Ghul Species in Starfinder | World Anvil
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A ghul is a rare form of undead that arises when a Jann dies while cursed. A ghul has a skeletal visage, with desiccated skin covering most of its body and the remainder taking the form of translucent, fiery energy. Motivated by a fierce hatred of the appearance of its feet, which resemble donkey’s hooves, a ghul often conceals this evidence of its cursed nature with clothing. Some ghuls even wear full suits of armor covered with an additional layer of robes and other formal garb that completely hides their forms, claiming to be aliens from distant worlds in need of extensive environmental protections to survive.   As part of their undead rebirth, ghuls crave the flesh of sapient beings. They often lurk near funerals and battlegrounds, hoping to feed on the corpses of the young and brave, for they find the taste of healthy, virtuous flesh far superior to that of the old, sick, or sinful. Ghuls feast on the living as well, but they are cunning enough to try to limit their victims to those who won’t be easily missed.

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