Genie Species in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Djinn Djinn (singular djinni) are genies native to the Plane of Air. They build aerial domains where benevolent creatures are welcome. Most djinn are whimsical and gregarious. However, djinn oppose evil, especially efreet and those who aid them.   Djinn adopted mortal-built tech during The Gap. Some djinn even reside on the Material Plane. Such djinn like being around mortals, and many live on or near gas giants, where they can enjoy an environment akin to the Plane of Air.   A few djinn nobles can cast wish on behalf of creatures who aren’t genies. However, tradition limits granting this gift only to the worthy.   A typical djinni stands 10 feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds.   Efreeti Efreet are genies native to the Elemental Plane of Fire, where they build totalitarian, militaristic societies. Although they hate djinn and consider themselves to be a superior species, efreet do make alliances with earth genies, called shaitans, and other powerful creatures. Such unions last only until they no longer serve the efreet who made them.   Infused with magic that can alter reality, efreet take great pride in their ability to grant wishes. To do so without restraint or for personal gain is considered to be shameful among genies, however, and some genies and other outsiders, such as Aeons, seek out such power abusers for retribution. Therefore, an efreeti grants wishes for only those creatures the genie views as deserving or to which the efreeti owes a debt. Mortals who gain power over a genie can also make use of this ability; however, all genies are infamous for twisting the wishes of such masters against them, and efreet are especially devious and cruel.   An efreeti is a 12-foot-tall humanoid, weighing 2,000 pounds with a fit build. The genie’s dark horns and crimson skin occasionally give off flame and smoke. Efreet use change shape to become smaller in situations where space is a premium, such as aboard starships or space stations.   Janni With their nature split across the four elements, jann (singular janni) bear the closest resemblance to humanoids. Capable of visiting any Elemental Plane but incapable of surviving there longer than a couple of days, jann are nomadic and natural traders, ferrying goods and people among the Elemental Planes and the Material Plane. Jann magic is less potent than that of other genies, but the focus on interplanar travel allows jann to be creative in its application.   Though composed and gregarious, jann can be suspicious of others’ motivations. They are prideful, like most genies, and are quick to anger if they feel insulted. Jann also have a tradition of hospitality. They rarely turn away a creature in need, especially when that need is something as simple as shelter or sustenance. However, most jann expect reciprocation for their kindness.   A janni stands about 6 feet tall and weighs around 180 pounds.   Marid While they are powerful elemental outsiders, marids are also among the most freewheeling, fun-loving, and capricious of genies. Others among their extraplanar kin—especially efreet and shaitans—see marids as annoyingly mercurial or embarrassingly frivolous, while marids find their dour counterparts too serious or rigid.   Most marids are passionate about their pursuit of creativity and knowledge, including artistic endeavors, such as dance or storytelling, and scholarly pursuits, such as science or engineering. Curious and outgoing, they also enjoy the company of other peoples. Many travel in search of new experiences, wider audiences, and fellow philosophers; the Material Plane is a common destination, especially watery worlds or moons, such as Kalo-Mahoi.   Marids claim to rule the Plane of Water, but the truth is that they are divided into numerous nations there. Although these states rarely engage in open conflict, they work together equally as rarely. Most ruling marids, usually monarchs, are as individualistic and capricious as the genies they rule. Marid society has complex rules of hospitality, developed over eons, to rein in their worst impulses. They also have a tradition of rewarding those they find worthy. Marids are most likely to grant a wish to another romantic or visionary, but even these whimsical genies use their reality-altering power with great care.   A typical marid stands 16 feet tall and weighs 2,500 pounds.   Shaitan Shaitans are proud genies resembling giants carved from stone and gems. They hail from the Plane of Earth where they control vast corporations that vie for mineral-rich regions. They treat mortal sapient beings as, at best, valued employees. However, these genies reward industry and pay their debts.   A shaitan stands 11 feet tall and weighs 5,000 pounds.
Genie, Djinn
Genie, Efreet
Genie, Janni
Genie, Marid
Genie, Shaitan

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