The Package Report Report in Star Wars | World Anvil
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The Package Report

General Summary

We started in Arwan Station station in the Jarnollen System as the crew of the Bet'Rau Htom were picking up some medical supplies to bring to Ord Mantel . The crew was asked if they would deliver a small package on a bit more of a discreet level ('cause, you know, smugglers!) and they agreed. While the ship was being loaded, a character ( Khaffa Rae got onto the ship, apparently on the run.   After the ship's captain, Xall Hadzia had a discussion with the tag-along bounty hunter, Zetonix Cret about not letting random strangers on the ship, station security came looking for seems she had been enslaved by a Hutt on the station ('cause gambling debts) and she escaped by poisoning the hutt. After helping her character hide and convincing security personnel ( Bonbacu and Ryker where helpful here) that they hadn't seen her, they were allowed to go.   As they left, Xall began plotting their hyperspace route to Ord Mantel But of course, such calculations are complicated, especially when the ship comes under attack by space pirates!! The fight with the space pirates was a tense one as the ship was outgunned, though the pirates seemed intent on only using their ion cannon to disable the ship rather than destroy it as the bounty hunter fired the cannons and the gunslinger piloted while the captain kept making the calculations. Finally the calculations were complete and they popped off into hyperspace.   Arriving on the other side of the galaxy two weeks later, the group landed in Worlport on Ord Mantel. The medical supplies were delivered to the hospital. The box was taken to Na'aaran Hutt, the owner of a casino called Na'aan's Oasis that had placed the job and credits were handed out.

Rewards Granted

500 credits each, 3000 credits to the group pool, 15 XP

Missions/Quests Completed

Deliver the package to Na'aaran the Hutt on Ord Mantel (completed)
Into the Black
Zetonix Cret
Khaffa Rae
Xall Hadzia
Report Date
20 Jul 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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