Rigel Silk Material in Stellar Hegemony | World Anvil
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Rigel Silk

The ultraviolet resistant silk harvested by hand from the webs artificially altered spiders in the jungles of Rigel IV


Material Characteristics

Whiteish blue strands when raw and untreated, very difficult for the untrained eye to see

Physical & Chemical Properties

Untreated it has a sticky residue and is highly flammable

Geology & Geography

It's found naturally in small quantities in the jungles of Rigel IV it is industrially farmed in large plantations on the surface too

Origin & Source

Genetically altered large peacock spiders about the size of small tarantulas spin this stuff up for their webs and safety lines

Life & Expiration

It will last around a month if untreated

History & Usage

Everyday use

Luxury clothing articles and adornments
Professional Kitchenware, heat resistant tray liners, preparation mats, cheesecloth and the like

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Lectas value it for it's decay resistant property and the amount of labor that goes into producing the skeins

Industrial Use

Decay and heat resistant gaskets and shrouds
When nano-woven it can also be vacuum resistant


It's somewhat similar to present day sericulture, but it's collected by hand then boiled, leaving the spiders unharmed, it's a grave insult on Rigel IV to harm the spiders

Manufacturing & Products


Byproducts & Sideproducts

The leftover water from boiling the silk can be refined into a highly effective sunblock as well as other luxury cosmetics


It's flammable before being treated, some of the chemicals used to rinse it after boiling are fairly toxic

Environmental Impact

Minimal in nature, but the plantations can have a negative impact on the natural environment

Reusability & Recycling

As it doesn't decay readily damaged components can be unspun and reformed into a cheap fabric, this double treating makes it less heat resistant though


Trade & Market

A luxury sold first hand almost exclusively by the Lectas , they closely guard the proper temperatures and treatments to make the highest quality product


Rare, exclusively produced on Rigel IV
Irridescent whitish blue, almost invisible to the untrained eye

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