Dadlum's Garage Building / Landmark in Star Wars (Cold War Era) | World Anvil
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Dadlum's Garage

Originally built as a garage to work on custom Swoop Bikes this garage bears the marks of its origins but it has taken on a much different purpose over the last year. The hydraulic lifts are permanently lifted and the wall mounted tool boxes remain, but the lifts are used to hide small crates of "supply" and the tool boxes are filled with collateral, weapons and raw materials.   The back wall is dominated by a large homebrewed chemistry set. Beakers and petri dishes sit askew, but the system runs like clockwork. Dadlum comes here during the quiet hours in the Industrial District. He converts his raw materials into unique substances that meet the needs of his customers.


The large garage door on the front of the building sets expectations that a customer could get their swoop serviced here. Some longtime customers might even remember coming here to get their bike serviced. The work done here by the former owners was impeccable.   The work done here by the current resident is also impeccable. Dadlum just provides a different service. The walls are covered with posters and peeled paint. The back of the garage looks like somebody took the best parts of a chemistry lab and threw it into a blender. Mismatched equipment and makeshift equipment belie the skill of the user.   There is also a small living quarters in the former office. Dadlum has set up a high quality entertainment center for his guard. He understands that being alone in this sensitive area could be boring and he goes out of his way to keep his cronies occupied.
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