winter pale, and their hair is often snow white, complemented by eyes of an icy pale blue. Despite their less unsettling physical features, the touch of their skin is ever frigid, and their smiles lack any warmth, enhancing the perception of them having a heartless and chilling demeanor.
(Art by Midjourny)
In shadows deep, I dwell alone, A cursed existence, all my own. A Caliban, born of twisted birth, Bound to roam this wretched earth.   My form, grotesque, a sight of dread, To all who gaze, revulsion spread. Each glance, a reminder of my despair, A constant weight I'm forced to bear.   Oh, cruel fate, why choose me so, To bear this curse, my heart laid low? A life devoid of love's embrace, Aching for solace, in this desolate space.   The world, it shuns my every move, A monster's face, no soul could soothe. I long to be seen, to be understood, Yet I'm condemned to solitude.   From birth, I've known naught but scorn, In love's embrace, I am forlorn. Rejected by beauty's tender grace, Left to wander, in this woeful place.   Oh, how I yearn for joy's warm light, To feel its touch, even for one night. But the gods have deemed me a tragic soul, Cursed to darkness, my heart pays the toll.   In this lament, my tears shall flow, A Caliban's sorrow, I've come to know. For in this cursed existence, I reside, Aching for love, forever denied. -Writer unknown, found carved in a lonely cave outside the town of Immins Landing.

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