Phamuul Species in Sundered Realms | World Anvil
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Basic Information


To the average Tellurian observer, a phamuul looks like a cross between a pangolin and a megatherium (giant ground sloth). The head, back, and tail are covered in thick scales, while the exposed areas are hidden behind a layer of short fur. While capable of standing on two legs for short periods, a phamuul typically moves on all fours.

Genetics and Reproduction

Phamuul reproduce sexually, in a typical mammalian fashion. Gestation lasts for 12 months, and one or two offspring are born.

Growth Rate & Stages

A newborn phamuul is no larger than a dog, and immediately capable of moving around unaided. Born blind, they gradually open their eyes over the course of a month, during which they navigate their environment mostly by smell. At this stage their scales are soft and provide next to no protection.

Juveniles are roughly the size of a horse, but grow much larger over the course of a decade. It is during this time that their scales begin to harden, making them capable of surviving away from the herd. Solitary juveniles are often seen roaming the land, searching for potential mates from another herd.

Adult phamuul are slightly larger than an elephant, and covered in scales tough enough to deflect anything short of an anti-tank round. Generally passive, adults have been recorded to go berserk when the herd is threatened.

Ecology and Habitats

Originally evolving in an arid region with limited vegetation, the phamuul have adapted to life in the plains quite easily. The abundance of food has seen their population grow despite the existence of new predators. A herd of phamuul will sleep in a circle, protecting the young ones behind an impenetrable wall.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Just like the pangolins they so resemble, phamuul are insectivores. Unlike the pangolins, they can also survive on a plant-based diet, and do not require gastroliths in order to digest their food.

Additional Information

Social Structure

When in the wild, phamuul form herds of 10-20 individuals. Led by the oldest and largest male, the herd is comprised of females, offspring, and juvenile males. Upon reaching maturity, males will form bachelor herds, searching for females without protection. As they grow older, males without a herd of their own become more solitary and aggressive.


Phamuul were domesticated by the Eruhim centuries ago. Many believe this was thanks to the domestication of the tav'dal, one of the few natural predators of the phamuul. Different tribes bred selectively for different traits, resulting in a few variations of phamuul.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Phamuul are primarily used for transportation, capable of carrying their weight in cargo if properly harnessed. Before the introduction of vehicles in the Eruhim way of life, these beasts were a standard feature in all caravans.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Phamuul are found on Atuin, specifically the areas controlled by Saguenay.

Average Intelligence

Not particularly bright, the phamuul are capable of following simple orders if properly trained.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phamuul have an excellent sense of smell but their sight and hearing are inferior to those of most animals. They are also able to sense vibrations from kilometres away, thanks to the pads on their feet.
200 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
4.5 - 5 metres for males, 4 - 4.5 metres for females
Average Weight
12 tonnes
Average Length
8 metres, from nose to tail end
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Originally found in tan and brown hues, some phamuul have developed more green markings in recent years.

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