Arcane Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Star System Epsylon | World Anvil
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Arcane Magic

Power of knowledge

"The power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces."
— Magic Definition, Online Dictionary
  The source of Arcane magic is strange and poorly understood by many people, partly because of its connection to theoretical physics, but mostly because wizards are notoriously bad at explaining things. To hear a mage explain it, Arcane magic is channeled using cerebral connections to a quantum matrix of sub-real particles that exert themselves in subhemotoba that react exponentially with higher matter. This kind of explanation is confusing, inaccurate, and only partly made up of real words. Arcane magic is actually a mental connection to a very specialized energy that exists in all things, and be used to manipulate those things in varying ways.   Because of the omnipresent nature of Arcane energies, and their relative ease of use, they are used in almost all machinery today, from computers to space ships, and weapons to ovens. While only a learned mage can use it to its fullest potential, almost anyone can pick up a weapon enchanted with Arcane magic and use it relatively well.


Arcane magic usually manifests as spells from learned wizards, but it can also be found naturally by channeling certain paraphernalia like candles, or through certain objects that have it in their nature. The most common uses of it are to power machinery like space ships or blasters.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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