Hunter's Weed Species in Sundered Realms | World Anvil
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Hunter's Weed

Basic Information


At first glance, Hunter's Weed is almost indistinguishable from a typical cannabis ruderalis plant. The differences between them become obvious at night, when the leaves of Hunter's Weed give off a faint glow, as they reflect moonlight.

Growth Rate & Stages

Engineered for quick growth, a plant can reach maturity in about a month, at which point it can be harvested for use.

Ecology and Habitats

While cannabis ruderalis was already a rather resilient species, Hunter's Weed has been modified to survive in all kinds of extreme conditions. Despite that, the plants are mostly found in marshlands and swamps all across Arcadia and Avalon, brought there by the colonists. If historical records are accurate, the plant was first encountered in Northern Grecia, circa 2250 CE.

Additional Information


Originally a typical strain of cannabis ruderalis, found in the swamps of Northern Grecia, the plant was modified by an Apothecary of The Hallowed Garden. According to some rumours, the individual in question was the first of The White Witches, but no proof has been found for or against such a claim.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Like other cannabis plants, Hunter's Weed is used for medicinal and recreational uses. As the name suggests, it is extremely popular among hunters thanks to the effects it has when consumed.

  Common uses include:
  • Brewing: The flowers are used to brew a tea-like concoction. The surface is covered by a fine vapour that does not dissipate. When ingested, it has similar effects to coffee. According to some Apothecaries, the flowers are also an ingredient in the popular Wolfhowl alcoholic drink.
  • Eating: Both flowers and leaves can be consumed raw to provide sustenance. While they are not nutritious enough to substitute proper food, they can stave off hunger or starvation for a short while. They are often used for seasoning in many Arcadian and some Avalonian dishes.
  • Smoking: The plant is dried, rolled, then set on fire. It produces a thick chilly white smoke that always rolls downward. When inhaled, it sharpens the senses and increases the focus, while dulling pain. It smells considerably subtler than other cannabis plants, hinting at its engineered nature.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dioscuri A (Arcadia) and B (Avalon). Originally, Eastern Europe.
Scientific Name
Cannabis venatori
Conservation Status
Average Height

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