Chimney Sweeper Profession in Steeghan | World Anvil
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Chimney Sweeper

Chimney sweeping is a profession that came to be only in the modern era when villages grew to be large cities. No self respecting villager would ask a stranger to sweep their chimney, however with more and more strangers buying houses or renting apartments, it became easier and more prudent to do so for a small fee.

As cities grew, with a little training, with good work ethics and with a minimum of tools, a person could make a good coin as a chimney sweeper. Work in the more posh boroughs was always favored since one house, usually with a multitude of chimneys, could provide regular income.

The tide changed when mansions began training their own chimney sweepers. This allowed the owner to have one of the regular employees do the work a stranger used to do, at a fraction of the price.

At the same time, the public opinion also changed. Realizing that fame and glory would not be given without sacrifices, most commoners began tightening their purses and attempted to clean their own chimneys with various results. Many families died due to smoke poisoning due to poorly cleared chimneys.

Easily recognizable by their constant grey features, chimney sweepers or chronic grey's as they are commonly called are begrudgingly accepted as a contributing member of society.



One cycle apprenticeship.

Career Progression

Apprentice. Registered Sweeper. Manager of sweeper outfit.

Other Benefits

Gets to keep what is found in chimney



Keeping chimneys clean to avoid fires and smoke poisonning.

Social Status

A chronic grey can be spotted at a distance due to the soot being encrusted on skin and clothes.  Very rare can a chimney sweeper shed his color and join high society.


The number of chimney sweeper is dwindling cycle after cycle.


When smaller villages grew into larger cities, chimney sweepers were highly in demand.  As the years passed, more and more mansions trained and employed in house chimney sweepers.  This means that to survive, a chimney sweeper must now work almost exclusively in the slums and poor neighborhoods.



Brush, Rope, Tarp, Shovel, Pale.

Provided Services

Cleaning and maintenance of chimneys.

Dangers & Hazards

Poorly secured roofs.
by Public domain
Alternative Names
Chronic Grey's
Less and less in demand

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Cover image: by Uwe Conrad


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