Royal Executioner Rank/Title in Steeghan | World Anvil
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Royal Executioner

The problem with secret appointments is the shroud of secrecy that it creates. Even a military appointment like the Royal Executioner that has been operating for the last seven generations. If a survey was made of residents of the whole Steeghan, military personnel or civilian, one would be hard pressed to find someone who knew of the rank.

During the war of settlement, when it was clear that brute force would not be enough, King Myghchaell conceived of a person who would receive directions directly from the crown, and could oversee a small group to execute strategic assignments with grand outcomes. With each order given, a letter granting the possessor all military power and control in the name of the Crown, sealed with the Crown's emblem. If needed, the executioner could take control of the entire army with the Crown's blessing.

The King never wrote down the name of the first Executioner, only some of his exploits: The enemy's detailed map of the valley of comfort was exchanged by a convincing forgery that modified the plan of attack just enough to put them in harm's way. The enemy's general was incapacitated by some unusual allergy long enough to delay their plans for a siege, giving the king's army enough time to evacuate the city.

Throughout the cycles, when the need arose, other Executioners were named. As the Pwerus Kuintë took more and more power and responsibilities from the Crown, they also took control of the Royal Executioner. Loyalty, Courage and wisdom are among the qualities every Executioner has possessed. Always educated, with a military background, capable of following orders and capable of taking initiative.

The Power Quintet chose the last Executioner during the war of eighty-eight, Callum. Once his usefulness ran its course, it was also the Quintet who decimated his group of six fighters, one by one in front of his eyes. Then Callum was thrown into the dark and merciless pit that is the Soul Breaker.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Source of Authority
The Crown
Current Holders
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Cover image: by Ariesman


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