The Package Plot in Star Wars | World Anvil
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The Package

While at Arwan Station to pick up a shipment, the crew has a little time for some R&R. They will be approached by the Toydarian in charge of the Jeruba depot on the station named Leelok who asks them to transport a single small box to Na'aaran , a Hutt that operates Na'aan's Oasis , a casino on Ord Mantel . He will initially over 5,000 credits for this task, but that can differ depending on the negotiated rates.   Legitimately, the crew is tasked with moving a shipment of medical supplies (bacta tanks and cybernetics mostly) to Darwalli Medical Center on Ord Mantel . The legitimate portion of the trade will net the characters an non-negotiable 1,000 credits profit, the rest going to the Jeruba Consortium 's coffers.



Arwan Station Ord Mantel Naa'an's Oasis
Plot type
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