Session 11: Recuperating Report Report in Sunrise Valley | World Anvil
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Session 11: Recuperating Report

General Summary

Friday - October 8th, 1999

  Right at the end of their troubling encounter, Nick and Adel arrive on the scene. The coterie collaborates in retelling their story to Nick, the detective not seeming too pleased that this case was so overlooked. He offers to help relieve the group of Eve and promises to ensure she doesn't end up in Camarilla hands, believing they would swiftly kill her to avoid a masquerade breach. After taking Eve out to his car to get her squared away, Isaac wheels in a cart of cleaning supplies to start working on erasing this crime scene. He reveals to Maki that he is a professional crime scene cleaner and he's got this under control, allowing her to wander off and catch up with Adel as she retells the events of her last week of investigations.  

Tuesday - October 5th, 1999

    That last Tuesday night, she was able to get Windora to tell her about what she saw. In typical fashion, Winnie used some vague terms, ultimately stating she was seeing from the perspective of someone in the audience staring up at a stage framed by a rainbow. And once the curtains drew open, the five characters on stage morphed into horrible creatures that started feasting on the blood of the attending families. Some kind of concert for children... Adel takes this information to her sire, Lumis Quinn, who suggests they go to the convention center right now and see if they've got some kind of manuscript that details the events being hosted there in the coming months. So, as a group, they start their mini-investigation at the convention center.   They learn that the center is a huge building with numerous ballrooms. Other than cons, they host numerous movie festivals, live performances, and even ballroom dances-- marking the location as a very multifaceted facility. Luckily for them, one of those film showings was happening that night, and the attendant informs them that they were doing a special showing of Nosferatu for October right now. Adel receives a pamphlet from the attendant and Lumis requests a map allowing them to sort of collaborate on finding an event that matches Windora's description.   It's Lumis who eventually points out the Care Bear's Revival Concert that's happening here in a few weeks that he points out to Winnie, of whom seems to be horrified by the implications of this information. She confesses that she was hoping they wouldn't find anything and all this information has done was validate her daymares. Unfortunately for her, they seem to be coming true.   Concert location discovered, Adel spent a few hours roving around the center, learning a little bit about the layout before calling it quits for now- perhaps to orchestrate a more in-depth investigation with her colleagues.  

Back to Friday

  After sharing her discoveries with the party, they take up Nick on his offer for them to join him at Castaways to sit in on a blood reading by one of his associates. Once there, the group as a whole finally meets Eris again, of whom they learn is a Tremere similar to Dr. Blight. She still seems convinced Eleanor is a dog of the Camarilla and doesn't seem to fond of working with her, but otherwise begins to conduct her small blood ritual.   She reveals to the coterie that Eve might have been a ghoul a few weeks ago, but now the vitae in her blood has thinned significantly. Alongside this, she says she believes Clint may have been a Caitiff before positing that he might have also been some kind of occultist. When asked why, she states there's some kind of demonic influence in his vitae which is usually a sign someone has made a pact with a demon. Eve rebukes this assumption, stating that both her and Clint were Christians and Clint had never expressed an interest in cults or anything similar. Although Eris doesn't seem convinced, she suggests instead that maybe whoever embraced him may have infused some demonic blood into his vitae to some end that isn't all that clear to her. The coterie starts to speculate that maybe Eve was going to be used in some kind of ritual, but it doesn't seem like she's keen on believing any of that, simply refusing to acknowledge any of these theories about her late partner.   Nick seems especially unsettled by this information. He confesses to a lack of resources but states that the caitiffs they're chasing might be some kind of demon-worshipping cult looking to incite chaos now that the old Prince is gone. This information especially distresses him because that means somebody on the inside must be working alongside them because only people with Havens in the region were invited to the execution of John's sire. Suspicious, he finally digresses and accepts that the thing Adel has been trying to convince him of might actually be happening and thusly agrees to help where he can.   After this, the coterie finally splits for the night, John asking Eleanor if she would like to get the group back together again tomorrow so they can start preparing for this "Care Bear" fight.  

Saturday - October 9th, 1999

    Meeting again the following night, Eleanor makes a quick stop to the Oasis to ask Marcel if she would be willing to become her mentor. They share a few details about their awful experiences with their sires before Marcel eventually agrees to teach her what she can. She claims not to be too much more knowledgeable about things, at least not off the cuff, but if El came to her with specific questions, she might be able to answer them. Once that arrangement has been made, John takes the group out into the desert to practice shooting.   He imparts a bit of his expertise onto them, especially impressed with Eleanor's sharpshooting to the point of asking her to try and shoot him while he prepares to dodge. And despite his efforts, she shoots him dead on in the center of the chest, impressing John immensely.   (Killian and Adel build some sand castles.)   After they conclude their lesson, Eleanor starts to talk to Adel about an older case, lamenting about how they never discovered what was on that computer at the site of Juno's first killing. Adel reminds El that she might be proficient at using computers but that doesn't mean she's good at coding or hacking. "My expertise is in cameras, really!"   Hearing that Eleanor is in need of a hacker, Maki perks up and confesses she was originally a computer science major and she might be able to bypass a lock screen if given enough time. Excited by the idea of this, Eleanor calls up Nick and arranges to meet him at the Phoenix Police Department to get another look at this computer, hopeful maybe there might be some more clues on there that they missed previously.
Dates: Friday - October 8th, 1999 & Saturday - October 9th, 1999
Vulture City
Eleanor Wren Crowell
Toreador | 12th Generation
Maki Suzuki
Nosferatu | 12th Generation
Adel Jones
Malkavian | 12th Generation
Killian Campbell
Ventrue | 12 Generation
Report Date
15 Sep 2022

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