Sos Arcane Organization in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Sos Arcane

Irhurman School of Arcane Magic


Arcane Spellcasting

School Feats

Feat Rarity Prerequisite Level
Drain Power Uncommon Counterspell 10

School Spell

Spell Rarity Level
Locate Uncommon 3

Experts for Hire

Experts represent a more cultivated capacity within the school; thus, their employment is more closely controlled. The Sos Archana will hire out experts to individuals with Liked or Admired reputations; Liked individuals are only able to Hire if that Expert has a Friendly attitude towards them. Itinerant Faculty are paid a weekly rate depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Expert Lvl Cost
Scholar 6 90 gp

Masters for Hire

Masters cultivate arcane expertise in the College; their employment is strictly managed. The Sos Archana will hire out Masters to individuals with Admired or Revered reputations; Admired individuals are only able to Hire if that Master has a Friendly attitude towards them. Itinerant Faculty are paid a weekly rate depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Master Lvl Cost
Universalist Professor 10 360 gp

Loyalty Boons

Boon Reputation Cost Level
Uncommon Order Feats Liked 2 RP 0
Hireling Liked 2 RP 1
Uncommon Order Spells Admired 4 RP 1
Expert Hireling Admired 4 RP 5
Master Hireling Revered 8 RP 10

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